Ie Ne hake ODOC lek OrNe XIX Upper surface mottled with ashy whitish or white tips or bars at the end of the feathers ; throat and sides of body perfectly uniform. Head uniform; the whitish tips to the inner secondaries not ver ry strongly . RoMouMeetl =o c¢ o ¢ a 0. nuchalis. J s d*, Head mottled with silvery w hitish io to ae ferns the whitish tips to the wing-coverts and secondaries very strongly aronennncl pe eo a 6. orientalis. 6. Crown of head golden orange ; under surface of body enmome-ywellon, 2° 2° °c >» « 7. lauterbachi. XU. A LURGEDUS. as Type. Atluradus, Cab. Mus. Hein. Th. i. p. 213 (1850) ee Beidiss Range. Australia, New Guinea, Salawati, Jobi, Waigiou, Batanta, Aru Islands. Key to the Species. Crown of head mottled; ear-coverts black ; tail-feathers tipped with white. With large ovate spots of sandy buff or fawn-colour extending over the hind-neck and upper mantle. Under surface of body scaly, the feathers edged and spotted at the tip with Geanis geen. : 1. melanotis. Nape spotted like the head Ae eee | 2. jobiensis. 6°. Nape black See ee eae 3. arfakianus. - 6°. Under surface of body more uniform, not margined with vee mre 0 6 4. melanocephalus. °. Hind-neck and upper mantle mottled wich greyish centres to the feathers, or dosay lwlasisn eilae@s 5 0 0 5 46 : o- maculosus. . Crown of head uniform green; ear-coverts green, none van fe baw; tail feathers tipped with: white = 2... 8 6. viridis. Crown of head uniform brown or ochreous-brown, not green. cr pe on the under surface large ; throat white, distinctly spotted with black. ue of head olivesbrowny - 7 7. buccoides. . Crown of head ocbreous-brown .— . oe 8. geislerorum. ne fo on the under surface very small, the den ce a oe a few ae dots ; crown of head blackish brown a Gain. XIV. SCENOPCEETES., Tl. Type. EENOP@US. Nammsayey bes Gomme OO)e 8 et ee ee S. dentirostris, Scenop@etes, Coues, Auk, vill. p. 115 (1891) Sa deniinosiinis’ Tectonornis, Sharpe, Monogr. Parad. pt. i (1892) Ce Se dentinosuiiss Range. N.E. Australia. ) 3% t. £ a re Ze) FA Ne I NL. be CPN ENS PAN ey ~S; PAE } Fr yp : eZ, yA BY, ~