VANANGNGNEN (AK ry (> 35 _— wy XI A! — t, iG AFIT INTRODUCT 1OuING Key to the Species. like the elongated crest 1. Forebead yellow, an: Be : 5 we, ending im a long crest. j. Forehead brown ; crown yellow or orat a’. Crest very long and reaching to the mantle ; streaks aching bey » hind-neck ; 4’. Crest rounded, not reaching beyond the bind kK Vill. CNEMOPHILUS. Cnemophilus, De Vis, Ann. Rep. Brit. New Guinea, p. 61 ( 1890) Range. S.E. New Guinea. IX. PRIONODURA. Prionodura, De Vis, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S, Wales, vil. p. 562 (1883) Range. N.E. Australia. xX. XANTHOMELUS. Xanthomelus, Bp. Ann. Sci. Nat., Zool, (4) i. p. 122 (1854) Range. New Guinea. Key to the Species. a. Head, neck, and mantle golden orange b. Head, neck, and mantle fiery red XI. SERICULUS. Sericulus, Swains. Zool. Journ. 1. p. 476 (1825) Range. Australia. XII. CHLAMYDODERA. Calodera (nec Naum.), Gould, P. Z. S. 1836, pp. 106, 145 Chlamydera, Gould, B. Austr. part i. (cancelled, 1837) ‘ee Calidera, Agassiz, Nomencl. Zool. Ind. Univ. p. 58 (1846, nom. emend.). Chlamydodera, Agassiz, t. c. p. 82 (1846, nom. emend.). . Range. Australia, New Guinea. Key to the Species. a. Breast and abdomen not yellow ; crown of head not orange. a. Sexes alike; no nuchal band of bright lilac ; the breast; throat pale, longitudinally uniform ; back minutely spotted and streaked with white 6°. Sexes different ; a nuchal band of bright lilac in the males. a’. Upper surface mottled all over with re feathers ; throat and side a. Head rufous-brown, v: » eS Bene to the feathers : slie feathers black; throat and chest fulvescent centres and margins to the feathers throat uniform, with scarcely any pale throat streaked with pale buff under tail-coverts fawn-coloured like streaked with dusky; head and hind-neck ddish spots and bars at the end of the s of body with spots or bars of dusky brown ried wi ackish edoines ; . é ith blackish edgings and spots; throat light ghtly indicated rufous bars, the bases of the , mottled with dusky blackish Soo 1. flavifrons. 2. inornata. 3. subalaris. Type. C. macgregori. Type. P. newtoniana. Type. , ; . X. aureus. : : : 1. aureus. 2. ardens. Type. S. melinus. Type. C. maculata. C. maculata. —_— . cerviniventris. © ~ 2. maculata. e,6 we . oceyntals. os : : : 4. guttata.