ay both webs: “bill black; feet dark lead-colour; iris chestnut” tawny on > (Beccari). Total length 13:3 inches, culmen 2°8, wing 5-95 5 V; ashy brown, edged with (D Alberts) ; «iris violescent brown ’ tail 5°5, tarsus 1:4. Adult female. Ditters from the male in altogether wanting the ornamental plumes; the throat and cheeks brown, with indistinct linear streaks of blackish; the under surface of the body fulvescent, barred with dusky brown, the markings on the the bars wider apart and more culmen 3:4, wing 5°9, tail 4:9, tarsus 1°35. adult female in colour. late Mr. Gould’s ‘Birds of New Guinea,’ and the fore-neck and breast rather duller, and the cross-bars somewhat C concentric, distinct on the lower breast and abdomen. Total length 5 12°5 inches, The young male at first resembles the The Plate is the same as that published in the descriptions are taken from examples in the British Museum.