MONARCHA LEUCOTIS, Gowda. White-eared Flycatcher. Monarcha Leucotis, Gould in Proc. of Zool. Soc., July 23, 1850.—Jard. Cont. Orn., 1850. I nave refrained from making the White-eared Flycatcher the type of a new genus until more information has reached us respecting it, and in the mean time have assigned it a situation with the other members of that form to which it seems to me to be most nearly allied. Like most of the other new birds figured in this Supplement to the Birds of Australia, it is a native of Cape York, and in all probability its range is a some- what wide one, since it has been killed on Dunk Island. “‘ Respecting this bird,” says Mr. MacGillivray, “T regret to say I can afford you very little information. A specimen was obtained at Dunk Island, off the north-east coast of Australia, in lat. 17° 56’ S., where it was shot during its flight from one tree to another : a second individual was afterwards procured at Cape York, which renders it probable that its range extends between these two places.” trown of the head, back of the neck, primaries, and six middle tail-feathers black ; three lateral tail- feathers on each side black, with white tips; lores, a broad mark over the eye, ear-coverts, sides of the neck, scapularies, and upper tail-coverts, white; throat white, bounded below with black, the feathers lengthened and protuberant ; chest and abdomen light grey ; bill and feet lead-colour. The figures are of the natural size. So “S gl ey, a # Y Pa CN i