Astrapia, Vieill. N. Dict. d’Hist. Nat. ji, p. 36 (1816) . INTRODUCTION. Centre tail-feathers long and narrow, velvety black, with a slightly spatule at the end, the whole feather webbed developed ae | no metallic shield on the throat ; throughout its entire length ; flank-feathers blue, and with thread-like ends c. Tail square or with the two centre feathers elongated, but without a train of ornamental flank-plumes. f”. Tail square, with the two centre feathers elongated, metallic-green ; round the hind-neck a frill of elongated feathers : o. Tail square, with the two centre feathers elongated and wire- like, very : narrow and recurved at the ends. 7. With no dorsal shield, the upper surface uniform crimson ; on each side of the breast a tuft of plumes spread like a fan; two centre feathers thread-like and ending in aracket . . - - With a distinct dorsal shield of orange or golden. Head covered with dense close-set plumes. a, With a fan-shaped tuft of feathers springing from each side of the breast . With no fan- Moped tuft of pectoral feathers, but a large shield of green on the breast b*. Head bare, blue in life, with a few transverse tracts of feathers d’. Tail square, the centre feathers not elongated. i”. With two long streamers from the head, composed of enamelled flag- like appendages to a wire-like shaft Sg Without ornamental streamers on the head. f°. With a large metallic triangular shield of green on the breast ; two white elongated plumes on the wing Se g°. Without a pectoral shield. c’. Nostrils covered with dense plumes ; plumage metallic. Centre tail-feathers simple in structure, like the rest of the tail, which is ‘‘ hen”-shaped; plumage glossy and metallic, with a pointed tuft of feathers on each side of the crown d°. Tail not markedly “ hen ”-shaped, but simple in structure, the centre feathers not recurved; feathers of the neck and chest crinkled . Centre tail-feathers ere and recurved ; feathers on the sides of the crown raised into a dense line of velvety plumes . Nostrils exposed and not approached by frontal plumes ; ; plumage plain and non-metallic ° . . 6. With an erect yellow lappet at the base of the bill: longer than the tail, the latter pointed, with the beyond the others plumage black ; Wing's two centre feathers produced X. ASTRAPIA. Range. N.W. New Guinea. XI. ASTRARCHIA. Astrarchia, Meyer, Zeitschr. ges. Orn. ii 1. p. 378 (1885) Range. S.E. New Guinea. 16. Paraptisornis. LAMPROTHORAX. 18. Cicrnnurus. 19. Rurprpornis. 20. DiruyLuopes. 21. ScHuErcE.ia. 22. PreripopHora. 23. SEMIOPTERA. 24. PHOoNYGAMA. 25. Manucopta. 26. Eucorax, 27. Lycocorax. 28. ParapdIGALLa. Type. ee ee A, nigra. Type. oy eee A. stephanie.