— NII, PN ag longated into two long thread-like shafts 20 inches in length; fore-neck and chest velvety purplish brown, elong< : ‘ g n, rather paler on the abdomen and under tail- ge tufts of plumes of a brilliant crimson, the ends of these plames paler and whity brown, the barbules being lax near the end of plumes ; under wing- coverts and inner lining of quills ruddy moon eel pearly grey ; fa leaden grey, tinged with reddish ; iris yellow” (D’ Albertis). Total length 13-5 inches, culmen 15, wing 6°9, tail d-4, tarsus 1°85, Adult female. General colour above dull ruddy brown, including the Wings and tail ; hind-neck, and sides of the latter dull straw-buff ; fore part of crow throat, and breast deep purplish brown 3; rest of under surface ye wing- and under tail-coverts: bill pearly grey forming asmall shield; rest of under surface ruddy brow e ¥ 5 © i verts, the flank-feathers elongated into two lat cove ’ these long TONKS) ro hinder part of crown, n-feathers round the eye, sides of face, ry pale ruddy brown, including the under 3 feet plumbeous ; iris yellow. i ZS Total length 12-5 inches, culmen 1:4, wing 6°15, tail 5, tarsus 1-5. , Young male. Similar to the adult female, but much richer brown, A male shot on Mount Epa on the 23rd of April begins to show indications of the approaching bright plumage on the head and throat. The Plate represents the male bird, the front figure being of about the size of life. JOR “pe ¥ g