( } i OA 7 {VF} k . ) Sead iN! iy. iy Site eh | ~ i“ i HS, Ip} i) wie A) i, C iy OgPy.0 A ADO es PX a , \ ; ) 6) ie 4 ay iN AU h 7 \ f y (® "i t oh oO oe Cd Rl ‘roe \ , y . Y me N ) , \ an od SS i pee) | sBINDER BATH. ceieetmimimiaeie eremetiie raee eeee eee ee eee ee ee 2 7 Sa eee PRESEN Aa < Fe SN ome nt oe, a ae Seo NI ION OS SOO 1 a eS ee NN ONS OE, Re SEN ORO OS EF = Oe ; | y j ‘at \ 1 D H 5 4 Die | | t 4 ae i HG ‘ Sat ee a St een ee eens i en ee THE BIRDS OF EUROPE. Be JOHN GOULD, F.L.S., &c. IN FIVE VOLUMES. VOL. I INSESSORES. LONDON: PRINTED BY RICHARD AND JOHN E. TAYLOR, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR, 20 BROAD STREET, GOLDEN SQUARE. 1837. tf 8 my | 1 ! } LI ST OF PLATES. VOLUME III. Norr.—As the arrangement of the Plates during the course of publication was found to be impracticable, the Numbers here given will refer to the Plates when arranged, and the work may be quoted by them. Great Tit Sombre Tit Siberian Tit _ Toupet Tit Azure Tit Blue Tit . Cole Tit . Marsh Tit Crested Tit Long-tailed Tit Bearded Tit, or Reed Bed Penduline Tit . Waxen Chatterer Black Lark* Calandra Lark Short-toed Lark Shore Lark Crested Lark . Sky Lark Wood Lark Bifasciated Lark Lark-heeled Bunting Snow Bunting Common Bunting Black-headed Bunting Yellow Bunting Yellow-breasted Banana Cirl Bunting Ortolan Bunting Rustic Bunting Lesbian Bunting Meadow Bunting Pine Bunting . Cretzschmar’s Bunting Marsh Bunting Reed Bunting Common Sparrow Tree Sparrow . Spanish Sparrow Alpine Sparrow Doubtful Sparrow Chaffinch Mountain or Bramble Finch Snow Finch Winter Finch . Common or Brown Lines INSESSORES Parus major, Linn. . a Lugo, Nate —— Sibericus, Gel. —— bicolor, Linn. naa Cause eal —— ceruleus, Linn. Tae ater, Linn. —— palustris, Linn. ——— cristatus, Linn. caudatus, Linn. Calamophilus biarmieus, Teak Aigithalus pendulinus, Vig. Bombycivora garrula, Temm. Alauda Tartarica, Pall. Calandra, Pall. —— hbrachydactyla, Temm. aaa alDecunis,, Lenn. ame CHstauan un ——— arvensis, Linn. — arborea, Linn. Certhilauda bifasciata. Plectrophanes Lapponica, Sedb. Emberiza miliaria, Linn. . —— melanocepala, Scop. — citrinella, Linn. aureola, Pall. Cirlus, Linn. hortulana, Linn. rustica, Pall. Lesbia. cia, Linn. pithyornus, Pall. cesia, Cretz. palustris, Savi. schoeniculus, Linn. Pyrgita domestica, Cwv. montana, Cuv. Hispaniolensis, Cwv. Cisalpina, Cu. petronia. Fringilla Celebs, Linn. nivalis, Linn. ? hyemalis. Linaria Cannabina, Swains. * Named erroneously in the letter-press Black and White Lark. — nivalis, Meyer. . — montifringilla, Zinn. . . 163 . 164 . 165 GG Gy . 168 G9 AO LAL Si Se lies . 174 Seon: . 176 AA AS ag . 180 UST -) 82 . 183 } 184 185 —S_ 5 USE aS eS SO 90 e191 a nar | i j : | | ! 1 ul On an Ay S: Mountain Linnet, or Twite Linaria montana, Ray. os Mealy Redpole — CMERCON a ie Lesser Redpole ——_—— minor, Ray. ws Serin Finch Serinus flavescens. : a Goldfinch ‘ : Carduelis elegans, Steph. a Siskin, or Aberdevin ——— spinus, Steph. 197 Citril Finch — citrinella. . 198 Hawfinch ; Coccothraustes vulgaris, Briss. 199 Green Grosbeak chloris, Flem. 200 Parrot Crossbill Loxia pityopsittacus, Bechst. 2 Common Crossbill — curvirostra, Linn. 202 White-winged Crossbill leucoptera, Gimel. 203 Pine Grosbeak Corythus enucleator, Cuv. 204 Siberian Grosbeak longicauda. 205 Scarlet Grosbeak Erythrospiza erythrina, Bon. 206 Rosy Grosbeak Sc. 207 Vinous Grosbeak ee githaginea. 208 Bullfinch Pyrrhula vulgaris, Temm. 209 Starling Sturnus vulgaris, Zinn. 210 ‘ Sardinian Starlmg . —- unicolor, Marm. 211 Rose-coloured Pastor Pastor roseus, Temm. 212 Nutcracker Nucifraga caryocatactes, Briss. 213 Jay Garrulus glandarius, Briss. 214 Siberian Jay ———— infaustus, Temm. 215 Magpie . : ; Pica caudata, Ray. 216 Azure-winged Magpie* Sama CYOlleds ag. 217 Alpine Chough Pyrrhocorax Pyrrhocorax, Temm. 218 Chough Fregilus graculus, Cuv. 219 Yaven : : Corvus corax, Linn. 220 Carrion Crow : corone, Linn. 221 Hooded Crow —— cornix, Linn. 2292 Jackdaw monedula, Linn. 223 Rook : : : frugilegus, Linn. 224 Great Black Woodpecker Picus martius, Linn. 225 Green Woodpecker viridis, Linn. 296 Grey-headed Green Woodpecker canus, Gimel. 297 White-rumped Woodpecker leuconotus, Bechst. 228 Great Spotted Woodpecker major, Linn. 299 Middle Spotted Woodpecker medius, Linn. 230 Lesser Spotted Woodpecker minor, Linn. 231 Three-toed Woodpecker Apternus tridactylus, Swains+. 232 Wryneck . Yunx torquilla, Linn. 233 Common Nuthatch . Sitta Europea, Linn. 234 Dalmatian Nuthatch Syriacat, Ehrenb. 235 Asiatic Nuthatch Asiatica, Temm. 236 Common Creeper Certhia familiaris, Linn. 237 Hoopoe Upupa epops, Linn. ‘ 238 Wall Creeper Tichodroma phcenicoptera, Tenn. 239 Common Cuckoo Cuculus Canorus, Linn. 240 Great Spotted Cuckoo glandarius, Linn. 24] American Cuckoo Coccyzus Americanus, Vieill. 249 * Since the completion of the work Captain S. E. Cook has informed me, that I have made one or two slight mistakes in my account of the Azure-winged Magpie, Pica cyanea i ee 3 and adds that it “is stationary in Spain, and not migratory as thought by M. Wagler. There is als istake respecting its j iti i i fi ght by agler. s also a mistake respe é 7 's, which are rare i i WaRe tee a a also a Meu especting its inhabiting willows, which are rare in Spain, and not pune ab al where this bird is most frequent.” It is “common in all the royal parks and chaces in New Castile, but is by far the most numerous in the Si i in ¢ ich it is | : ar t ‘ erra Morena some parts 3 SO ¢ é S ive i t 2 na, In some parts of which it is so abundant, as to be very destructive in the olive grounds. + Named erroneously on the Plate Picus tridactylus. t | Named erroneously Sitta rufescens. I XN ~ a eek, Xx 7 S SS z SS | oe y a S. aq pe SA 7) 3 ; al i 2 CH { @| | | ia an ib e a Bi le : Si iN | ee ih 4 {i t y | HC H 4 | | S ] | =" = | Ae | = eis = =" Bie { =a Ba | = | — | \S = i] a - = _ —-— = - —~ enn a i a — ~ — ae — = — eee rr ja) Genus PARUS. Gen. Cuar. Bill strong, short, somewhat conical, slightly compressed, sharp-pointed, and hard. Nostrils basal, round, covered with reflected bristly feathers. Feet with three toes before and one behind; the fore ones divided to their origin ; the hind toe strong and armed with a long hooked claw. Wings, the first quill of moderate length or almost obsolete ; the second shorter than the third ; the fourth and fifth longest. GREAT TIT. Parus major, Lenn. Le Mésange charbonniere. Tue Great Tit, as its name implies, is one of the largest and most typical of the native examples of the present genus ; and it is also certainly one of the most beautiful, from the contrasts of its colours, which are brilliant and decided. In its habits and manners, as well as the places it frequents, it strictly agrees with its congeners. It is distributed throughout the whole of the wooded districts of Europe, being stationary in almost every locality: in the British Islands it is certainly so. In severe winters it often leaves the hedges and fields for the warm thickets, coppices and gardens, and not unfrequently farm-yards, where it becomes bold in its endeavours to obtain a subsistence. Its summer food consists of insects and their larvee, together with the buds of trees and fruits ; to these it adds the scattered crumbs from the cottage-door, of whatever matters they may by chance consist, whether animal or vegetable, its digestive powers being apparently adapted to a great variety. On the approach of spring it becomes noisy and restless, betaking itself to the top branches of high trees, where it utters its harsh note for the day together: the note greatly resembles the noise made by the filing of a saw, or the creaking of a gate on rusty hinges. It builds a nest in the holes of decayed trees, in the crevices of walls, often in the deserted nest of a crow, a bed of cow’s hair and feathers being the receptacle of the eggs ; these vary in number from eight to fifteen, and are of a white colour spotted with reddish brown. The sexes offer but little difference of plumage, the female having less brilliancy of gloss. The head, throat, and lower part of the neck glossy black; occiput white; back olive green ; rump grey ; under parts fine yellow, with a black mesial streak ; tarsi bluish grey ; bill black. Our Plate represents the male and female of the natural size. aon ttneneteentetenenmneninmnneiemtemmmmanniaateenes — } H | 1 ] j i | | | | \" ( 2) la snatinathesbenspeamruneetestbeennarinaustenteres l.SOMBRE TIT. Parus lugubris; /WVaé./ &- SIBERIAN TIT. Parus Sibericus; (GyeZ/ Lravwn Nature £ on Sore by J hb Lf Gould: monde SOMBRE TIT. Parus lugubris, Natt. Le Mésange lugubre. We have figured on the accompanying Plate two species of Tits, nearly allied to each other in form, colour and native locality, neither of which approach the British Islands, nor even the more temperate parts of the European continent. The first is the Parus ugubris, a species that may at all times be distinguished by its greater size, exceeding, although but in a small degree, our well-known P. major: it is, however, clothed with plumage less gaudy, being entirely devoid of those contrasts of black, white, and yellow, which characterize the plumage of that species. M. Temminck informs us that the Parus lugubris is almost restricted to the European confines of the Asiatic border, and that, although pretty common in Dalmatia, it has never been observed in Austria or any part of Germany. The manners, habits and food of this species we believe to be similar to those of its British congeners ; but we have no details to offer respecting them from our own experience, nor has any author to which we have access given any particulars respecting them. The male and female are alike in plumage, and may be thus described :—The whole of the upper surface of a brownish ash colour, becoming deeper on the top of the head; the secondaries and tail-feathers slightly margined with whitish ; throat brownish black ; the cheeks and the whole of the under surface white, slightly tinted with brownish grey; beak and feet lead colour. SIBERIAN TIT. Parus Sibericus, Gmel. Le Mésange a ceinture blanche. Aurnouan the Parus Sibericus has no great attraction as regards beauty of plumage, it has in its shape and general form a more elegant and graceful contour than the P. dugubris. In size it is considerably smaller, having at the same time a longer and a graduated tail, offering, though in a slight degree, a relationship to the Long- tailed Tit, so commonly dispersed over Europe ; and we have to regret that the extreme rarity of the Siberian Tit, in Europe at least, prevents our ascertaining whether its habits and manners offer any approximation to those of the bird just referred to. M.Temminck, in his Manuel, informs us that it is an inhabitant of the most northern parts of Europe and Asia, migrating in winter to some of the provinces of Russia ; and we received from Sweden the specimens from which our figures were taken. The plumage of Parus Sibericus may be thus detailed :—The upper surface is of a deep ash colour, tinged on the back with brown ; the quills, secondaries and tail-feathers edged with white; throat black ; cheeks and upper part of the chest pure white ; under parts greyish white, washed with rufous on the flanks ; bill and tarsi lead colour. Our Plate represents these two rare species of the natural size. Sl ae ee ae ‘OU ie IE ae (Linn) PR ius bicolor: © c 4 INAH HII al 3 in IH |NNI (1 | | a MOU EREE VP. Parus bicolor, Lenn. La Mésan ge bicolore. Ture can be no doubt that the northern regions of America form the true habitat of this species; we have, however, seen specimens which were undoubtedly killed in Russia, and therefore no longer hesitate in classing it among the occasional visitants of the European continent ; nevertheless it is there extremely rare and is con- fined to the regions adjacent to the arctic circle. In the works of Wilson and Audubon its manners are described as resembling those of the other members of the genus. ‘“‘ It moves along the branches,” says the latter gentleman, ‘‘ searches in the chinks, flies to the ends of twigs, and hangs to them by its feet, whilst the bill is engaged in detaching a beech- or hazel-nut, an acorn, or a chinquapin, upon all of which it feeds, removing them to a large branch, where, having secured them in a crevice, it holds them with both feet, and breaks the shell by repeated blows of its bill. . . . It resorts to the margins of brooks to drink, and when unable to do so, obtains water by stooping from the extremity of a twig overhanging the stream; it ap- pears to prefer this latter method, and is also fond of drinking the drops of rain or dew as they hang at the extremity of the branches.” The same author also informs us that its notes, which are usually loud and mellow, are rather musical than otherwise ; that it is somewhat vicious in its disposition, and occasionally attacks and destroys smaller birds by repeated blows on the head until it breaks the skull. The nest is constructed of all kinds of warm materials, and is generally placed in the holes formed by the Downy and other species of Woodpecker, but is occasionally placed in a hole dug by the bird itself for that purpose. The eggs, which are from six to eight in number, are of a pure white, with a few red spots at the larger end. The sexes are so much alike as to be scarcely distinguishable. Forehead black; sides of the head brownish black; all the upper surface uniform grey; under surface greyish white, tinged with yellowish brown on the flanks ; bill black; irides dark brown ; feet lead colour. We have figured an adult of the natural size. ee setae ee | | TINY UN i { | Syala = |anim =o = — | = “ | = NIB Ba = 1 =a } =F i = {| , I AZURE TIT. Parus cyanus, Pall. Le Mésange azurée. Turis beautiful little Tit is a native of Siberia, whence it frequently strays into the northern parts of Europe, such as Russia and Poland, and it has been known to penetrate so far south as Germany. Like the rest of its family it dwells in woods and forests, generally in the most retired parts; it is not so much to be wondered at, therefore, that its history is shrouded in obscurity, when we consider how little intercourse naturalists have hitherto had with the remote countries which it inhabits. Were we allowed to judge from analogy, we might very reasonably conclude that its manners and its disposition are in strict unison with those of its near relative the Blue Tit (Parus ceruleus) of England. For the specimens from which our figures were taken, and which we believe to be the only examples in England, we are indebted to the liberality of the directors of the Royal Museum of Berlin. Like the rest of its race, the sexes of the Azure Tit offer little or no difference in the colouring of the plumage. Nothing is at present known respecting its nest or eggs. The forehead, throat, and breast are white; a band of deep blue extends from the eye round the back part of the head; the back and rump are fine blue grey; the tail-feathers fine deep blue with white tips, and the outer one on each side wholly white; the wings deep blue, the secondaries largely tipped with white; a band of the same colour crosses near the shoulders; primaries grey, brown on their inner webs and white on the outer; feet and bill lead colour. The Plate represents a male