PACHYCEPHALA LANOIDES, Gowda. Shrike-like Pachycephala. Pachycephala Lanoides, Gould in Proc. of Zool. Soc., Part VII. p. 142. A sINGLE specimen only of this bird has come under my notice, and from the locality in which it was pro- cured, the north-west coast of Australia, it is probable that it is the only one in Europe. On reference to the figure on the Plate, it will be seen that it is a most robust and powerful species, and that it so closely approximates to the form of the genus Zanius, that had it been a native of any other country than Australia, where the true Shrikes are not found, it might have been referred to that genus. That it feeds on insects of a large size there can be but little doubt, its whole structure indicating that it exists upon this kind of food. No information whatever has been obtained with respect to its habits and economy; this blank therefore remains to be filled up by those naturalists who may hereafter visit the part of the country of which it is a denizen. Crown of the head, ear-coverts and chest black, bounded posteriorly by a narrow band of chestnut ; throat, centre of the abdomen and under tail-coverts white ; flanks, back, shoulders and external webs of the primaries, secondaries and wing-coverts grey ; tail, bill and feet black. The Plate represents the bird in two different positions, of the natural size.