LIST OF PLATES. VOLUME Ii. Nore.—As the arrangement of the Plates during the course of publication was found to be impracticable, the Numbers here given will refer to the Plates when arranged, and the work may be quoted by them. INSESSORES. European Goatsucker Caprimulgus Europeus, Linn. 51 Red-collared Goatsucker — ruficollis, Temm. . 52 Swift f : Cypselus murarius, Temm. White-bellied Swift alpinus, Temm. . o3 Chimney Swallow Hirundo rustica, Linn. 54 Rufous Swallow — rufula, Tem. 55 Rock Martin rupestris, Linn. 56 Martin urbica, Linn. 57 Sand Martin =a riparia, Linn. 58 Bee Eater Merops Apiaster, Linn. 59 Roller : : Coracias garrulus, Linn. . 60 Kingsfisher. ‘ Alcedo Ispida, Linn. 61 Black and White Kingsfisher . mmm GU CStae 071) ae 62 Pied Flycatcher Muscicapa luctuosa, Temm. és White-collared Flycatcher — albicollis, Temm. : Red-breasted Flycatcher — parva, Bechst. 64 Spotted Flycatcher a grisola, Linn. 65 Great Shrike Collurio Excubitor, Vig. 66 Great Grey Shrike . ——— meridionalis, Vig. 67 Lesser Grey Shrike === TNMNOR, 29. 68 Red-backed Shrike . Lanius Collurio, Linn. 69 Woodchat rufus, Briss. 70 Golden Oriole : Oriolus galbula, Linn. 7X Black Ouzel, or Blackbird Merula vulgaris, Ray. 72 Ring Ouzel torquata, Briss. 73 Migratory Ouzel migratoria, Swains. 74 Black-throated Thrush Turdus atrogularis, Temm. 75 Fieldfare pilaris, Linn. 76 Missel Thrush — viscivorus, Linn. Ti Song Thrush = musicus, Linn. i Redwing 5 == linens, /Lamp- pe Naumann’s Thrush . Naumennu, Jemm. 79 Pallid Thrush == jonllielins, /Ptrtl, 80 White’s Thrush == \WWintien, JON 81 Siberian Thrush — Sibericus, Pall. 82 Water Ouzel Cinclus aquaticus, Bechst. 83 Black-bellied Water Ouzel —-— melanogaster, Brehm. . 84 Pallas’s Water Ouzel — Pallasu, Temm. 85 Rock Thrush . Petrocincla saxatilis, Vig. 86 Blue Thrush aa cyanea, Vig. 87 Black Wheatear Saxicola cachinnans, Jemm. 88 Pied Wheatear leucomela, Temm. 89 Wheatear —— (Enanthe, Bechst. 90 Russet Wheatear stapazina, Temm. 91 Black-eared Wheatear ae aurita, Temm. 92 Whinchat —— rubetra, Bechst. 93 Stonechat rubicola, Bechst. 94 Redstart Pheenicura ruticilla, Swains. 95 Black Redstart : : . wa tithys, Jard. & Selb. 90 Blue-throated Warbler . 3 : : os Suecica, Jard. & Selb. . 197