and female, of the natural size. A | | ee een, ll ee ene ee (LiwH Parus ceeruleus TIEN HATA 3| 4 nu 2 Iti ul I BLUE TIT. Parus coeruleus, Lenn. La Mesange bleue. Few birds can be more familiar to our readers than the Blue Tit, the habits and manners of which every one must have repeatedly noticed, since of all the species it is the most common in our gardens and around the precincts of our habitations, and it is exceeded by none in its sprightly actions and in the address and activity with which it searches the extremities and shoots of trees in quest of its insect food. The mischief it does to the tender buds of trees, in stripping off their envelopes, has rendered it very obnoxious to the gardener, although doubtless the benefit it confers by the destruction of insects more than compensates for the injury. Like the rest of the British Tits, it is a permanent resident in our island, braving the severity of our hardest winters, against which it is peculiarly defended by the full downy plumage which invests the whole of the body. On the approach of spring its simple note may be heard in our woods and gardens, which is a true sign that its pairing-season has already commenced, and that the mated birds are preparing for the task of incubation. The situation chosen for the nest varies according to circumstances ; most frequently it is in the hole of a tree, the chinks of a wall, and even the interstices of old posts or palings ; it is generally constructed of moss lined with feathers and hair: the eggs are white, speckled with dark red. The young assume the colouring of the adults at an early age, and quickly follow their parents in their assiduous search after insects and their larve. The family group keep united until autumn at least, when they all separate, going in winter in single pairs, or passing the colder mouths singly or in company with other small birds. The sexes are so closely alike in colouring as to offer no decided difference ; the tints of a male are, perhaps, somewhat the brightest. On the Continent they are widely distributed, and exhibit the same habits and manners that they are ob- served to do in the British Islands. The top of the head is fine coerulean blue ; the forehead, stripe over the eye, and cheeks white; a black stripe passes from the bill, through the eye and surrounds the white of the cheeks ; the upper surface is delicate olive green ; the wings and tail blue, the secondaries being slightly tipped with white, and the pri- maries dark brown ; the whole of the under surface yellowish green ; tarsi and bill blueish lead colour. The Plate represents a male and female of the natural size. ee eee le eee i | | | } Linn: / ALAC [AIRS H us palustris. / sy z Va a [ / / q 4G | : (L, C ater daTuUs P Tarlenamndet Lined by ( i (00 par UNI LONNN 5 COLE TIT. Parus ater, Linn. La Mésange petit charbonniere. Tus Cole Tit appears to give a preference to woods of birch, oak, and pine, in hilly and mountain districts ; nevertheless, it frequents, in tolerable abundance, hedgerows, shrubberries, and gardens, over nearly every portion of Europe. In its habits and manners it is remarkably quick and active, searching with great assiduity among the twigs and buds of trees for insects and their larvae, upon which it feeds, while every action is animated and sprightly. It braves with indifference not only our severest winters, but even those of the northern portion of the Continent. Its nest is placed indifferently according to circumstances, being sometimes formed in the hole of a decayed tree or old wall, and at others on the ground: it is composed of moss and wool, generally lined with hair. The eggs are from six to ten in number, of a pure white, sparingly dotted with reddish brown. The sexes offer little or no difference in their plumage, and the young assume at an early period the colouring of maturity. The top and sides of the head are black; a white mark occupies the occiput; throat black; sides of the face white; upper surface grey, with a slight tinge of brown; wings and tail brownish black, the former having two transverse bands of white; flanks and under-surface white slightly tinged with rusty brown; bill black ; tarsi lead-colour ; irides hazel. MARSH TIT. Parus palustris, Lann. La Mésange nonnette. Tur Marsh Tit is slightly superior to the Cole Tit in size, and differs from it also m the situations it frequents, giving the preference to low tracts of land, covered with thickets, in the neighbourhood of swamps and marshes ; it is also found in orchards, gardens, and similar localities. It appears to be more abundant in Holland than in any other country; it is, however, very generally spread, and is found in very high northern latitudes. In England it is as equally diffused as the rest of the genus, and is as active and sprightly in its habits, prying in search of food with the same dexterity and adroitness. It constructs its nest in the holes of trees, and lays from ten to twelve eggs, of a white colour, dotted with reddish brown spots. It may be observed that the Marsh Tit and the Cole Tit often associate together during winter, and it not untre- quently happens that the Crested Wren and other small birds join their company. The sexes offer no distinction, except that the colours of the female are more obscure. In the male the top of the head and back of the neck are deep black ; the upper surface, wings, and tail are greyish brown, the latter bemg somewhat the darkest ; breast black ; cheeks and throat white; the under surface white, clouded with dusky brown; bill black; legs lead-colour ; irides dark hazel. The upper bird in our Plate represents the Cole Tit, the lower the Marsh Tit, both of the natural size. | H | | } | | tenentiaind aetna tie eee ee 3 MLL 4 gu) I : i am UTT]EFTI| NNT CRESTED TIT. Parus cristatus, Lann. La Mesange huppée. In our attempts to discover this interesting species of Tit in this country we have been unfortunately disap- pointed, notwithstanding every work which has hitherto been published on British Ornithology has enumerated it as one of our indigenous birds. In his work on British Birds, Mr. Selby states that he has been informed by Sir W. Jardine that the Crested Tit has been found in some plantations near Glasgow, where it annually breeds. Upon the testimony of this distinguished naturalist, we feel ourselves bound to agree in the propriety of its admission into the list of our native Fauna, hoping that at no distant day we shall receive further infor- mation on the subject. Rare as it is with us, it is very common in some parts of Europe, bemg abundant in the pine forests of all its northern regions, and especially where juniper trees are plentiful. M.'Temminck, however, assures us that it is scarce in Holland: we know it to be common in Germany, France, and the Alpine regions. In habits and manners it resembles the rest of the smaller Tits, feeding on insects, berries, and the seeds of evergreens. M. Temminck says it builds its nest in the holes of trees or walls, or in the abandoned dreys of Squirrels and Pies. The eggs are as many as ten in number, of a white colour, marked on the larger end with spots of blood red. The sexes offer no external difference in plumage. The head is furnished with a beautiful crest, capable of erection, consisting of long white feathers, having their centres black ; the cheeks and sides of the neck white, bounded before by a band, which passes from the throat to the sides of the neck, and behind by a similar band passing from the back of the head in the same direction; the ear-coverts are also bounded by a narrow line of black ; the general plumage above is delicate brown, and below white, slightly tinged with brown. The Plate represents a male of the natural size. ST, Se = TG d - Parus caudatus. Ve N\ A LO] Lunn./ J LTV A op C Lu i HUI 3 gai AY UNIAN IU 5 4 2 LONG-TAILED TIT. Parus caudatus, Lann. Le Mésange a longue queue. INDEPENDENTLY of the deviation from the form of the rest of the genus which this little Tit exhibits, its habits, mode of nidification, and food, also tend to place it in an isolated situation, and it is questionable whether it might not be with justice considered as the type of a new and distinct genus. Few persons who have been accustomed to observe the habits of our native birds can have failed to be struck with the peculiar actions of this bird, which is continually wandering from tree to tree and hedge- row to hedgerow, diligently traversing every branch in quest of insects and their larve, which constitute almost its sole food: these peregrinations appear to be repeated day after day over a given circuit, and it often happens that at the same hour, on several successive days, they may be found at the same place ; during the breeding and summer seasons there is, however, an exception to this general rule, which leads us to suspect that these wandering parties consist of the broods of single nests which continue to associate together till the following summer causes them to separate into pairs for the purpose of breeding. Noted as birds of this genus are for their active and restless habits, the Long-tailed Tit is conspicuous among them as being the most agile and expert ; clinging in every possible attitude to the branches with the utmost ease, and prying into every bud and crevice, even along the under sides of the twigs, with the strictest scrutiny. Among the nests of our British birds, that of the Long-tailed Tit is pre-eminent for beauty and the ingenuity displayed in its structure : in form it is oval, and domed over at the top, and is generally fixed in the forked branches of a low tree or tall bush in a dense hedgerow ; it is composed externally of moss, lichen, fibres, and wool, admirably interwoven together, and is lined internally with feathers: in this secure and warm receptacle, the female lays her eggs to the number of twelve or twenty, white in their colour, with obscure reddish spots at the larger end. Though not a songster, this interesting bird utters during the season of love a few simple, twittering notes ; but these cease with the summer, a chirping call being its only note during the rest of the year. Its flight from tree to tree is tolerably rapid, but cannot be maintained for any distance. The top of the head is white; a black mark passes through each eye to the occiput, and joining there with that of the opposite side, runs in a broad streak down the back, passing off at the edges into a rose red, which is the tint of the upper surface ; the quills are black ; the secondaries edged with white ; cheeks and throat greyish white, under parts pinky grey; tail long and graduated, the four middle feathers black, the two next tipped with white, the rest with the outer webs white also; beak and tarsi black. The female does not differ from her mate in colouring. We have figured a pair of the natural size. _— | oF it ' 1 } j t i | | i eter, le cen eee ee ee ere ' | } | | / Linn J blarmicus, arus | ) I | I (Lietch/ ( alamophilus 5 HT) IUTTHTTT 3] 4 2 gc UTNYTTTT} NN ont » Genus CALAMOPHILUS, Leach. Gry. Cuar. Beak nearly as in the genus Parus, but the upper mandible at its up is some- what curved. Tacl elongated, wedge-shaped. Legs very slender. BEARDED TIT or REED BIRD. Calamophilus biarmicus, Leach. La Mesan ge moustache. Dr. Leacu was induced to separate this very interesting and elegant bird from the genus Parws, in consequence of its differing in several minor characters from the other species of that genus, particularly in the situation it affects as a place of abode and nidification ; constructing a nest on or near the ground in wet and marshy places : its food is also very different, consisting of the seeds of reeds, with aquatic sects and minute shelled- snails, for the trituration of which it is furnished with a strong muscular gizzard. It inhabits England as well as most of the temperate countries of Europe, but is more particularly abundant in the low and marshy districts of Holland, France and Germany. Its disposition is timid, and its manners shy and retired, dwelling in situations both local and difficult of access ; a circumstance which, until lately, has prevented naturalists from giving any minute details respecting its peculiar habits. We are indebted to Mr. Hoy, an intelligent observer of nature, for the best account of this bird yet published, from which, as given in “‘ The Magazine of Natural History,” vol. 3. p. 328, we take the liberty of making the following extract. ‘« The borders,” says Mr. Hoy, “‘ of the large pieces of fresh water in Norfolk called Broads, particularly Hickling and Horsey Broads, are the favourite places of resort of this bird; indeed it is to be met with in that neighbourhood wherever there are reeds in any quantity, with fenny land adjoming. During the autumn and winter they are found dispersed, generally in small parties, throughout the whole length of the Suffolk coast, wherever there are large tracts of reeds. I have found them numerous, in the breeding season, on the skirts of Whittlesea, near Huntingdonshire, and they are not uncommon in the fenny district of Lincolnshire ; whether they are to be met with further north I have had no means of ascertaining, but they do not appear to have been noticed north of the Humber. It begins building in the end of April. The nest is composed on the outside of the dead leaves of the reed and sedge intermixed with a few pieces of grass, and invariably lined with the top of the reed, somewhat in the manner of the nest of the Reed Wren (S. arundinacea, L.), but not so compact in the interior. It is generally placed in a tuft of coarse grass or rushes near the ground, on the margin of the dikes, in the fen ; sometimes fixed among the reeds that are broken down, but never suspended between the stems. The eggs vary in number from four to six, rarely seven, pure white, sprinkled all over with small purplish red spots, intermixed with a few small faint lines and markings of the same colour ; size about the same as that of the Greater Tit, but much more rounded and shorter. Their food during the winter is principally the seed of the reed; and so intent are they in searching for it, that I have taken them with a birdlime twig attached to the end of a fishing-rod. When alarmed by any sudden noise, or the passing of a hawk, they utter their shrill musical notes and conceal themselves among the thick bottom of the reeds, but soon resume their station, climbing the upright stems with the greatest facility. Their manners in feeding approach near to the Long-tailed Tit, often hanging with the head downwards, and occasionally assuming the most beautiful attitudes. Their food is not entirely the reed-seed, but insects and their larvae, and the very young shelled-snails of different kinds, which are numerous in the bottom of the reedlings. [have been enabled to watch their motions when in search of insects, having, when there has been a little wind stirring, been often within a few feet of them, quite unnoticed, among the thick reeds. Was it not for their note betraying them, they would be but seldom seen. The young, until the autumn moult, vary 1 plumage from the old birds ; a stripe of blackish feathers extends from the hind part of the neck to the rump. It has been said that the males and females