GRAUCALUS SWAINSONIL Swainson’s Graucalus. Ceblepyris lineatus, Swains. in Zool. Journ., vol. i. p. 466. Graucalus Swainsonii, Gould in Syn. Birds of Australia, Part IV. Turs species of Graucalus, which is distinguished from all the other Australian members of the genus by the beautiful barring of the breast, was originally described by Mr. Swainson under the appellation of Aneatus ; but that term having been previously applied to another species of the group, it became necessary to change it; and in substituting that of Seainsonii, I was desirous of paying a just tribute to the talents of a gentleman who has laboured most zealously in the cause of natural science, and whose researches and writings are so well known to all ornithologists. Examples of this species occur in almost every collection sent from Moreton Bay; I regret to add that it is one of the few birds I had no opportunities of observing in a state of nature, and that nothing is at present known of its habits and economy. Judging from the specimens I have examined, I believe that the sexes are alike in plumage. Lores black ; head, all the upper surface, wing-coverts, throat and breast grey ; primaries and second- aries black ; the former narrowly, and the latter broadly margined on their external edges with grey ; tail grey at the base, black for the remainder of its length ; abdomen, under surface of the shoulder, and under tail-coverts white, crossed by numerous decided narrow bars of black ; bill and feet black. The figures are of the natural size. fas) Pay} cs