a ed LIST OF PLATES. VOLUME I. Norg.—As the arrangement of the Plates during the course of publication was found to be impracticable, the Numbers here given will refer to the Plates when arranged, and the work may be quoted by them. RAPTORES. Griffon Vulture Vultur fulvus, Linn. 1 Cinereous Vulture cinereus, Linn. 2 Egyptian Neophron Neophron Percnopterus, Savig. 3 Bearded Vulture or Leemmer-geyer Gypaétus barbatus, Séorr. 4 Imperial Eagle Aquila Imperialis, Briss. 5 Golden Eagle . chrysaéta, Briss. 6 Bonelli’s Eagle — Bonelli 7 Spotted Eagle neevia, Meyer. 8 Booted Eagle . -—-— pennata, Steph. 9 Sea Eagle oe. Halizétus albicilla, Selby. 10 White-headed Eagle leucocephalus, Savig. 1] Osprey Pandion halizétus, Savig. 12 Short-toed Hagle Cireaétus brachydactylus, Vieull. 3 Common Buzzard Buteo vulgaris, Bechst. 14 Rough-legged Buzzard Lagopus, Flem. 15 Honey Buzzard Pernis apivorus, Cw. 16 Goshawk Astur palumbarius, Bechst. Wi Sparrow Hawk Accipiter fringillarius, Ray. 18 Jer Falcon Falco Islandicus, Lath. 19 Lanner Falcon Lanarius, Linn. 20 Peregrine Falcon —— Peregrinus, Linn. mI Hobby . : : — subbuteo, Linn. 22 Red-footed Falcon . —— rufipes, Bechst. 23 Merlin —— Aisalon, Temm. 24 Lead-coloured Falcon —— concolor, Temm. 25 Kestrel — Tinnunculus, Linn. 26 Lesser Kestrel Tinnunculoides, Natt. 27 Kite ; : Milvus vulgaris, Mem. 28 Black Kite ater 29 Swallow-tailed Kite Nauclerus furcatus, Vig. . 30 Black-winged Kite . Elanus melanopterus, Leach. 3] Marsh Harrier Circus rufus, Briss. 32 Hen Harrier cyaneus, Meyer 33 Pallid Harrier —_— — pallidus, Sykes. 34 Ash-coloured Harrier cineraceus, Meyer. 35 Barn Owl X Strix flammea, Linn. 36 Great Horned or Eagle Owl Bubo maximus, Sibb. 37 Eastern Great Horned Owl Ascalaphus, Savig. . 38 Long-eared Owl Otus vulgaris, /lem. 39 Short-eared Owl Brachyotus, Cuv. : 40 Scops-eared Owl Scops Aldrovandi, Will. § Ray. 4l Great Cinereous Owl Surnia cinerea 42 Snowy Owl — Nyctea, Dum. 43 Ural Owl Uralensis, Dum... 44 Hawk Owl : funerea, Dum. 45 “Barred Owl =. : Ulula nebulosa, Cuv. 46 Tawny or Wood Owl Syrnium Aluco, Savig. 47 Little Owl Noctua nudipes, Nils. 48 Tengmalm’s Owl ? Tengmalmi, Selby. 49 Sparrow Owl . passerina 50