keep separate during the winter; but I have always observed them in company; they appear to keep in families until the pairing time, in the manner of the Long-tailed Tit ; differing in this respect, that you will occasionally find them congregated in large flocks, more particularly during the month of October, when they are migrating from their breeding-places.” To this interesting account we may add, that they are to be met with occasionally on the banks of the Thames, from the thick reed-beds of Erith in Kent throughout the course of the river to Oxford; but their visits are by no means regular, or to be calculated on with certainty. The total length of the male Bearded Tit is about six inches; the beak orange, the upper mandible longer and overhanging the under ; irides yellow; feet black ; crown of the head, nape, and cheeks delicate ash colour; between the base of the beak and the eyes is a black mark, which proceeds down the side of each cheek, and terminates in a fine and lengthened moustache ; throat white ; breast vinous grey; the sides of the breast, the back, and the four middle tail-feathers fine reddish orange ; primaries brown externally, edged with white ; secondaries the same colour as the back, with a black longitudinal stripe; vent black ; tail graduated, and about three inches in length. The female is rather less than the male, of a more uniform ferruginous colour, with a few dashes of black on the upper part of the neck and back, and has a faint yellowish white instead of a black moustache. We have figured a male and female of the natural size. __ = | oF it ht 1 j j L oa 1 ee YX Zi) ISN) PE | 5 =H — % a Genus COCCOTHRAUSTES, Briss. ; 4 ; ; Gun. Cuar. Beak very stout, swollen, thick ; the upper mandible straight, entire. HAWFINCH. Coccothraustes vulgaris, Bross. Le Gros-bec. Tus Hawfinch appears to have an extensive range through the countries of Europe, especially its midland districts. In the British Isles it has until lately been regarded as a bird of considerable rarity, and principally as a winter visitor. Of late years it has certainly been more common, and we are inclined to suspect that this will be found to support an opinion we have long since formed, that certain birds which have for a number of years been scarce, suddenly become numerous and continue so for an indefinite period, when they again retire and are as scarce as before. It is not in the present bird alone that we have observed this singular phenomenon ; we may instance for example the Godwits, of which the Black-tailed species, a few years ago, was so abundant in the London market as entirely to exclude the Bar-tailed, which has now taken the place of the former. Our much-esteemed friend Mr. Henry Doubleday, of Epping, has by his ardent research in British Ornithology made us better acquainted with the history of this bird than any other person. ? ‘The Hawfinch,” says he, ‘fis not migratory, but remains with us during the whole of the year:” and he assigns as a reason for its not being more frequently discovered, the fact of ‘its shy and retiring habits leading it to choose the most secluded places in the thickest and more remote parts of woods and forests ; and, when disturbed, it invariably perches on the topmost branch of the highest tree in the neighbourhood.” Epping Forest, where Mr. Doubleday discovered it breeding in considerable abundance, affords, from its solitude, a place at once congenial to its habits and retiring disposition. We have known the Hawfinch to breed at Windsor, and a few other places; but certainly nowhere so abundant as on the estate of W. Wells, Esq., at Redleaf, near Penshurst, Kent, who lately informed us that he has, with the aid of a small telescope, counted eighteen at one time on his lawn. M. Temminck informs us that it evinces a partiality to mountainous districts, and that it is a bird of periodical passage in France, but irregularly so in Holland. Its food consists of berries, seeds, and the kernels of stone-fruits, for the breaking of which its strong beak and the powerful muscles of the jaws are expressly adapted. In winter, its principal subsistence is the Haw, whence its common appellation. According to Mr. Doubleday, this bird breeds in May and June; in some instances in bushy trees at the height of five or six feet, and in others near the top of firs, at an elevation of twenty or thirty feet; the nest is remarkably shallow and carelessly put together, being scarcely deeper than that of the Dove; in materials it resembles that of the Bullfinch, but it is by no means to be compared to it in neatness and com- pactness of construction ; it is chiefly formed of sticks, interspersed with pieces of white lichens from the bark of trees, and is loosely lined with roots: the eggs are from four to six in number, of a pale greenish white, varying in intensity, spotted and streaked with greenish grey and brown. The young birds before the moult, exhibit considerable difference in plumage from the adult : the throat, cheeks and head being of a dull yellowish colour with the under parts white, the flanks marked with small streaks of brown, and the general plumage of the upper parts being spotted with dirty yellow. In the male, the beak and feet in winter are of a delicate flesh brown, the former becoming in summer of a clear leaden blue, the ends straw-colour, and in some instances white; the top of the head, the cheeks and rump of a chestnut brown ; a narrow circle round the beak, and a broad patch on the throat are black ; back of the neck ash-coloured ; mantle and shoulders deep brown ; the quills and secondaries, which latter appear as if cut off abruptly at their ends, are of a deep black with purple and violet reflections ; most of the greater and the last row of the lesser wing-coverts are white, so as to produce a large central mark ; the outer tail- feathers are blackish brown, the middle ones white on their outer and brown on their inner edges ; the under parts of a light vinous red. The female has the plumage of a paler hue, the white of the wing being more dull, the head more dusky, and the under parts less pure. We have figured a male and female of their natural size. ee ' / { | 1a iS te l } ( occothra GREEN GROSBEAK. Coccothraustes chloris, Elem. Le Gros-bec verdier. Tur Green Grosbeak is abundantly dispersed over the whole of Europe, where it is strictly indigenous, and as far as our observation has gone is nowhere migratory. Its natural habits lead it to frequent orchards, shrubberies and cultivated lands, and it is one of the most familiar and docile of our outspread wings and tail during flight attracting the gardens, native birds ; its eye with colours which are scarcely surpassed in beauty by any one of the Fringilide. When spring has clothed the vegetable world with foliage, the Green Gros- beak constructs its nest on a branch in the most leafy part of shrubs or hedgerows, often at a considerable distance from the ground, the nest being generally composed of leaves, moss, grass and small twigs, lined with wool, hair and a few feathers. The eggs are four or five in number, of a pale blueish white, speckled at the larger end with reddish brown. The young are distinguished from the adult during the greater part of the first autumn by the strong oblong dashes of brown which pervade the breast and under surface. This particular feature, together with the robust bill, short tail, and bulky body, characterizes it as a true Gros- beak (Coccothraustes), at the extreme limits of which genus we consider this bird should be placed, where it would appear to form a union with the true species of Mringilla as restricted by authors of the present day. At the commencement of autumn the Green Grosbeak assembles in considerable numbers, with Chaffinches and Buntings, and being driven by the severities of the season from fields and gardens, retires to farm-yards, where a bountiful supply of grain yields it a subsistence. The male differs from the female in having the plumage more brilliant, and by rather exceeding her, in size. The male has the whole of the upper surface of a bright olive-green, passing into yellow ; the quills blackish grey with their outer webs bright gamboge yellow; the tail-feathers, with the exception of the two middle ones, which are grey margined with light yellow, and their exterior edges, which are greyish brown, are of the same fine gamboge yellow as the wings ; under parts greenish, passing into sulphurous yellow ; legs brown; bill white with a tinge of pink. Our Plate represents the adult male, and young bird of the first autumn, of the natural size. pg | | | | i | | | i | Genus LOXIA. i Gen. Coar. Beak moderate, strong, compressed, the two mandibles equally curved, hooked, and crossing each other at their tips. Nostri/s basal, round, concealed, under hairs directed forwards. Toes three before and one behind, the former divided. Wines eG : So) moderate, the first quill-feather longest. Taz/ forked. PARROT CROSSBILL. Loxia pityopsittacus, Bechst. Le Bec-croisé perroquet. Tue Crossbills, although evidently allied in their general habits to the Pine Grosbeak (Corythus enucleator, Cuv.), exhibit many circumstances in their general ceconomy which are as yet far from being satisfactorily yy s s) s bs understood. The rigorous climate of the regions they frequent, and the deep seclusion of the pine groves where they find food and shelter, alike prohibit the naturalist from minutely inspecting them throughout every portion of the year: hence, though it is well known that the plumage of every species undergoes singular dl contrasted changes, still it is yet a matter of doubt whether these changes are the result of a double moult, or produced by a change of colour in the feathers themselves from one tint to another, the moult being but single. Capable of bearing extreme cold, it is only in the highest northern latitudes that they breed in spring or summer, building their nests and breeding in our temperate latitudes in the inclement season of winter, and returning, as spring comes on, to their retreats within the arctic circle. Of this genus the Parrot Crossbill is one of the rarest. In England it has been taken so seldom, as scarcely to claim a place among our accidental visiters. In Poland, Russia and Germany it is a bird of passage, being spread throughout the pine forests in winter, and returning northwards with the return of spring. In France and Holland its visits are accidental. The Parrot Crossbill may be considered as the type of the limited genus to which it belongs,—a genus at once distinguished by the singular formation of the beak, the curved mandibles of which cross each other so as to produce an appearance of having been unnaturally distorted. This mode of construction, however, is a wise provision of nature, for the purpose of enabling the bird to separate the hard scales of the fir-cones covering the seeds which constitute its principal subsistence. These seeds it obtains by bringing the points of the mandibles from their crossed position and placing them in apposition. The points thus brought together are insinuated between the scale and the body of the fir-cone, and the mandibles are then separated by a powerful muscular lateral effort. The seed is at the base of the inner side of the scale, and is removed by the hard tongue of the bird while the scale is held apart from the cone. In the present species the bill is strong, large at its base, and much crooked ; in the other species its structure is more slight and the curve of the mandibles less decided. According to M. Temminck, the colouring of the male in its adult state consists principally of greyish olive; the cheeks, throat and sides of the neck ash-coloured ; on the head there is a number of brown dashes bordered with dull greenish ; the rump is yellowish green, as are also the breast and under parts, but with a shade of grey; the sides are dashed with blotches of dark grey; quill- and tail-feathers dark brown edged with greenish ; irides and tarsi brown ; beak dark horn colour. The young males of the year are greenish brown with dashes of brown on the head and back ; the under parts whitish grey with longitudinal spots of brown ; rump and tail-coverts tinged with green. After the first moult, to the age of a year, the plumage exhibits a singular change, being of a beautiful crimson red, more or less pure, as M. Temminck states, according as the individual approximates to the period of the second moult, which occurs in April or May, when the quills and tail-feathers are black edged with reddish. It is however, we suspect, still doubtful whether this state of plumage is indeed that of winter or of an immature condition : if so, it is not a little remarkable that in this respect the birds of this genus should form an exception to the general rule which gives the richest hues to maturity and the season of love. The female differs little from the plain-coloured young males of the year. The upper parts are greenish grey with dashes of brown ; the rump yellowish ; the under parts ashy with a slight tinge of green passing into white towards the vent and under tail-coverts. The figures in the Plate are of the natural size, and represent the variations in colour common to this species. ee ee ee COMMON CROSSBILKE,. Loxia curvirostra, Linn. La Bee croisé commun, ou des Pines, Ss Aurnouen the Common Crossbill frequently visits our island in large numbers at opposite seasons of the year, it can scarcely be considered as a permanent resident ; a few isolated Instances, it is true, are on record of its having bred with us, but its natural habitat is undoubtedly the high northern regions of the old continent. Mr. Selby informs us that in the year 1821 immense flocks visited this kingdom and scattered themselves among the woods and plantations, particularly where fir-trees were abundant. “Their first appearance was early in June, and the greater part of the flocks seemed to consist of females and the young of the year (the males possessing the red plumage assumed from the first moult to the end of that year). Many of the females I killed showed plainly, from the denuded state of their breasts, that they had been engaged in incubation some time previous to their arrival ; which circumstance agrees with the account given of the early period at which they breed in the higher latitudes. Since this period Crossbills have repeatedly visited us, but never in such numbers as in 1821.” We may here observe that in the minds of many naturalists some doubts still exist, and until lately in our own, as to whether the rich rosy red colouring assumed by this bird is characteristic of the breeding-season or the permanent livery of the adult male. During our recent visit to Vienna, we had an opportunity of ob- serving both sexes in every stage, an examination of which afforded us abundant proofs that the red plumage is acquired during the first autumn, for we saw many lately fledged that had their plumage thickly spotted ; others, that had partially lost their spotted appearance, and had partly assumed the red colouring ; and others that had their feathers entirely tinted of this colour: while the adults were, as most ornithologists have stated, characterized by a plumage of olive green, which appears to