os ANOUS LEUCOCAPILLUS, Gow. White-capped Tern. Anoiis leucocapillus, Gould in Proc. of Zool. Soc., Part XIII. p. 103. Exampies of this new and beautiful Tern have been presented to me by Lieut. Ince, R.N., by whom they were procured on Raine’s Islet, where it was very abundant. It is nearly allied to the Anois tenuirostris of Western Africa, with which indeed Sir William Jardine considers it to be identical. All that has been said respecting the Anois stolidus is equally applicable to the present species, their habits, manners and mode of life being very similar. Crown of the head and nape of the neck white ; lores and space surrounding the eye deep black; near the posterior angle of the upper and lower eyelids a small patch of white; breast, all the under surface and the wings deep sooty black; back of the neck, back and tail the same, slightly tinged with ash ; bill black ; feet brownish black. The figures are of the size of life.