— o NT NA NY Nd od VENT AN yw S ed all VAM A AM AO A A { HH AR REAR AG: Lt (}F5 es Mr. Rothschild adopts the name striatus ; A | latter’s work, before that of speciosa. At one time I was influenced by the same considerations, but I now d ’ ae . i = : x OPANGTTC Tice ma think that to revive the unknown name of sérzatus instead of Oe ee naine of speciosus is an > observance of the rule of “ strict priority” which is better honoured in its breach. Dr. Meyer (Z c.) says Pa that the note of this bird is “ tub, tub, tuh, tuh, tuh, tuh. ‘The food consists of fruit and insects. The feet are greyish-blue, and the iris is yellowish-red ” (extract from his diary of 1873). m | Cc Dp zh) - 9) 7 si A A eas \ 2. EprmacHUsS MEYERI. See) ENC i i Epimachus meyeri, Sharpe, Monogr. Parad. part 1. (1891).—Id. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, iv. p. xii (1894).—Meyer, rat) Abhandl. k. zool. Mus. Dresden, vii. no. 2, p. 42 (1898). = Falcinellus meyeri, Rothschild, Thierreich, Lief. 2, Parad. p. 31 (1898). i Add 3. EprmMACHUS ASTRAPIOIDES. a Pa Cl Cl ec eree Falcinellus astrapioides, Rothschild, Thierreich, Lief. 2, Parad. p. 30 (1898). The habitat of this species is believed to be some part of North-western New Guinea. Ge 4, EpiMAcHUS ELLIOTI. a Epimachus elliott, Sharpe. Monogr. Parad. part vi. (1896).—Meyer, Abhandl. k. zool. Mus. Dresden, vii. no. 2, p. 42 (1898). Falcinellus elhoti, Rothschild, Thierreich, Lief. 2, Parad. p. 29 (1898). The babitat of this species is still unknown, but Dr. Meyer and the Hon. Walter Rothschild both think a that it will be found to be some part of North-western New Guinea. Sun-ramity Il. PARADISEIN &. NG Genus X. ASTRAPIA. \ Astr 5 gra. S oo . nt 35 QQ , 2 1 Astrapia “ ‘ ies Monogr. Parad. part 11. (1893).—Id. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, iv. p. xii (1894).—Meyer, ees). - k. zool. Mus. Dresden, vii. no. 2, p. 42 (1898).— Rothsch. Thierreich, Lief. 2, Parad. p. 32 Oo . Genus XI. ASTRARCHIA. \ Add :— 1, Asrrarcnia srepHANim. 4 APPENDIX. Genus IX. EPIMACHUS. The Hon. Waltet Rothschild (Nov Zool. v. p. 84) revives the -generic name Faleinellus of Vieillot, he Hon. Walter ‘ : p. 47 (1816), and points out that Bechstein, never applied it to the Glossy Ibis, which : to whom the generic name of Laleinellus is Rete nat ; on he called * Tuntalus falcinellus. generally attributed, 1. Epracuus SPECIOSUS. Add — : coe 7 ae Epimachus specosus, Sharpe, Monogr. Parad. part m1. (1894).—Id. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, iv. p. xii (1894). Mever, Abhandl. k. zool. Mus. Dresden, vii. no. 2, p. 42 (1898). ae Va 9 (18 Id. Thierreic ete ye wala ame 98). Falcinellus striatus, Rothschild, Novit. Zool. v. p. 89 (1898) _—Id. Thierreich, Lief. 2, Parad. p. 30 (1898) of Boddaert, because it comes first on the page of the ee Baphania: (Finsch & Meyer), Sharpe, Monogr, Parad. part im. (1894).—Id. Bull. Brit, Orn. Club _ iW. p. xii (1894).—Meyer, Abhandl. k. zool. Mus. Dresden, vii. no. 2, p. 42 (1898) . Astrapia stephanie, Rothschild, Thierreich, Lief, 2, Parad. p- 33 (1898) 4 i