be permanent. In the bird-market of Vienna multitudes of Crossbills are exposed for sale, with Swallows, Martins, and many others of the smaller birds, for the purposes of the table: of these the Crossbill appeared to be especially in request, doubtless from its superiority of size, and from the nature of its food rendering its flesh both sweet and well tasted, to the truth of which we ourselves can bear testimony. The nest of the Crossbill is placed in the fork of the topmost branches of the fir and other trees, and is composed of moss and lichens, generally lined with feathers: the eggs are four or five in number, of a greyish white marked at the larger end with irregular patches of bright blood red, the remainder minutely speckled with the same colour. Its note is a kind of twitter, uttered while occupied in extracting the seed from the fir cone which constitutes its principal food, and for obtaining which its bill is expressly adapted. The fruit of the orchard is sometimes attacked by this bird, when they commit considerable devastation among the apples and pears by splitting them asunder for the sake of the seeds within. Among the branches it is ex- tremely active and agile, clinging in every possible direction by means of its bill and claws, like the members of the genus Pszttacus. Of all the small birds, the Crossbill seems to be the least distrustful of man, and when flocks arrive in our island it is well known that numbers are taken by means of a birdlimed twig, attached to the end of a fishing- rod placed across their back. The green plumage referred to above resembles so closely that of the adult Parrot Crossbill, that any lengthened description will be unnecessary; nor, after what has been said above, do we consider it requisite to give any further account of the young. Our Plate represents an adult and a young bird of the year, of the natural size. HITE WINGED CROSS B lena Loxia leucoptera; Ab6mell / WHITE-WINGED CROSSBILL. Loxia leucoptera, Gmel. Turs interesting species is considered to be entitled to a place in our catalogue of British Birds, a specimen having been shot within two miles of Belfast, in the month of January 1802, which circumstance stands recorded in the Transactions of the Linnean Society. We are not aware that any other instance of the occurrence of this species has been noticed in this country, and M. Temminck has not included it in his Manual of the Birds of Europe. We are indebted for all we shall have it in our power to say of this species, to the various authors who have supplied us with histories of the ornithological treasures of North America, over nearly the whole of which vast continent it ranges during the summer; and it is therefore extraordinary that it should not have been found oftener in the analogous climates of the old continent. ‘* We can trace the White-winged Crossbill,” says the Prince of Musignano, in his scientific continuation of Wilson’s valuable work, ‘‘ from Labrador westward, to Fort de la Fourche, in latitude 56°, the borders of Peace River, and Montague Island on the north-west coast, where it was found by Dixon. Round Hudson’s Bay it is common and well known. It is common also on the borders of Lake Ontario, and descends in autumn and winter into Canada, and the northern and middle States.” Dr. Richardson found this bird inhabiting the dense white-spruce forests of the fur-countries, feeding principally on the seeds of the cones. It probably ranges as far as the 68" parallel, where the woods terminate, though it was not observed higher than the 62°*. In the countries where they pass the summer, they are seldom observed elsewhere than in pine swamps and forests, feeding almost exclusively on the seeds of these trees, and a few berries. They build their nest on the limb of a pine, towards the centre ; it is com- posed of grasses and earth, and lined with feathers. The female lays five eggs, which are white, with yellowish spots. The young leave their nest in June, and are soon able to join their parents in their autumnal migrations. In September they collect in small flocks, and fly from tree to tree, making a chattering noise, aud in winter they retire to the thickest woods of the interior. Like the other species of this genus, the subject of our Plate is liable to many changes of plumage which are not yet perfectly understood, every flock containing specimens of great variety of colours, from the general green appearance of the females, to the buff orange tinge which is by some considered to be characteristic of the adult male. Very young males before assuming the red at the age of one year, exactly resemble the females ; being only more inclined to grey, and less tinged with olive, and having the rump greenish yellow. The male in his second year has the general plumage crimson red, the base of each feather darker, approaching to black on the head, round the eye and on the forehead ; the rump a beautiful rose red. The adult male differs from the preceding, in having a light buff orange tinge where the other is crimson ; pale beneath ; wings and tail deep black; the tye bars on the wings, the edges of the quills and tail-feathers being very conspicuous and pure white. In this state the bird is rare. In the female the general tint is a greyish olive, the base of each feather slate colour, and the centre black, giving the bird a streaked appearance ; the rump pale lemon colour ; neck, throat and breast yellowish olive erey, the lower part of the belly also patched with black; wings and tail brownish blacks; middle and long coverts of the former broadly tipped with white, forming a double band across, so conspicuous as to afford the most obvious distinguishing character of the species ; all the quills are slightly edged paler ; irides hazel ; bill dark horn colour; legs nearly black. We have figured a male and female. cpeetainechaiie i Lak oe ee NULL TT o1] 213 a Genus CORYTHUS, Cuwv. Gen. Cuar. Beak short, hard, thick, rounded in every part and slightly hooked at the point We. aS ay L is . e ; Nostrils basal, lateral and rounded, covered with thickly set hair-like feathers. Tursj short. Toes entirely divided. Wings more lengthened than in the genus Pyrrhula Tal moderate and slightly forked. PINE GROSBEAK. Corythus eneucleator, Cuwv. Le Bouvreuil durbec. Tue Pine Grosbeak, hitherto classed among the Bullfinches, has been separated by Cuvier and advanced to the rank of a genus under the name of Corythus, which, as will be readily perceived, has characters sufficiently strong to warrant its legitimacy. The situation which this genus appears to hold is that of the connecting link between Lowa on the one hand and Pyrrhula on the other; agreeing with the former in its place of resort, habits, manners and style of colouring, and with the latter in the short and rounded beak.— The Pine Grosbeak, though not strictly a native of Great Britain, has been several times killed in our Island. Its true habitat appears to be within the Arctic Circle of both Continents, and we know it to be abundant in Norway, Sweden and Russia, inhabiting the secluded recesses of the almost untrodden pine forests of those countries, where it feeds upon the seeds of pine cones, as well as various kinds of other seeds and wild alpine berries. In the more southern provinces of Europe it appears to be merely an accidental visitor, and is rarely met with even in the North of Germany. In another point also we trace a similarity between this bird and the Crossbill 3—viz., in the changes which its plumage undergoes, passing, according to the seasons, from greenish yellow to a scarlet more or less pure. In the annexed Plate we have given a figure of the male and female in what we consider to be their adult plumage : on this point, however, we differ from M. Temminck, whose description we take the liberty of transcribing. ‘* The livery of the adult and aged male : “Head, throat, and upper part of the neck of an orange red, becoming lighter on the fore-part of the neck ; the breast and underparts of an orange-yellow; the feathers of the back, scapulars and rump, of a blackish brown in the middle with a large border of orange-yellow ; wings and tail black, the former having two transverse white bands; all the secondary feathers bordered with white; quill- and tail-feathers edged slightly with orange ; length seven inches nine lines. ‘‘ The male after its first moult, till a year old: ‘‘ Head, neck, throat, breast, part of the belly and rump, of a crimson red, the more strong and brilliant as the individual approaches its second moult. Feathers of the back and scapulars black in the middle, with a large border of crimson-red ; sides, belly, and lower tail-coverts ash-coloured ; two roseate bands cross the wings, and the secondary feathers are largely bordered with the same colour: the quill- and tail-feathers are all edged with light red. ‘* Adult and young female : “The females of the year have only the top of the head and the rump reddish ; when adult, they have those parts of a brown strongly tinged with orange, the back of the neck and cheeks edged with the same colour ; the back and scapulars ashy brown; the under parts ash-coloured with a slight tinge of orange; the wings have two bands of greyish white ; all the wing-feathers edged with greenish orange.” Young (females) are more obscure in their colouring. The nest is built on trees at a short distance from the ground; the eggs are white, without spots, and four or five in number.—We have figured a male and female of their natural size. =—Tah) > She | | | | | SIBERIAN GROSBEAK. Cory th us longicau da. Le Bouvreuil a longue queue. On comparing our specimens of this bird with others of the Pine Grosbeak, which is the type of the genus Corythus, we could not but observe that it offers a closer alliance to this peculiar form than to that of any other to which it has hitherto been assigned; we have therefore, although ever averse to multiplying the names of a species, judged it best to place it in the group to which it appears to us most nearly allied : it is true that the greater length of the tail in this species is not in strict accordance with the characters of Cory- thus, but this would seem to be the only point of difference. The Siberian Grosbeak is found in the same localities as the Pme Grosbeak, namely, most of the high northern regions of the old Continent, and particularly Siberia, where, as M. Temminck states, it is extremely abundant. Jn winter it migrates to the more southern parts of Russia and Hungary. In its general economy it resembles the Pine Grosbeak, and its food is said to consist of wild berries, the buds of trees, and other vegetable matters. Of its nidification no certain information has been recorded. As our Plate will show, the sexes are distinguished by the male being clothed in a richer-coloured dress than that of the female; but a still further knowledge of this rare bird is requisite to enable us fully to under- stand its various changes. The male is characterized by having a red mark round the bill; the top of the head, cheeks, and throat clear rose red ; chest, belly, and rump inclining to crimson ; feathers of the back reddish brown in the centre bordered with red ; lesser wing-coverts and edges of the secondaries white ; primaries dark brown, with the edges lighter ; the three lateral feathers of the tail white, the others black bordered with light rose colour ; beak and feet brown. It would appear from M. Temminck’s statement that it undergoes a partial change of plumage at the autumnal moult, being then of a much lighter tint, and having all the feathers bordered with whitish. We have seen specimens in this state which strictly agree with M. ‘Temminck’s description. The general plumage of the female is of a clear olive, with the exception of the wings and tail, which are like those of the male. As the specimen which we have figured from, and considered a female, is much more grey in its plumage and has several spots of blackish brown, we have reason to expect that it may be a bird not arrived at maturity. The Plate represents a male and female of the natural size. | | | eS aL 2) S c ATR Tl Ne a ( or IR ( Erythrospiza erythrina; (Zonagarte/ SCARLET GROSBEAK. Erythrospiza erythrina, Bonaparte. Le Bouvreuil Pallas. Havine adopted the genus Hrythrospiza as established by the Prince of Musignano, we feel convinced that the present bird will form one of this well-marked group, the members of which appear to be so widely distributed. The Scarlet Grosbeak must not be confounded with the Pring?lla purpurea of Wilson, a bird to which it bears a resemblance both in habits and in style of colouring. A close examination of the two species will, however, at once satisfy the ornithologist as it respects their non-identity ; and we would further remark, that the present bird appears to be strictly confined to the Old World, while the Prngilla purpurea is in like manner restricted to the American continent. The Scarlet Grosbeak is one of those European birds which are obtained with great difficulty, and of which very few specimens exist in our museums ; indeed, except our own, which came from Russia, we know of none in the public or private collections of Great Britain; yet it is a species far from being uncommon in high northern latitudes, and in some parts of Russia, where, according to M. Temminck, it habitually frequents gardens, and appears, from the little information we have been able to obtain respecting it, to differ little in manners from our well-known Bullfinch. The male and female, as will be seen in the Plate, offer a decided difference in their colouring, the male being ornamented by a beautiful deep stain of scarlet over the whole of the plumage which is totally wanting in the female as well as in the young of both sexes; it is also probable that the male loses this distinguishing mark in winter and regains it in spring. The male has the head, neck, and top of the back of a lively crimson, fading off below into a beautiful rose colour ; the small feathers round the base of the beak and nostrils are also of a dull rose ; the wings and tail brown, the feathers being edged with deep rose colour ; beak and tarsi brown. The female has all the upper parts of a brownish grey, with longitudinal dashes of a deeper colour, the throat and cheeks being blotched with brown ; the under surface white, or nearly so. The Plate represents an adult male and female of the natural size. t Fi | = — ag 3 2 1 VINA) TT ROSY GROSBEAK. Erythrospiza rosea. Le Bouvreuil Pallas. We believe we may safely affirm that this beautiful species of Finch is strictly confined to the northern regions of the Old World, and that it is not found, as stated by some authors, on the continent of America. By Wilson it was considered synonymous with the Mringila purpurea, which although bearing a strong resem- blance in its general contour and colouring, differs both from it and Lrythrospoza erythrina, in the form of the bill: the two latter birds have this organ shorter, and more swollen at the sides, approaching in these parti- culars to the typical Pyrrhul@, or Buffinches. Russia and Siberia constitute the true habitat of the present species, though it may occasionally be found in Hungary and the more central parts of Europe. It