he Dresden chenbroek’s a made up —Rothschild, chen. J. f. O. ynogr. Parad, Dre sden, Vil. _ Parad. p. 43 395) . xii (1894).— : P cden, Vl. n0. 4 abe Range, in he feet greyish lhe adult , oreyish (horn- Aw Boeakh NED IOxe XX1X Genus XVII. LAMPROTHORAX. 1. Lampror TLHE t 2B Add:— MPROTHORAX WILHELMIN/@. Lamprothorax wilhelmine, Sharpe, Monogr. Parad. part vi. (1896).—Meyer, Abhandl. k. zool. Mus. Dresden, vil. no. 2, p. 51 (1898).—Rothschild, Thierreich, Lief. 2, Parad. p. 21 (1898). Genus XVIII. CICINNURUS. ee 1. Crcinnurus ReEGIUs. Paradisea regia, Marshall, Arch. Néerl. vi. p. 297 (1871). Cicinnurus regius, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Genoy. (2) x. p. 822 (1891).—Meyer, Abhandl. k. zool. Mus. Dresden, 1891, p. 12; 1893, p. 23.—Sharpe, Monogr. Parad. part i. (1891).—Id. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, iv. p. xii (1894).— Madardasz, Aquila, i. p. 91 (1894).—Salvad. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2) xvi. p. 822 (1896).— Reichen. J. f. O. 1897, p. 214.—Meyer, Abhandl. k. zool. Mus. Dresden, vii. no. 2, p. 47 (1898). Cicinnurus regius (typicus), Rothschild, Thierreich, Lief. 2, Parad. p. 35 (1898). Dr. Loria obtained a large series of specimens at Bara-Bara in Milne Bay, and at other villages on the Kemp Welch River to the east of Port Moresby. The iris was dull chestnut, the bill yellow, and the feet blue. The native name of the female bird was ‘“ Uanaro Uapu” (cf Salvad. /.c.). Procured by Fenichel in the Finisterre Mountains, and by Tappenbeck on the Nuru River in German New Guinea. Dr. A. B. Meyer (/. c.) says that the species was met with commonly by him during his journey across North-western New Guinea. It lives on the high trees, and he says that the blue colour of the feet is lovely, the claws grey, the bill clear yellow, and the iris clear brown. He also noticed the change of the colour from brown to red without a moult. Ae 2. CIcINNURUS COCCINEIFRONS. Cicinnurus regius coccineifrons, Meyer, Abhandl. k. zool. Mus. Dresden, vii. no. 2 (1898).—Rothschild, Thierreich, g J Lief. 2, Parad. p. 35 (1898). Cicinnurus coccineifrons, Sharpe, Monogr. Parad. part vili. (1898). Genus XIX. RHIPIDORNIS. Adel 1. RuiprporNis GULIELMI TERTI. Rhipidornis gulielmi tertii, Sharpe, Monogr. Parad. part ii. (1893).—Id. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, iv. p. xiii (1894) Rhipidornis gulielmitertii, Meyer, Abhandl. k. zool. Mus. Dresden, vii. no. 2, p. 48 (1898). Diphyllodes gulielmitertii, Rothschild, Thierreich, Lief. 2, Parad. p. 36 (1898). Genus XX. DIPHYLLODES. Naas 1. DipHyLLopEs MAGNIFICA. Diphyllodes magnifica, Sharpe, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, iv. p. xiii (1894).—Id. Monogr. Parad. part vi. (1896).— Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civic. Genov. (2) xvi. p. 111 (1896).—Meyer, Abhandl. k. zool. Mus. Dresden, vii. no. 2, p. 48 (1898).—Rothschild, Novit. Zool. v. p. 87 (1898). Diphyllodes magnificus, Rothschild, Thierreich, Lief. 2, Parad. p. 36 (1898). Dr. Meyer gives the following note from his diary of 1873 :—‘ Its cry is a piping ‘krrerrr, krrrrrr.’ Iris and feet black. Frequents the ground. The male clears a large roand place: during this operation the female sits close at hand on the lianas or rattans, and when the male has finished, she dances with him on the newly-cleared space.” h iw we DNS JAI « ale Ls Nh iy i