PUFFINUS SPHENURUS, Gowda | Wedge-tailed Petrel. Puffinus sphenurus, Gould in Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist., vol. xiii. p. 366. Tuts species was procured by Mr. Gilbert on the Houtmann’s Abrolhos, off the western coast of Australia ; he also observed it on all the neighbouring sandy islands, but on none was it more abundant than on West Wallaby Island, which appears to be one of its chief breeding-places, and where it burrows to a consider- able distance before depositing its single egg. As I did not observe this species in any of my voyages near the south-eastern coast of Australia, I conclude that it does not visit the seas washing those shores. Its single white egg two inches and three-quarters long by one and three-quarters wide. All the upper surface dark chocolate-brown, which gradually deepens into black on the primaries and tail; feathers of the scapularies, which are very broad in form, washed with lighter brown at their tips ; face and throat dark brownish grey, the remainder of the under surface greyish brown ; bill reddish fleshy brown, darker on the culmen and tip; legs and feet yellowish flesh-colour. The figures are of the natural size, the hinder representing a somewhat immature bird. Attiht.. j, ” Abas Ads bh hownhed waned MA bMachder hehe tt hithe. rt i} | | \ it