is considered one of the rarest European birds, and is consequently much sought after by collectors. The female is quite unknown to ourselves, and we are not aware of any description of that sex having been recorded. Head, back, rump, upper tail-coverts, breast, and all the under surface of a rich rosy hue, with a stripe of dark brown down the centre of each of the feathers of the back ; crown of the head and the throat orna- mented with pinkish white silky feathers ; wings brown, the lesser coverts terminated with pinkish white, and the greater coverts with pink, forming two bands across the wing; tail brown margined with pink ; bill and feet light yellowish brown. Our figure is of the natural size. { i] ; } VINOUS GROSSBEAL. Krythrospiza ? dithagimea Pyrrhula githagmea; ( /emmv/ b Wi eee | , | Oo 4a 2 : VINOUS GROSBEA K. Krythrospiza? githaginea. Pyrrhula githaginea, Temm Le Bouvreuil githagine. < OC We have never been able to obtain more than a single specimen of this rare Little Grosbeak, whose native habitat is doubtless the northern and central portions of Africa: M. Temminck states that it is found in Nubia and Syria, whence it accidentally passes into Provence and other parts of the south of Europe ; it is also said to visit the islands of the Archipelago. In his description, and in the figure of this species, published in the ‘Planches Coloriées,’ M. Temminck has represented the bill and legs as being red; in the specimen from which our figure is taken those parts were light yellow, and it did not appear that this difference had 7 been the effect of time or death, as in that case there would have been faint traces of the red colour still remaining, which there were not. In all probability this bird will require to be separated from the group in which we have placed it; but we have deferred assigning to it new generic characters until further acquainted with the species. The female is said to differ from the male in the absence of the rich rosy tints which adorn the latter, and in being of a uniform light brown very slightly clouded with a rosy hue; and in the under surface and wing's being clear Isabella brown. The male has all the under surface light brown, clouded with clear rose, which is palest on the throat and round the base of the bill; crown of the head ash, becoming brown on the nape of the neck ; back, wing- coverts, rump, and the external edge of the wing and tail-feathers slightly tinged with rose colour. We have figured a male of the natural size. rere i" a! _ ~ — ‘> i , a | | } own BULLFINCH. Ryrrivila yulloace. (e770) YL Drawn from Nature & om Se by JEEZ Genus PYRRHULA. pl ‘ atte Ck fy x ee |e : £ Gen. Cuar. Bill very short, and thick at the base; both mandibles convex, particularly the upper one, the point of which overhangs the point of the lower; cudmen rather com- pressed and advancing upon the forehead. Nostrils basal, lateral, round, concealed by short feathers. Wings rather short, the fourth quill-feather the longest. BULLFINCH. Pyrrhula vulgaris, Temm. Le Bouvreuil commun. Tus handsome bird is the only one of the genus Pyrrhula, as restricted by modern naturalists, which has been hitherto discovered in Europe, that is to say, provided we consider the Bullfinch found in Germany and some other parts of the Continent (which in relative admeasurements is nearly a fourth longer,) as a variety merely, and not truly a distinct species. In our examination of this bird, had we been able to detect any difference of markings, or to ascertain that any dissimilarity existed in their habits and manners, we should not have hesitated on the subject ; at present we remain in doubt on this point, which those who have an opportunity of examining the bird more closely than ourselves, and in a state of nature, can alone determine. The interesting little group of which the present species forms a typical example, appears to be confined exclusively to the regions of the Old World, more particularly its northern and mountain districts. The elevated range of the Himalaya has not only produced an additional example, published by us in our work on the birds of that range under the specific title of erythrocephala, but we have since received another species from the same locality, and which is at present undescribed: we allude to this fact here, as confirma- tory of the justice of separating birds possessing well-defined forms, however limited their numbers may be, into distinct genera, assured that future researches will increase the catalogue of species. The Bullfinch is a constant resident in our island, although we are informed by continental writers that it is strictly migratory on the Continent generally, over the whole of which, except in Holland, where it is some- what rare, it is plentifully dispersed. The habits of the Bullfinch are somewhat shy and retiring, giving pre- ference to secluded thickets and coppices. Its food consists for the most part of berries, seeds, and the buds of trees; hence in the spring no bird is accused of greater mischief in orchards and gardens. The nest of the Bullfinch is rather loosely constructed, flat in its general form, and composed of small sticks lined with fibrous roots, and wool: it is mostly placed in the forked branches of trees and shrubs. The eggs are four or five in number, of a bluish white spotted with reddish brown. Although not entirely devoid of song, it is by no means remarkable in its wild state for its musical powers: its call note is a plaintive monotonous whistle. In captivity it is much valued, not only for its beauty, but for its powers of imitation, being capable of learning and repeating tunes and even words. The sexes offer, as the Plate will show, a considerable difference in their colouring. The male has the top of the head, the circle round the eye, the throat, wings, and tail of a deep glossy black ; the back of the neck and mantle ash-colour; the cheeks, neck, chest, and flanks fine red ; rump and abdomen pure white; a band of greyish white crosses the wing; the beak and irides black ; tarsi blackish brown. In the female, the red of the chest, neck, and flanks is exchanged for dusky greyish brown; the white of the rump is less conspicuous, and the markings of the head are not so pure and decided. The Plate represents an adult male and female of the natural. size. Sauna ee j i} i i i) ) | TAY). Ch ee Eh nn 4 3 IPT | HTT TTTT seek Genus STURNUS, Linn. Gren. Cuar. Bill straight, depressed, rather obtuse, and slightly subulated. _Nostrls_ basal, lateral, and partly closed by a prominent rim. Wings long, the first feather very short, the second and third the longest and equal. Feet with three toes before and one behind 3 the middle toe united to the outer one as far as the first joint. STARLING. Sturnus vulgaris, Lenn. L’ Etourneau vulgaire. Tue species formerly arranged under the old Linnean genus Sturnus have been separated into several distinct genera, bearing their appropriate characters, and which now form an interesting family, the members of which are very generally dispersed over the globe. The value of such separations is obvious to the Ornitho- logist, as by a knowledge of the characters of each genus he is at once enabled to ascertain its true situation. The number of species contained in the genus Sturnus, as now restricted, is very limited, and are strictly confined to the Old World ; two of these species are natives of Europe. The Starling is a social and familiar bird, and were it less common would be highly esteemed, its habits and manners, and the variety of its plumage at certain ages and seasons being very interesting. Its range 1S extensive, being dispersed in considerable abundance over Europe; it is also found at the Cape of Good Hope, and from its being so numerous on the northern coast of Africa, we doubt not that they traverse the whole of that continent. We have received it from the Himalaya Mountains, and have ascertained that it is found as far east as China. It is a bold and spirited little bird, but soon becomes reconciled to confinement, where it not only sings sweetly, but may be taught to articulate words and even sentences. Ina state of nature it is very harmless, and renders great service to the farmer, by clearing his pastures and fields from grubs, worms, and various other insects, on which it almost exclusively subsists. When in search of food, it runs along the ground with great celerity, prying and peeping with a cunning eye under every loose sod and tuft of grass. The Starlmg congregates in large flocks during autumn and winter, and may be often observed in the company of rooks, daws, and fieldfares. On the approach of evening many of these flocks unite, and before going to roost this immense body may be seen traversing with undulating sweeps and evolutions the immediate neighbourhood of their resting-place. They prefer for this purpose secluded and warm situations, such as thickly set reed-beds, coppices, or plantations of fir. They pair early in the spring, and then spread themselves over the face of the country in search of a convenient breeding-place, some selecting the holes of trees, others old towers and ruins, and others the deserted nests of rooks, &c. They lay four or five eggs of a delicate pale blue. The young during the first autumn are characterized by the stage of plumage represented in the upper bird of our Plate; they begin to change in October, which is effected by a moult, and in the course of a week or two after are adorned with feathers, the whole of which, with the exception of the primaries and tail, are terminated with a large white or reddish white spot; the rest of the feathers being of a rich green with bronze reflections, as in the lower bird of the Plate. From this their spotted plumage they gradually change to that of the centre bird, having a fine yellow bill, and spotless lanceolate feathers upon the breast and underparts,—a state of plumage which is certainly not attained till the third year ; and between these two latter stages, birds may be found in the same flock which exhibit plumage in every intermediate state. It may be observed, that as the feathers become elongated the white spot at the tip becomes less and less, till in the old bird it is lost. The males and females at the same age offer but little difference in plumage ; the male, however, is generally the most brilliant in his markings. We consider that these birds breed at a year old, although their plumage, as above stated, afterwards undergoes a considerable change. The plumage of the old male in spring is peculiarly beautiful, not so much from its variety of colours as from the glossy metallic hues with which it seems burnished, exhibiting ever-changing reflections of purple and golden green ; the upper wing-coverts marked with small triangular whitish spots ; the lowen coverts and the tail slightly edged with white ; beak yellow ; feet reddish flesh-colour :—the centre figure in our Plate exhibits the bird in this stage. i | | VL Oi = —————— eee 3 | ] ] ; } | | i | | ' | } | SARDINIAN STARLING. Sturnus unicolor, Marm. L’Etourneau unicolore. Tue Sturnus unicolor does not possess that wide range of habitat which characterizes the preceding species, the Sturnus vulgaris. It is dispersed over the warmer parts of Spain, Sardinia, and the rocky shores of the Mediterranean generally. In these situations it may be observed in small numbers throughout the year, building in the recesses of the rocks, in the absence of which, old towers and ruins offer it an asylum equally suited as a place of repose, and a situation where it may raise its progeny: in fact, its general habits and manners bring it in close connexion with the Sturnus vulgaris; and if it is not seen congregated in almost countless flocks, it must be attributed to the limited number of the species, rather than to any difference in manners. We have not, with any degree of satisfaction, been able to trace the extent of the range which this species takes in Northern Africa : it would appear, however, to be somewhat limited, as we have never received or seen it in any collection from that continent, with the exception of Egypt and Abyssinia. On close examination, its plumage presents to the eye many rich and resplendent lights; and if not so gay as our pert and prying Starling, its general contour of body, clothed all over with long silky plumes, fully compensates for the deficiency. The outward sexual differences are but trifling: the male may be always distinguished by the elongated feathers of the throat, which in fine adults are carried to an extreme, and which are displayed in the most beautiful manner when the throat is distended by their simple whistling strain. The young birds bear so close a resemblance to the young of the common species, that a description will be unnecessary ; if any difference exists, it is that the prevailing colour is darker. The moult of the first autumn is characterized by the feathers being slightly tipped with white, which is totally lost in the following spring. The adult male has the whole of the plumage of the body, wings and tail of a shining black, which is enlivened by reflections of purple and violet ; beak blackish brown at the base, the point yellow; feet light brown. The Plate represents a male and female in the adult livery and of the natural size. | | | ———————————————— ee II I AUUTATY 2 l mt iIyHHAHIHH l Genus PASTOR, Temm. Gry. Cuar. Bill conical, elongated, cutting, very compressed, slightly curved, the point notched. Nostrils basal, ovoid, partly closed by a membrane and clothed with small feathers. Feet robust. Joes three before and one behind, the external toe united at its base to the middle one. Zarsz longer than the middle toe. Wings having the first guill-feather very short, or almost obsolete, the second and third equal and longest. ROSE-COLOURED PASTOR Pastor roseus, Temm. Le Martin roselin. Tue birds composing the genus Pastor are exclusively inhabitants of the older-known portions of the globe, and especially its more eastern and warmer regions. The species are pretty numerous : the only one, how : ever, which is known to visit the more temperate countries of Europe is the present beautiful and elegant example, the true habitat of which appears to be the western parts of Asia and the North of Africa, particularly Egypt and along the course of the Nile. From these districts it migrates regularly into the southern of Italy and Spain ; seldom occurring further northward, and visiting our Island only occasionally intervals ; but from the circumstance of its having been shot some few times in the British Isl provinces at uncertain ands, it has a claim, with many others equally scarce and equally peculiar to the warmer portions of the Continent, to place in our Fauna. Several well authenticated accounts of the capture of this bird have appeare pens of Mr. Selby, Pennant, and Bewick ; but the only example within our personal knowledge was the month of May by our esteemed friend Mr. John Newman, of Iver Court near W indsor, in whose posses- sion it now remains, exhibiting that beauty and richness of plumage which we have endeavoured to conv our illustration. a d from the one shot in ey in In its manners it closely resembles our Common Starling (Stunus vulgaris), congregating