PETROPHASSA ALBIPENNIS, Gowa White-quilled Rock Dove. Petrophassa albipennis, Gould in Proc. of Zool. Soc., Part VIII. pls Tus highly singular species of Pigeon is an inhabitant of the most rugged, rocky and sterile districts of the north-west coast of Australia. The specimens in my possession were sent me by the Officers of the Beagle, but, I regret to say, were unaccompanied by any particulars respecting their history. The form of the wing would lead us to imagine that in many parts of its economy this species much resembles those of the members of the genus Geophaps ; but on these points nothing can be ascertained with certainty, until the productions of those remote parts of Australia have been carefully investigated, a period which, from the inhospitable character of the country, I fear is far distant. Crown of the head and neck greyish brown, margined with sandy brown ; all the upper surface, chest and tail rufous brown, the centre of each feather inclining to grey ; lores black ; abdomen and under tail-coverts chocolate brown ; throat clothed with small feathers white at the tip, black at the base ; primaries dark brown at their tips, the basal half pure white ; bill and irides blackish brown ; feet reddish brown. The Plate represents a male and a female of the natural size.