LAMPROTHORAX WILHELMINA Green-trained Bird of Paradise. » Meyer, Lamprothorax wilhelmine, Meyer, Abhandl. k. zool. Mus. Dresd. 1894-95, No. 2, p. 3, Taf. i—Biittik. N Leyd. Mus. xvi. p. 164 (1894).—Sharpe, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, iv. p. xiii (1894), = otes Ar the time of writing, only two specimens of this wonderful bird are known to me. One is the typical specimen in the Dresden Museum, and the other is in the Leiden Museum. The genus Lamprothorae occupies a well-marked position among the Birds of Paradise, and is distinguished from Lophorhina and the other allied genera by its square tail, with two elongated metallic green centre feathers. ‘There is also a very distinct frill round the hind-neck. The habitat of the species is the Arfak Mountains, in North-western New Guinea, Nothing is known of its habits or changes of plumage. The following description is taken from the specimen in the Leiden Museum :— Male (vot quite full-plumaged). Velvety brown, blacker on the rump and upper tail-coverts ; the back much mixed with reddish-brown feathers, and especially on the wing-coverts ; the outer wing-coverts purplish violet, the quills blackish, glossed with purplish violet; the inner secondaries more or less reddish brown. The plumage of these parts is, I think, imperfect, and I expect that the wing will be velvety black ; tail black with a purplish-violet gloss, the two centre feathers metallic steel-green ; head and neck purplish violet, with a tinge of leaden grey, the lores and fore part of the cheeks having a velvety-black appearance ; the feathers of the hind-neck elongated and forming a frill; throat, sides of face, and sides of neck purplish bronze, with a bronzy shade on the sides of the face; chin and upper throat and chest metallic green, forming a shield, with some beautiful reflections of purple and green, especially on ld: breast, abdomen, thighs, and under tail-coverts velvety bronzy ; lower throat, fore-neck, the lengthened feathers on the sides of the shie black; under wing-coverts with a violet shade. Total length 124 inches, culmen 1:1, wing 5, tail The figure in the Plate represents a life-sized illustration of the specime from a sketch made by Mr. Keulemans. 9-9, centre tail-feathers 5:85, tarsus 14. n above described. It 1s drawn o Ue ay CD Us a's a's U's 2 wo IFN CS) JX oo Xi t\ a¢; CP ED CF OF CE CDE SS CP PCDATA RD EE ED SOD CS OE OD ES KD OP See o8o4 Wy ~ OD gy ; ad | Yn a= ©, Ls ITOK SOS IOV Owo yy or a j ‘ Ad LS — ; oi 5 — = b\w iL és Vy y:G "iy C { } Ke is i¥¥ he OM OROKOKRERORKROROK CKER OR OCK GAG ROLER SROKROKGHONOG ; es Cy eg? Cr iy. a nee ore OXORO i fs TINY, a Sl. oo t a Tro oOo JRIK an és fy ee eee O C5 ry “yer Cer, t IU UU iN LN fied eee ee — ako aN ry SREKOKORTKOK OK SKK oMOKOR ON GROR CR OROK OR OK OR OK ORG) DINISISY, KOKORO KOKO SSS SSeS re JR ~ — sE=5 9 5 29. O roo a0 = JIS BO Din WN