helled exe in the ovarium of a female I dissected on the sixth off October, emibles me to state that ig pose of the other members of the family, they are perfectly white The only part « uth Wal Tha them was on the fine estate of Yarn eae ie Ue Hane loa mot of Fer Soren, Eaq, who informed period ough his estate during AEC i ee tas 1 but differs from them in some fey peewee a visa ieere mere cry ‘than in a state of natire; 3 basa musky smell nor the jumping motions of Triehaglo s, and is much more cleanly in its habits than tg ‘ 1 st be placed with the latter group, The re very similar in colour, but the female may always be distinguished from her mate by being The one ey ag ee of the adult, after which they undergo no chan; Face scarlet, with a spot of yellow at th crown of the head deep blue 5 all the upper and under surface green, the latter being somewhat sho we. under wing- and under taileeoverts let ; secondaries and wing-coverts blu varies deep blackish blue, finely margined with Pesfice liken toged witiacl ane ack ae extremity irides rich hazelyellow Feast or bil Kors clon ;