ESTRELDA ANNULOSA, Gouid. Black-rumped Finch. Amadina annulosa, Gould in Proc. of Zool. Soc., Part VII. p. 143. Tus species was one of several, collected by the Officers of H.M.S. the Beagle, and for the specimens from which my figures were taken I am indebted to Messrs. Bynoe and Dring. The bird has also been more recently brought to England by Captain Grey : all the specimens here alluded to were collected on the north-west coast, and I find it is not unfrequently seen on the Coburg Peninsula, where it inhabits the grassy banks of running streams, in small families of from six to ten in number. It differs from Bicheno’s Finch in the spots and markings on the upper surface being rather less defined, and in the colouring of the rump, which in this species is black, while in the other it is white. Face, ear-coverts and throat white, surrounded by a jet-black band, which is broadest on the forehead ; chest greyish white, bounded below by a conspicuous band of black; lower part of the abdomen white ; crown of the head, back of the neck, and back greyish brown marked with numerous fine transverse lines of greyish white ; rump, upper and under tail-coverts and tail black ; wings blackish brown, the secondaries and coverts thickly dotted with fine markings of greyish white; bill and feet lead-colour. The figures are those of a male and a female of the natural size. ©) We. C7ENKo (OAK ©) WwW. CANO. W CO AK ( oe CAT, j |