TROGON BEHNI. Behn’s Trogon. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Trog. supra splendid? aurato-viridis, cupreo nitens ; uropygio, supracaudahbus et rectricibus duabus mediis splendide v widibus, his nigro apicaliter Jasciatis 3; duabus proximis nigris extis re. ee splendidé viridibus, reliquis mgris albo terminatis et albo transversim fasciatis ; alis nig?ris, tectricibus alarum minimis dorso concoloribus, reliquis autem et secundariis externe cinerets minutissime nigro fimbriatis, primariis anguste albido limbatis ; superiore cyanescenti-viridibus, his cupreo nitentibus ; fronte, gutture toto nigris ; torque pectorali albo distincto ; chondriis cinereis ; tibiis nigris ; subalaribus et ald pileo cum cervice et pectore loris et facie laterali cum corpore reliquo subtis coccineo, hypo- subtis cinerascenti-nigris, ills interioribus et rectricibus versus basin pogonii interni albis. 1 a : co : : Adult male-—Crown of head, hind neck, and _ breast shining bluish green, with a golden gloss on the sides of the neck and breast, the lores, sides of face, and throat black ; across the upper breast a white band; the remainder of the underparts crimson, the sides of the body grey; the thigh-feathers black; entire back and scapulars bright coppery green, with a golden gloss, shading off into metallic grass-green on the rump and upper tail- coverts ; the smaller wing-coverts golden green like the back, the rest, as well as the outer web of the secondaries, grey, most finely and delicately freckled with blackish vermicu- lations, the remainder of the wing black, the primaries with a narrow external ec ging of white ; two centre tail-feathers green, with a coppery gloss, and having a tolerably broad terminal band of black; the next two feathers black, with only the outer web coppery green; the rest black, broadly tipped with white, and distinctly banded across with white, the number of white bars increasing more on the outer feathers; under wing-coverts and inner lining of wing greyish black, the innermost of the former and the inner base of the quills white. Total length 9 inches ; culmen 2; wing 47; tail 5; tarsus }. OO) or Trogon behni. Gould, MSS. Wuen Professor Behn, of Kiel, returned from Ameriea, he passed through London and showed me a Trogon, which he kindly left with me as a new and undescribed species. I saw at once that it was a striking bird and was remarkable for some red feathers in its crown. These, however, proved to have been surreptitiously added, as might have been expected ; for nature would never have acted so inharmoniously as to have decorated any one of these green Trogons, all of them so perfectly of one type, with such an anomaly as ared crown! But, on mature consideration, I came to the conclusion that the species was distinct on other grounds; and I had a sketch of it prepared, and proposed to name the species after the discoverer : this promise I now fulfil. During the long interval that has elapsed since the Plate was drawn, two specimens uave Co my notice—one brought by Mr. Brydges from Bolivia, the other sent from Peru by Mr. Whitely. The latter bird is in the collection of Messrs. Salvin and Godman, and has much of the appearance of an old Trogon variegatus, being considered by Mr. Salvin to belong to that species. The Bolivian bird, however, is different, in the head and chest being green and not blue, while the back is of the richest bronzy or coppery green. As there is some doubt as to the Peruvian specimen, I wish it to be understood Le the Bolivian bird, is the typical Trogon behni. This is the bird described in the present ‘ Monograph ;’ and the illustra- tion here given has been prepared from the same see ae. o aoe The principal figure in the Plate is of the size of life. I regret that, by a misprint, the title has been rendered Trogon behmi instead of 7. behni. BSG LOOT LF} 0656868 6d6R6S60604 062 Be ES4636S 3 a ee ¥ - Bias a6 65606 t a ’ AVA mY eee vr Vv la) { eVofoyotooka T ‘ WW ar eleYota > ao eS 1. Psd od 6 s Per eee ees eee eee ae Pee a a ne