in the same manner in flocks, and frequenting pasture-lands for the sake of the grasshoppers and other insects which there abound ; often attending flocks and herds, and even perching upon the backs of cattle for the purpose of dis- engaging the larvee which are bred beneath the skin. We are also informed that it abounds in Egypt, par- ticularly those parts which are subject to the overflow of the Nile, attracted doubtless by the myriads of insects, locusts, &c., which the heat and moisture call into life; and for the services it thus renders to the natives it is held by them in great esteem. In addition to insects, it also feeds upon fruits and berries. We are informed that the Pastor roseus chooses holes in trees, rocks or old buildings for the place of nidification, laying five or six eggs, the colour of which we have not been able to ascertain. The only difference of the sexes in plumage consists in the more obscure tints of the female, and her rather smaller size; the crest also is less silky and flowing ; the young, however, differ much,—and we would here point out another circumstance which indicates the close relationship between the present bird and the Starling. We have mentioned above, the great similarity in their habits, manners and food; we now find an analogous and similar change of plumage in the young: and we would here suggest to those who are more especially interested in the Ornithology of Great Britain, whether the Solitary Thrush of Bewick, which has hitherto been taken for the young of the Starling, may not be that of the Rose-coloured Pastor ? We mention this as a query, because there are characters detailed in Bewick which the young of the Starling does not possess in any state, and which more nearly agree with the young of the present bird. The colour of the Rose-coloured Pastor is very rich and delicate ; the beak and legs more or less flesh- coloured; the head, throat and crest, together with the neck, black with violet reflections ; back and under parts of a delicate rose-colour ; wings and tail black with greenish reflections ; irides brown. The young in the first autumn have the whole of the upper parts of the body of a uniform yellowish brown ; the wings and tail rather darker; the throat and under surface whitish; the former being marked longitudinally with brown blotches, and the head offering no indication whatever of a crest. We have figured a male in full plumage, and a young bird of the year before its autumn moult ;—both of the natural size. | i] i} } } | i] | | | | eee as 2) y o; ef 73 4} Al J . a y yaaa hase 3 4| S Genus NUCIFRAGA. Gun. Cuar. Bill conical, longer than the head, straight; the upper mandible having the culmen rounded, overhanging the lower, both terminating in an obtuse and depressed point. Nostrils basal, round, open, concealed by hairs directed forwards. Toes three before and one behind, the two outer being united at their base. Tarsus longer than the middle toe. Wings long and pointed, the first quill-feather bemg the shortest, and the fourth and fifth the longest. NUTCRACKER. Nucifraga caryocatactes, Bross. Le Casse noix. We are sorry that it is not in our power to give a detailed account from personal observation of the manners of this singular and interesting bird, which with one other from the Himalaya mountains form the only known species of the present genus, which seems to connect the order with several other groups, of which we may enumerate that of Picus among the Zygodactylous birds ; and Mr. Vigors considers it to assimilate in some degree to that extensive family the Sturnde, especially to the genera Cassicus and Barita: it must be acknowledged, however, that some other interesting form seems to be required in order to make the link of approximation complete. The native habitat of the Nutcracker is the mountain woods of Switzerland and Germany, and indeed the greater portion of Europe, in the northern parts of which it is strictly migratory. Its claim to a place among the birds of the British Islands rests on a few rare instances of its having been captured in this country. _ Its habits and manners accord with what we might expect from its peculiar form, bearing a marked resemblance to those of the Woodpeckers : like them, it ascends the trunks of trees, strikes the bark with its bill in order to dislodge the larve of insects which lurk beneath, and upon which it feeds, together with worms, fruits, nuts, the seeds of pine, &c. It incubates in the holes of decayed trees, frequently enlarging the cavity to the necessary size, and lays five or six eggs, of a yellowish white. The sexes, as in the Corvide in general, offer no external difference of plumage ; the female is, however, somewhat smaller than the male, and perhaps a little more obscure in her markings. The whole of the plumage is of a deep reddish brown, inclining to umber ; the body varied, except on the head and rump, with large spots of white, occupying the centre of every feather; wings and tail brownish black, with green reflections, the latter being tipped with white, the two middle feathers excepted ; bills and legs brownish black. We have figured the bird of the natural size. ' ' } | SS 8 a ES ES 2 ec Umar. Lith TY é ted STAC Garrulus Glandarius./ZF vifs.) Il | ‘hh III 4 ae vn ny | | wT Mul ' | | | | | Genus GARRULUS. | Gen. Cuar. Bell shorter than the head, conical, slightly compressed, straight at the base, rather deflected towards the tip, which is faintly emarginated ; the lower mandible of nearly equal thickness, and having its culmen equally convex with that of the upper; commissure straight ; head crested. Nos¢ra/s basal, lateral, hidden from view by short setaceous plumes. Wings rounded, with the first quill-feather short; the fourth, fifth and sixth of nearly equal length, and the longest in the wing. Taz/ square or slightly rounded. Legs weaker than tI in the genus Corvus. Tarsi longer than the middle toe; the outer toe joined at its base to WAI the middle one, and longer than the inner; hind toe strong, with a dilated sole. Claws WHA stout, moderately curved and sharp ; that on the hind toe stronger and longer than any | of the rest. JAY. il Garrulus glandarius, Brass. WAT AI HH Le Gea. Tis common but extremely ornamental bird is dispersed over the greater portion of the wooded districts of Europe, and together with one from the Himalaya mountains, and another which we have seen, truly distinct from either, form a small but well-defined group, which appears to range intermediate between the latter | group and the Pies (Pice), to which the generic title Garrulus should be strictly limited, to the exclusion } of the Blue Jay of America, and its nearly allied congeners, together with the Garrulus lanceolatus of the | | Himalaya mountains. Thus circumscribed, the true Jays will be found to be exclusively peculiar to the Old | II | World. WN The Common Jay of Europe is a noisy, shy, and crafty bird, eluding observation by resorting continually is almost entirely arboreal in its habits, seldom to the more dense parts of woods and thick hedgerows, and en it does, it is among thickets and bushes, which conceal it from view. Its i j j | i going on the ground, and wh | season lasts, together with the i tH} chief subsistence consists of fruits, berries, and leguminous seeds, while the larvee of insects, worms, grubs, &c., and occasionally the young and eggs of birds. it extremely mischievous in gardens stocked with fruit trees and leguminous vegetables. | The Jay is a permanent resident in our island, as well as in the temperate portions of Europe. It breeds | | in the most secluded coppices and woods, constructing its nest in the fork of a tree; the nest being formed HN i externally of small twigs, generally of the birch, and lined with fibres, roots, &c. The eggs are four or five WI in number, of a pale blue, blotched with brown, but the markings are so numerous and minute as to produce | a uniform dull grey. At certain seasons the Jay assembles in small flocks, prob associate during the winter, until spring leads them to separate into pairs, Its propensities render ably containing the brood of the year, which | and commence the great work of Vi | | incubation. There exists no visible difference in the plumage of the male and female, an closely assimilates to the adult in colouring. In captivity, this bird becomes a familiar manners, and its aptness in learning words and even sentences. Bill black, from the base of which a large moustache of the same colour extends over the cheeks ; the top | | of the head is covered with a short full crest, the feathers of which are brownish grey, with a central dash of | black, exhibiting as they pass to the occiput faint transverse bars of blue ; the whole of the upper surface, as well as the under, is, with the exception of the upper and under tail-coverts (which are white), of a rich HAA vinous or reddish ash colour ; wings ornamented with a beautiful blue speculum barred with black; the I] vA shoulders chestnut barred with dusky brown; the primaries are silvery white on their eutey edges ; the Hi secondaries are black, except the first three or four feathers, which are white at their base ; tail blacks, the two middle feathers exhibiting faint indications of blue bars at their base; irides blueish grey ; tarsi brown. The Plate represents the bird of the natural size. | | d the young at an early age | | favourite, from its pert¥ and WH | | | | rrulus infaustus :/ Zaz. 1 i T ra >: TN ye TANS pe SIBERIAN JAY. Garrulus infaustus, Temm. Le Geai imitateur. Tue northern portions of Europe, namely Norway, Sweden, and Siberia, constitute the habitat of this inter- esting bird, which offers to the naturalist many points for further investigation. With two closely allied species from the north of the American continent, it would seem to forma genus, approximating we admit to that of the true Jays, but still removed from it by certain modifications of character. The general form is less robust, the bill more feeble and shorter, and the feathers more plume-like and disorganized. We are not, however, prepared to institute a new genus, but provisionally assign the present bird a place in that of Garrulus. The Siberian Jay, like its American relative (Garrulus Canadensis), has a full share of that prying curiosity and imitative qualities which distinguish the race. Its manners are bold and inquisitive, and its actions quick and lively. Confined entirely to the northern latitudes, it is totally unknown in the temperate and southern di- stricts of Europe ; and its soft and downy plumage is no doubt well calculated to protect it from the effects of the extreme cold of a Siberian winter ; which, as the bird is not migratory, 1t must in all respects be fitted to endure. In these dreary regions, where the human population is thin and scattered, the Siberian Jay relieves the woods and thickets of part of their loneliness, and attracts the notice of the traveller by its famili- arity and restlessness. Its food consists of wild berries and fruits, to which insects, their larvee and worms are also added. OF its nidification little is known ; but in this respect we may naturally conclude that it resembles its allied congener the Garrulus Canadensis, which is an early breeder, even before the snow is off the ground ; con- structing a nest of sticks and grass, in a fir-tree in the recesses of the woods, and laying five blue eggs. The head is covered with a crest of short blackish feathers ; those which cover the nostrils, and those also around the base of the beak are yellowish white ; the upper surface is olive brown ; the shoulders and outer tail-feathers fine rufous; the quills and two middle tail-feathers brown ; the throat and under surface of a lighter tint than the back, changing insensibly to a pale rufous, which becomes more decided on the thighs and under tail-coverts ; beak and tarsi black. Length eleven inches. We are not aware that it undergoes any periodical changes m its plumage, which is alike in both sexes. The Plate represents an adult bird of the natural size. cetteetetenee et ee = I} 4 ll HHHIUII 2 | ts 1} Genus PICA. Gry. Cuar. Beak strong, compressed laterally, slightly arched, and hooked at the tip. Nosérils hasal, open, protected by a covering of bristly feathers directed forwards. Feet with three toes before, and one behind, entirely divided. Tarsus longer than the middle toe. Wings rounded. First guzdl-feather very short; the fourth the longest. Tail long and graduated, the two middle feathers proceeding beyond the rest. MAGPIE. Pica caudata, Ray. La Pie. Our celebrated countryman Ray appears to have clearly appreciated the generic characters of this bird, which he considered sufficiently distinct to warrant his separating it from the genus Corews, to which Linneeus and the naturalists of his school have since referred it. We, however, agree with Ray in considering the difference it exhibits in manners, habits, and general appearance, sufficient to entitle it to be ranked under a separate genus. The Magpie is one of the most ornamental birds which grace our country; the elegance of its shape, and the glossy black of its plumage, ever varying with reflections of green, contrasted with the purity of the white, render it altogether the most conspicuous bird of our parks and meadows :—bold and spirited, full of life and animation, ever noisy, prying, and inquisitive; the first to give warning of the approach of the fox or hawk, and the first to lead the teasing crowd which collect to harass the marauding intruder. Eminently distinguished by a keen dark eye, an air of cunning, intelligence, and familiar boldness, he has ever been an amusing favourite in captivity; but his propensity for thieving has tarnished his good name. An unwelcome visitor where game is preserved, no bird can be of greater annoyance, or more injurious ; one of his favourite objects of search being the eggs of other birds; nor are the unfledged young safe from his attacks. His rapacity however is not confined to the park or the preserve alone, but leads him frequently to venture within the immediate precincts of man, for the purpose of committing depredations on the young broods of domestic poultry. Omnivorous to a great extent, his usual food consists of the larvee of insects, grubs, snails, and worms; but he does not refuse carrion, grain, or fruits. This bird is common, not only throughout Europe and the temperate parts of Asia, but also in the United States and the northern regions of America; generally dwelling in pairs throughout the greater part of the year, but congregating in considerable numbers as the breeding season approaches, when they are clamorous and animated, displaying a variety of motions and actions indicating their excitement, and well calculated to show off their plumage and form. The only difference between the sexes appears to be the rather smaller size of the female. There is a peculiar circumstance respecting the nidification of the Magpie, which has led to a suspicion among some naturalists that there are in reality two distinct kinds. The fact to which we allude is the dif- ferent and indeed opposite situation which, without any apparent cause, these birds select for their nests ;— in some cases a hedge-row, in others the topmost branches of a lofty tree: but as in their general manner and plumage we can trace no dissimilarity, this circumstance alone, unsupported by others, does not warrant us in making any such distinction. The degree of art displayed by this of nature in all ages : it is, indeed, framed and cont that it is in reality concealed, for its size and situation render it eminently conspicuous. The nest is externally constructed of sticks and twigs interwoven with great labour, becoming more com- within these twigs is disposed an internal coating of mud, and that again The body of the nest is surmounted by a dome of wickerwork, having an ; ally sits with her head to the hole, ready to bird in the construction of its nest has been noticed by the observers rived with every attention to security and convenience ; not pact as the building proceeds ; is neatly lined with fine grasses. aperture just large enough to admit the parent bird, who gener quit the nest on the slightest alarm. The female lays six or seven eggs, mottled all over with ash-brown on a ground of greenish white. , and follow the parent birds till the end of autumn. t of the chest, and back, of a deep tail-feathers graduated, of a The young soon assume the plumage of the adult Our Plate represents an adult male. The head, throat, neck, upper par hite, on the outer, shining green ; black; wing-feathers on the inner webs w bi breast and belly, pure white; beak, irides, legs and feet, black. greenish-black, with bronze reflections; scapulars, a | | | z) w) P 7 . 