Ana” | | . e : . es ° SC Malente o Sole 2 ae The following description of the male is copied from my Savalloe ns of Birds ’: black above and below, a little browner on the under Adult. male. General colour velvety ee Surface ; . : » inner § aries W yurplish gloss under certé : hee wings and tail black, the 1nnet secondaries with a purplish gloss under certain lights; head glossed vith metallic steel-green ; forehead, lores, and base of lower mandible bare; over each nostril a small tuft of black feathers ; on each side of the base of the bill an erect wattled skin; round the even ring of black plumes 5 space below and behind the eye bare: bill and legs black; * iris red” (Guillenard) “upper wattles, which are attached one on each side of the forehead, of a yellowish-green colour: those at the base of the lower mandible blue, haying a small patch of orange underneath ” (Becca), Total length 11:2 inches, culmen 0°55, wing 6°15, tail 4°85, tarsus 1:9. Adult female. Similar to the male, but smaller, Count Salvadori says that it is deep black, with an appearance of dull green on the crown and occiput, the wings and tail with scarcely any velvety appearance, and with a dull purplish shade under certain lights. The figures in the Plate represent adult birds of the size of life. They are reproduced from Mr. Gould’s ‘Birds of New Guinea.’ F J ALL eo 27avora tO OO Of . LBLVENON a ‘4 ‘ { 4 ( ( < { 4 1 { Ye 1" iAB i ese P FN t eyvayes? ( 7 STANT . AA | | e TaN VOVOVOVG. +y \/ \/2 Fi i a a cn cn Ve e BI A j ‘7 iJ e' LC) 4 Pa ' , nn } t