Ria &S ¥. i, uy 6) aS 7 i \/ i GVA Ly SV Y aD Ni Mr. Goodwin, Collection by the last-n om him by Mr. Seebohm, and presented to the National one of which was purchased fr was secured by Dr. Meyer for the Dresden amed gentleman ; the other one Museum. We have unfortunately has prepared the figure in the accompanyil Dr. Meyer kindly compared Mr. Hart’s painting as amended by a competent artist, so that it is d enough on the edges. The figure of the female is taken from the no specimen of a male Astrarchia in this country, but our artist, Mr. Hart 2 ’ ‘ 2 : < ’ ig Plate from Dr. von Madarasz’s figure in the ‘ Zeitschrift. with the type in the Dresden Museum, and under his direction 1f W a correct representation of the bird, excepting ee : : ee that the tail 1s scarcely recurve specimen in the British Museum.