SAND Nee | | LS | TiN WR O DUG Wi © Ie Key to the Species. rple; gular shie allic-oreen ; breast and abdomen olive rifle- a. Larger: chest purple ; gular shield metallic-g ; ee creen: chin and sides of throat black, with scarcely any purple gloss. Female bu 5 9 oe. . : avak 1. paradise beneath, with distinct sub-marginal bands of black paradisea. j, Smaller: chin and sides of throat with a reflection of burnished copper ; gular shield somewhat smaller, the purple colour extending over the fore-neck, chest, and upper breast : remainder of under surface more of an olivaceous green. Female fawn-colout below, with dusky spots ee wictorie. II. CRASPEDOPHORA. Type. Craspedophora, Gray, List Gen. B. 1841, p. 15 ee C. magnifica. Range. New Guinea and N.E. Australia. Key to the Species. a, Base of culmen bare, not covered by the frontal plumes. a. Breast reddish-purple below the double pectoral band. Female with the head rufous like the back 1. magnifica, | o°. Breast oily green below the pectoral collar. Femade with the head ashy brown, the SS) back olivaceous brown 2. alberti. 6. Base of culmen hidden by the frontal plumes; bill shorter than in the preceding | species. I’emale similar to that of C. magnifica Be UC CCHETC Il. HETEROPTILORHIS, gen. nov. Type. Range. New Guinea. H. mantoui. IV. PARYPHEPHORUS. . Type. Paryphephorus, Meyer, Ibis, 1890, p. 420 P. duivenbodii. Range. New Guinea. V. IANTHOTHORAX. T So ype. lanthothorax, Biittik. Notes Leyden Mus. xvi. p. 163 (1894) I bination Range. N.W. New Guinea. VI. SELEUCIDES. T Seleucides, Less. Hist. Nat. Ois. Parad So ae a ucrdes, Less. Hist. Nat. Ois. Parad. Syn. p. 29 (1835) S. nigricans. Nematophora, Gray, List Gen. B. 1840, p. 12 Range. New Guinea, Salawati. ” nUgricans. VII. DREPANORNIS. ature, 1873, p. 192 873, p. 560 (nom. emend. ) Type. > D. albertisi. D. albertisi. Dr A NID Dt \ VF epanophorus (nec Egerton), Sclater, N Drepanornis, Sclater, P. ZS. 1 Range. New Guinea. Key to the Species. mo: : a Tail cin -rufous: back S st é nnamon-rufous ; back dark reddish-brown, uniform (5 begs 6. Tail pale Kocm-colowm, Tlie tke apyae tedlons : 2. geisleri. indisti : pper tail-coverts; back lioht brown, witl . indistinct mesial ovate spots of buff a ee eG 3. cervinicauda.