ILILIR FIR e quite abundant. Arcé, to whom we are chiefly indebted for a has sent us from time to time specimens from the Volcano of Santiago de Veragua, the Cordillera de “In Veragua 7. tenellus appears to b knowledge of the birds of that country, and San Miguel de Bagaba, as well as from Santa Fe, On the Isthmus of Panama it is also common, as M‘Leannan procured many If shot an example in the woods near Obispo Chiriqui Tolé, Chitra, and Calovevora. Station, and two years ago I myse specimens at Lion-Hill after the manner of its tribe, on one of the lower Station. It was sitting motionless in an upright position, branches of a forest tree, my attention being attracted by its yellow breast. ‘Two other localities where this bird is found on the isthmus remain to be stated—one being Chepo, where Arce secured specimens, of the river Truando, where Mr. C. J. Wood, who was attached to Lieut. Michler’s the other the falls He says that ‘it was seen only once in the Cordillera, and_ that > FRILILILILIRI LILI exploring expedition, met with it. it was very unsuspicious and easily shot.’ ”»—SALvIN. The single figure in the accompanying Plate is life-sized. IRIRIRIR Ki = = ~~ ~~ ILILILIE om. [oN on Tr ‘On O-. O~ CO”, UO