7 7 Pica cyanea, /Wagler/ THUCH OY U LIVIA AZURE-WINGED MAGPIE. Pica cyanea, Wagler. Ir is with great pleasure that we here present, for the first time, a figure of this beautiful and elegant Magpie ; a bird which has escaped. the notice of most of the authors who have expressly treated on the Ornithology of and even M. Temminck, who has devoted so much attention to this department of the science, Europe ; It is only in that useful and makes no mention of it in a work characterized by accuracy and research. little-known book, the “‘ Systema Avium” of Dr. Wagler, that any correct notice is to be found respecting it, account is very slight: furnishing us with few details as respects its habits or manners, he and even his that it is a native of Spain, arriving in flocks in April, frequenting bushes and willow merely informs us groves, and is distinguished, like our common species, by its impudence and clamour. We are personally indebted for the loan of the fine specimen from which our figure was taken, to the liberality and kindness of Captain S. E. Cook, who observed the species to be pretty abundant in the neighbourhood of Madrid, from whence he procured it ‘na recent state, with several other birds equally rare and valuable. The beak and legs are black ; reflections ; the whole of the back and rump ashy rose-colour ; as the back, with the exception of its being a few shades lighter ; primaries, with the exception of the two first which are wholly bla half their length from the tip; tail graduated, each feather tipped with white, the two middle ones more obscurely so: total length from twelve to fourteen inches. The sexes do not differ in external appearance. al in its finest plumage, and of the natural size. crown of the head, occiput and ear-coverts, black with shining violet throat white; the under surface the same wings and tail delicate azure blue, the ck, white on their outer web for about Our Plate represents an individu Oe ee en Ne eit Pyrrhocorax Pyrrhocorax. A S ni IU 4 [ HII | _2 iii) | ] } } | ' i | | } ' "| | | m HIN ie Genus PYRRHOCORAX. Y Bs p apa top ‘ -| ov > ee | ; . Gen. Cuar. Beak shorter than the head, conical, and somewhat bent towards the tip, with a slight notch at the point. Nostrels basal, lateral, and conical, with fine hairs directed forwards. ‘ars: and toes strong and robust. _Naz/s strong and hooked. Wings long, the fourth and fifth quill-feathers the longest. ALPINE CHOUGH. Pyrrhocorax Pyrrhocorax. Le Choquard des Alpes. Iv all large families like that of the Corvide, we seldom fail to meet with various anomalous and isolated forms, which appear to stand out from the general group, amalgamating with none of the principal or more numerously filled sections into which the family is divided, but appearing like links of a chain connecting the family with others widely aberrant from it. Though we cannot in every instance trace a due succession of these links, the continuity of the chain being often interrupted, these forms seem like radiations from a given centre, branching out in lines tending in some instances towards even opposite points. The Nutcracker, for example, which belongs to the family of Corvide, indicates in its form, habits, and manners, an approximation to the Picide too strong to be overlooked by the discerning naturalist: the Red-legged Chough is by many regarded as tending towards the Promeropide, while the present bird claims an affinity with some of the Merulide. nthe instances we have here adduced, we may observe that each example is the type and sole known representative of their respective genera with the exception of the Nutcracker, the genus to which it is assigned containing two species. The natural situations which the Alpe Chough inhabits are the high rude and precipitous elevations of the Alpine districts of central Europe. During the summer it seldom descends far below the line of perpetual snow, but in severe winters it is sometimes driven from its inaccessible heights to the lower mountain ranges, more perhaps in order to obtain food than to avoid the severity of the cold. Berries, grains, insects, worms, &c., constitute the food of the Alpine Chough; it is, indeed, almost omnivorous in its appetite. Its nest is usually made in a cleft or fissure of the rock, and sometimes in the chinks of the walls of old buildings among the Alpine heights. The eggs are from three to five in number, of a dull white blotched with yellowish brown. When adult, the plumage of this bird is of a uniform black; the beak orange; the tarsi and toes vermilion, the under sides of the latter being black ; irides dark brown. Both sexes are alike. In the young of the year the black is less pure; the beak is blackish, the base of the under mandible being yellow ; and the tarsi are black. After the first moult the beak becomes yellowish, and the tarsi pass by shades of brown to red, their colour in the female being more obscure. We have figured an adult of the natural size. regi dilis 91 oh | graculus . “4 it eee Genus FREGILUS. Gen. Cuan. Bell longer than the head, strong, arched and pointed. Vostri/s basal, oval, hidden by small closely set feathers. Head flat. Wings long, first quill-feather short, fourth and fifth the longest. Tui/ square, or slightly rounded. eet strong. Toes four, three before, one behind, the outer toe united at its base to the middle one. Claws strong, very much curved, that of the hind-toe the largest. CHOUGH. Fregilus graculus, Cuvier. Le Pyrrhocorax coracias. Tur Chough is readily distinguished from the true Crows by the peculiar form of the beak: its habits and economy, as might be expected, are also somewhat different. In this country the Chough is found on the rocky coasts of Cornwall, Devonshire and Glamorganshire, at the Isle of Anglesea, and the Isle of Man. A few pairs may be seen about the high cliffs between Freshwater-gate and the Needle rocks of the Isle of Wight. In the North, they frequent the high and rocky coast about St. Abb’s Head, and most of the islands of Scotland, where they breed at high elevations. The Swiss Alps and rocky portions of the most lofty mountains of the European continent, as well as the Himalaya, are among its favourite localities. In such elevated situations, the strong toes and large curved claws of this bird are of essential service, in securing for it a firm hold against the rugged and perpendicular surface of the highest cliffs, among the inequalities of which it forms a nest of sticks lined with wool and hair, in which it deposits three or four eggs, not very unlike those of the Jackdaw, but longer, of a greenish white ground spotted with darker green and ash-brown. These birds are also said to build about the upper parts of high churches and towers near the coast. Their food consists of insects principally, with grain and berries. The Chough is lively, restless, noisy and cunning, easily attracted by showy or glittering substances ; is tamed without difficulty if taken young, and exhibits under confinement a variety of amusing tricks and actions. The whole plumage is black, elossed with purple, green, and dark blue; the irides hazel; beak and legs vermilion red; claws black. Young birds of the year have their plumage dull black, with a bill less brilliant. We have figured an adult male rather less than the natural size: the females are rather smaller. ] 7 pe 4 i j { { | i | =a | | =| | =< = eee 0) | | = If | =alk } = = = ied i ZOD TIE NOW LO LOD PILI eet od Genus CORVUS. Gen. Cuar. Bill strong, conical, cultrated, straight at the base, but bending slightly towards the tip ; nostreds at the base of the bill, oval and open, covered by reflected bristly feathers. Wings pointed ; the first feather being much shorter than the second and third, and the fourth the longest. Legs and feet strong, plated, with three toes before and one behind. Claws strong and curved. ‘Toes divided. Tarsus longer than the middle toe. RAVEN. Corvus corax, Linn. Le Corbeau noir. Tue Raven is so extensively diffused, and is in consequence so universally known, that the name at once reminds us of its general character. ‘The largest and strongest of its genus, and bold as well as cunning, it is always an object of suspicion to shepherds and husbandmen, from its daring attacks upon the young or weak among their flocks and herds, and in times of superstition was regarded as a bird of ill omen, its hoarse croak- ing being supposed to announce some impending calamity. With a quick, searching eye, and a keen sense of smell, the Raven is ever on the watch to satisfy his appe- tite, and no sooner does the defenceless state of an animal, and the absence of the herdsman, afford a chance of success, but the Raven is there upon the ground. At first he makes his approach obliquely and with great caution. He is shy of man and of all large animals in motion, because, as it has been aptly observed, though glad to find others’ carrion, or to make carrion of them if he can do it with impunity, he takes good care that none shall make carrion of him. If no interruption occurs, he makes his first attack upon the eye, afterwards feeds at his leisure, retires to a small distance to digest his meal, and then returns again. The Raven is met with in almost every part of the globe. Rocks on the sea shore, mountain ridges and extensive woods are its most usual haunts: and are all equally favourable to its habits, occasionally it visits open plains and large fields, especially when they are used as pasture. Like the other birds of this genus the raven is not particular in selecting food, but eats indiscriminately small mammalia, eggs, reptiles, dead fish, insects, grain and carrion ; they have also been seen feeding their young out of the nests of a rookery. The male and female are frequently observed together, and they are said to pair for life. There is no differ- ence in the plumage of the sexes, and they are subject to only one moult. They build on high trees, or if near the shore, in the crevices of the most inaccessible parts of rocks, and use the same nest, formed of sticks, wool and hair, for years in succession. The eggs, four or five in number, of a blueish green blotched with brown, are produced very early in spring. The female during incubation, which lasts about twenty days, is regularly attended and fed by the male bird, who not only provides her with abundance of food, but relieves her in turn, and takes her place on the nest. ‘The young birds are driven away as soon as they are able to provide for themselves. If taken young, the Raven is easily domesticated, and becomes very tame and familiar, imitating different sounds correctly, and has often been taught to pronounce a variety of words distinctly. They are also noted for carrying away and hiding pieces of polished metal. The whole of the plumage is black, the upper part glossed with blue; feathers on the throat narrow and pointed ; tail rounded at the end; beak, legs and toes black ; claws black, strong and curved. Our figure represents an adult bird, one fourth less than the natural size. ) ] | O)Y me -— ae rone, (/Zzmn/ OE ABLSS (6X0) Co by C Ralimande Printed 3 umvui 4 i 3 2| CARRION CROW. Corvus Corone, Linn. La Corneille noir. We are induced to believe that the range of habitat of this well-known species is not so extensive as is generally supposed, but that most of the birds received from distant countries, although very similar, are specifically distinct not only from the Carrion Crow of Europe but also from each other, and that although these differences are not apparent to the casual observer, they will be found on a critical examination to be sufficiently important. The Carrion Crow is very generally distributed over the British Islands, where it is a permanent resident ; it also appears to be equally dispersed over the western portion of the European continent, but is rarely found so far east as Hungary and many parts of Austria. In its habits, manners, and general economy the Carrion Crow is nearly allied to the Raven; like that bird it wanders about in pairs, evincing the greatest wariness of disposition and shyness on the approach of man, which may, however, be partly attributed to the persecution it meets with from almost every one. The Crow is a more powerful and robust bird than the Rook, from which it may readily be distinguished by the greenish metallic hue of its plumage, and by its thickened and more arched bill, which is never deprived of the bristly feathers that cover the face and nostrils. It is also clearly destined by nature to fulfill a very different office; for, while Rooks congregate in immense flocks and disperse themselves over cultivated districts in search of insects, grubs, and grain, the Crow, as before observed, wanders about in solitary pairs, or at most in parties of six or eight, in search of all kinds of carrion, upon which it feeds voraciously ; and hence it may be frequently observed on the banks of the larger rivers, which constantly afford it a supply of putrid animal matter ; to this kind of food are occasionally added eggs, the young of all kinds of game, and it is even so daring when pressed by hunger as to attack very young lambs, fawns, &c. When once mated, it would appear that Crows never again separate, and if unmolested in their chosen breeding-place, the same pair generally return every year not only to the same locality but to the same tree. The nest is usually placed in a fork near the bole, is of a smaller size than that of the Rook, and is constructed of sticks and mud, lined with wool and hair. The egos are five or six in number, of a greenish ground, blotched all over with thickly set patches of ash-coloured brown. It is perhaps one of the most destructive birds the preserver of game has to contend with, and in