— “fi PHALACROCORAX SULCIROSTRIS. Groove-billed Cormorant. Carbo sulcirostris, Brandt, Bull. Acad. Imp. Petersb. Phalacrocorax sulcirostris, List of Birds in Brit. Mus. Col., part i. p. 185. Tur Phalacrocorax sulcirostris is found in most of the southern parts of the continent of Australia, and appears to affect the rivers and lagoons of the interior rather than the sea-coast ; at least such was the result of my own observations ; I found it nowhere more abundant than on the rivers Mokai, Peel and Namoi. Its habits did not appear to differ from those of the other members of the family ; it was usually seen perched on the branches of the Hucalypti overhanging the water, and on the spars and snags of the fallen trees which protruded above its surface generally in small companies of from five to twenty in number. Its food consists of fish, frogs, newts, &c. There is no visible difference in the colour of the sexes. The general plumage dark glossy greenish black; the feathers of the back and wings grey, margined with greenish black ; over the eye and dispersed over the sides of the neck numerous minute narrow white feathers, which are probably only assumed during the breeding-season ; irides deep grass-green ; orbits and gular pouch brownish black, the pouch strongly tinged with blue; feet black. The Plate represents the two sexes of the natural size.