rons me tertir, ifica. ici le ca. ade Ye pple ri hopte rd. Cllll. pe. yublica. IC. lacit. pe. ‘audren. raudre 11. EAN 18 © ID) Wi WP ON, XV Key to the Species. a. Outer aspect of wings more or less purple. a’. Under surface of body metallic steel-green or purple; feathers of the crown and throat steel-blue or metallic green, a”. Head not in strong contrast to the back. a, Head dark steel-blue like the back NESS ete Sys ae a l. keraudrent. 6°. Head metallic green, slightly contrasting with the steel-blue of the back. 2. jamesi, inim. es : : amesi, ad. 6”. Head steel-blue ; back purple like the wings a ee ee {2 : ( purpureo-violacea). 6°. Under surface of body black, with scarcely any metallic gloss; feathers of head and throat metallic oily-green . 2 ‘ : 3. hunstein. green and not purplish; general colour above e 6. Outer aspect of quills always and belommmetallicyaneene 0. eC ee eee elec XXV. MANUCODIA. iene Avonncodia,, ocll, Wall, Hl, inl, . BY) CPs) 0 2 © o 8 6 6 6 6 6 «4 4 M. chalybeata. Range. New Guinea, Salawati, Jobi, Mysol, Waigiou, Ghemien, Batanta, Aru Islands. Key to the Species. a. Interseapulary region rich purple, crinkled with transverse bands of velvety Dick: ey 1. chalybeata and allies. 6. Interscapulary region metallic steel-green with purple reflections, but without recurved vellyetisy mamains to the tears 0 2 0 28 6 © «© © Dy Uh XXVI. EUCORAX. Ty ype. Eucorax, Sharpe, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, iv. p. xv (1894) A ee eee E. comrit. Range. D’Entrecasteaux Islands. XXVIII. LYCOCORAX. a ype. Lycocorax, Bp. Comptes Rendus, xxxvil. p. 829 (1853) 3 : . . : . . . L. pyrrhopterus. Range. Batchiavn, Halmahéra, Morotai, Raou, Obi Islands. Key to the Species. a. Primaries ashy brown below, somewhat paler, but not white, at the base of the inner web. a. General colour black, slightly washed with green; secondaries brown... 1. pyrrhopterus. bo’. General colour dark rifle-green ; secondaries black, washed with green 2. obiensis. 6. Primaries white for the basal half of the inner web ee 3. morotensis. XXVIII. PARADIGALLA. Type Paradigalla, Less. Ois. Parad. 1835, p. 242 a P. carunculata. Range. New Guinea. ‘ CERES ye NSIS INE y 7 CX