conse- quence the poor Crow being sadly persecuted uses the utmost vigilance and cunning to evade the pursuit of his great enemy the gamekeeper. The sexes offer no difference in the colour of the plumage, and they assume the full colouring from the nest. The whole of the plumage is black, the upper surface being glossed with blue and greenish reflexions ; bill, legs, and feet black, the scales on the two latter being in lamine, or plates. The figure is of the natural size. | 1 | | see ee 6) ox = TAN) \ oe nix COI nu ‘| HHI ru ncraru | | Lo 1| HOODED CROW. Corvus cornix, Linn. La Corneille mantelée. Tuts fine species of Crow is not indigenous to England, but is now ascertained to be a permanent resident in many districts of Scotland, where, according to Mr. Selby, it breeds in trees, rocks, or sea cliffs, as may accord with their situation, the nest being formed of sticks, and lined with soft materials. That gentleman further informs us that in those districts where it is found, there is no diminution of its numbers during the winter months ; and we may reasonably conjecture that those individuals who pay their annual visit to the midland and southern counties of England during the autumn months are accessions from Norway and Swe- den: we are strengthened in our opinion upon this point from the circumstance of their appearing at the same time as the Woodcock and many others of our Northern visitors. Although the Hooded Crow is plen- tifully dispersed over many districts in England, it must be allowed that its choice of places is extremely local : it frequents the shores of the sea, the banks of large rivers, extensive downs, and such arable lands as are devoid of hedgerows and woods. On the Continent it may be observed in all the mountainous districts. It is common in the Alps and Apennines, but nowhere more so than in Norway and Sweden. In its habits and manners it bears a strict resemblance to the Carrion Crow: like that bird it wanders about in pairs, or at the most three or four together. Their omnivorous appetite enables them to subsist upon all kinds of carrion, which they devour with avidity. Those that take up their positions upon the coast or about armlets of the sea find a plentiful supply in the remains of dead fish and crustacea, to which are added worms and va- rious species of mollusca. In the inland districts they eat worms, beetles, and whatever offal may fall in their way. The Hooded Crow is abundantly dispersed along the banks of the Thames, and all such rivers as are under the influence of the tides. During the period of incubation they are said to be very destructive to the eggs and young of the Red Grouse, and will even attack lambs and sheep. The eggs are four or five in number, of a greenish ground colour, mottled with dark brown. The sexes are alike in plumage, and the young attain at an early age the colouring of a parents. The head, throat, wings, and tail are black, with purple and green reflections ; the remainder of the body is smoky grey, the shafts of each feather being darker; legs and bill black ; irides dark brown. The Plate represents an adult male of the natural size. ee —_———— ———_____—_— TS ——E—— ee Le - mS i > BR ALO i | ' } ASSYNS ) Corvus monedula. Zznn / Dram from Moivre bore Sk ty }} yu L393 HH IITI JACK DAW. Corvus monedula, Lznn. Le Choucas. Tue Jackdaw, still more bold and familiar than the Rook, which approaches so near the residence of man during the period of incubation, advances under the very roofs of our dwellings, as if to solicit for itself and its sooty progeny some especial care and protection ; it also lives in towers, old castles, and deserted ruins, the loneliness of which it enlivens with its noisy animated actions and gregarious habits. Its range of habitat, although not equal to that of the Raven, is nevertheless widely extended, the bird being dispersed over every part of Europe, and the contiguous portions of Asia and Africa. During the seasons of autumn and winter, the Jackdaw associates with the Rook, in whose society it ap- pears to dwell in amity, feeding with it by day and retiring with it at night to the rookery or the accustomed roosting-place. On the approach of spring it separates from the Rook, and again bends its way towards its favourite place of incubation. Independently of the situations alluded to, it nestles in rocks and the holes of trees, and in some instances in rabbit-holes in the ground. The nest is composed of sticks and lined with wool: the eggs are four or six in number, of a pale greenish blue spotted all over with blackish brown. Omnivorous in its appetite, the Jackdaw feeds on fruits, pulse, and grain, to which are added, grubs, snails, worms, and even carrion. In its disposition it is thievish and mischievous : easily domesticated and familiar, it may be taught to articulate words with distinctness. The sexes are alike in the colouring of their plumage, and do not undergo any change either in winter or summer. The young during the first year are more uniform in their colouring than the adult: the silvery grey of the head and neck is not attained until the bird is three or four years old. The adult has the top of the head black, with violet reflections ; back part of the head and neck silvery grey, the feathers of these parts being long and silky; the whole of the upper surface greyish black, the primaries and secondaries having blue and violet reflections ; feet and bill black ; irides greyish white. The Plate represents an adult male and female of the natural size. | | | | SWAN) me eta ea ae orvus Irugilesus,/Zzn7-/ G ROOK. Corvus frugilegus, Lenn. Le Freux. Tuts familiar bird appears to be distributed over the greater part of Europe, giving preference to those cultivated portions which afford it a supply of granivorous food, upon which it partially subsists, and for which it is gene- rally condemned by the husbandman as an injurious and destructive neighbour ; though, were the habits of the Rook carefully investigated, we doubt not it would be satisfactorily proved that he amply repays the farmer for the few grains he steals, by the destruction of immense numbers of grubs and insects which he devours in the course of a single year, thus rather claiming our gratitude for his services than deserving our enmity : it must be acknowledged, too, that its presence helps to enliven our fields and pastures. The Rvok is very fastidious in its choice of a place for performing the duties of incubation, frequently leaving the trees of the forest for those situated near our dwellings, and, in some instances, even taking up its abode in the midst of towns and cities. The adult Rook may at all times be readily distinguished from its near ally the Crow by the naked face and gular pouch, which parts have been divested of their feathers by the constant thrusting of its mandibles into the earth in search of food ; its wings are also more lengthened and pointed, and the hue of the upper por- tion of its plumage is more inclined to purple. The Rook is gregarious, and in no country is to be observed in greater numbers than in the British Islands, which afford it an asylum congenial to its peculiar habits and mode of life. It commences the work of nidi- fication in the month of March, constructing a large nest of sticks, lined with a coating of clay and fine grasses. The eggs are five in number, of a blueish green blotched with darker stains of brown. The young for the first ten or twelve months do not lose the feathers which cover the nostrils ; and during this period they so nearly resemble the Crow that a more than usually minute examination is required to discover the difference, though a careful attention to the peculiar form of the bill will obviate any difficulty. The sexes are so strictly similar in the colouring of their plumage that actual dissection is requisite to distinguish them. Bill and feet black; the whole of the plumage black glossed with changeable hues of green and violet purple ; feathers on the back of the neck long and filamentous. The Plate represents an adult, rather less than the natural size. 1 i | | LL | | | I 3 ug HI) INI Mo i ijl zal Il {| I Genus PICUS. Gen. Cuar. Beak long, straight, pyramidal; and cutting towards the point. Nostr/s basal, oval, inclosed by membrane ; covered with hairs, directed forwards. Tongue long, taper, capable of protrusion, armed with a horny tip. Toes four; in pairs; antagonizing; the front pair united at their base. Taal, twelve feathers; graduated short; shafts stiff and elastic. Wings, third and fourth guell-feather longest. GREAT BLACK WOODPECKER. Picus Martius, Lenn. Le Pic noir. Tue Woodpeckers form a family more numerous perhaps than any other in the whole range of Ornithology ; and, if we except Australia and the South Sea Islands, are equally extended over the old and new portions of the globe. Abundant, however, as the species may be, they are so united by a pervading similarity of habits, food, manners, and even colouring, as to constitute a group pre-eminently natural and well defined ;—hence the description of one species is to a great extent applicable to all: still, however, as is the case in all natural families, differences sufficiently characteristic exist to warrant a subdivision into groups more or less typical. Among the true or typical Woodpeckers, may be placed the Prews Martius; at once exhibiting the generic characters in their highest degree of developement, it exceeds in size all its congeners of the Old World, and indeed is inferior only to the Ivory-billed Woodpecker of the United States of America. However plentiful it might have been when our Island was less cultivated than at present, and covered with extensive forests, certain it is that this bird is now so seldom to be met with, if at all, as scarcely to come under the designation of a British species. According to M. Temminck it is rare even in France and Germany, and must be sought for in the more northern regions of Europe, as Norway, Sweden, Poland, Russia, and also Siberia, to which in the present day its habitat is almost entirely confined. At the head of a family of true Climbers, the habits of the Great Black Woodpecker are in conformity with its wants and its means of supplying them. We need hardly say that it is on the bark of trees more exclusively that the Woodpecker finds its food, and to this end are its powers and organs adapted. If we examine the toes of the present species, which are to be taken as illustrative of form in the whole of the family, cme the exception of a single limited group,) we find them long and powerful, furnished with strong claws, era adapted for grasping or clinging to the rough inequalities of the bark : besides this, they are placed in pairs, sO as in some measure to antagonize ; but not, as generally stated, two before and two behind, for one pair is lateral, and diverges from the other at an acute angle, so as to be applied to the convexity al the tree, and thus render the grasp close and firm. The tail is composed of stiff feathers, the shafts of which taper gradually from the base to the extremities, which curving inward when pressed against a tree, not only form a fulcrum for the support of the body, but by their elasticity tend to propel it forwards. This provision, the more needed from the posterior situation of the legs, is admirably calculated for ascending ; and having explored the bark by a spiral course, the Woodpecker flies off to the next tree, to repeat the same process. i The flight of the present species is undulating, seldom protracted to any extent, but limited to a transit from tree to tree in the seclusion of its native woods. Its food consists of the larvae of wasps, bees, and other insects : in addition, however, it devours fruits, berries, and nuts with avidity. The female selects the hollows of old trees, in which she deposits two or three eggs of an ivory whiteness. The two sexes differ but little in plumage,—the crimson crown distinguishing the male, that colour being in the female confined to the occiput ; the rest of the plumage is a deep jet-black ; ae irides yellowish-white ; the naked circle round the eye and the feet black ; the bill horn-colour, black at the tip. es The young males are characterized by the irides being of a light ash colour ; the crown e a ie marked with alternate spots of red and black, which give place gradually to the bright uniform crimson 0 ae . : . ts a male and female of their The length of an adult bird is about fifteen inches ; and our Plate represents ¢ natural size. ~ ~~ ) at | ES A «4 we 4 — TaN ~~» ~ i | i } } ] ] i / wa | | | | ' i ji A. A A © a4 i j > ip GREEN WOODPECKER. Picus viridis, Lenn. Le Pic vert. Tue present bird represents a group of the great family of Picide or Woodpeckers, which appears to hold an intermediate station between the species of the American genus Colaptes, distinguished by their slender arched bills and terrestrial habits, and those which exhibit a closer approximation to the typical form, whose habits, manners, and food, confine them entirely to trees. The present group appears to contain about eight or ten well-marked species, all peculiar to the old con- tinent, but of which number only two, viz. the Picus viridis and Picus canus, Linn., are common to Europe, where they appear to fill the same relative situation that the species of the genus Colaptes do in America. This familiar and well-known bird is not only frequent in every part of Great Britain, but is equally spread throughout the whole of Europe, with the exception of the marshy and low lands of Holland, frequenting woods and forests, where its presence may be generally discovered by its clamorous note, or its restless disposition in proceeding from tree to tree m search of insects. This kind of food it takes by inserting its long and retractile tongue into the crevices of the bark in which they lodge, but is not less frequently seen on the ground in search of ants, snails, worms, &c., nor will it refuse fruits, walnuts and berries. It deposits its eges,—which are of a smooth shining white, and from four to six in number,—in the holes of trees partially occasioned by decay and enlarged by its own exertion. The Green Woodpecker remains with us the whole of the year, and having attained its adult stage of plumage undergoes no subsequent variation. The top of the head, the occiput, and moustache or stripe on the cheek, are of a brilliant red ; the face black; the upper surface fine green ; the rump tinged with yellow; the under parts pale greyish green; quill-feathers brown, crossed with bars of yellowish white; tail brown, barred transversely with a lighter colour ; bills and legs greyish green ; irides white. The female differs from the male externally only in being rather less in size and in the absence of the red moustache, which colour is supplied by black. The young have only traces of red on the head ; the moustache is indicated by black and white feathers ; the general colour is paler and more obscure, the back being marked with ash-coloured blotches, and the under parts with brown zigzag bars ; irides dark grey. We have figured an adult male and a young bird in the plumage of the first autumn. ae oot. ~ ~ WA) \~ ‘ aN ~ =: : -™ . 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