AOE A (ae OD ee oe TABLE OF THE Name of Species. fone ae Gelochelidon macrotarsus . Gygis candida . Hydrochelidon fluv iatilis, Gould Onychoprion fuliginosus ? Panaya Anoiis stolidus melanops, Gould leucocapillus, Gould cinereus, Gould . Diomedea exulans, Linn. brachyura, Zemm. . cauta, Gould culminata, Gould chlororhynchos, Lath. melanophrys, Temm. fuliginosa . olivaceorhyncha, Gould Procellaria gigantea . —____—— /&quinoctialis conspicillata, Gould . hasitata, Kuhl. . Atlantica, Gould macroptera, Smith —— Solandrii, Gould —_——_—— Glacialoides, Smith Lessonii, Garn. mollis, Gould Cookii, G. R. Gray coerulea, Gmel. flavirostris, Gould nivea, Gmel. meets Gime Daption Capensis Prion Turtur —— vittatus, Cuv. —— Banksii —— Ariel, Gould Puffinus brevicaudus, Brandt carneipes, Gould sphenurus, Gould assimilis, Gould Puffinuria Urinatrix . Thalassidroma marina, Less. melanogaster, Gould Gould = Trojpien, Gould Nereis, Gould . leucogaster, Wilsonii, Bonap. . Phalacrocorax Carboides, Gould sulcirostris ————— Inrolenens . 12 South-eastern | portion of Au- | stralia or New | South Wales. South Australia. | Swan River or Western | Australia. Northern Australia. Van Die- men’s Land. RANGE OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE SPECIES. Extra Australian. Southern Ocean N. Pacific Ocean ? Southern Ocean Southern Ocean Southern Ocean Southern Ocean N. Pacific Ocean ? S. Indian Ocean S. Indian Ocean Southern Ocean (S. Pacific and S. | Atlantic Oceans South Pacific fNew Zealand | | and S. Pacific { |S. Indian and S.) || Atlantic Oceans J Southern Ocean S. Indian Ocean Antarctic Seas Antarctic Seas Southern Ocean Southern Ocean Southern Ocean Southern Ocean Bass’s Straits S. Indian Ocean S. Indian Ocean (eae, tim tile) | Atlantic J ee and the | temperate Lat. l of the northern | _.|New Zealand ? : eee Number of V ome and Pla’ os Intro., p. xey, Vo!. VII. Pl, 30, 31, ram 44, Intro., p. xevii, Vol. VIT. Pl. 45, Intro., p. xevii, Woll, WIL WPL 46, = ie Intro., p. xevii. Intro., p. xeviii, Intro., p. xeviii. MO, ADU VL, 48), = 49, — 50. = Hl, a 52. Intro., p. xcvill. Intro., p. xeviil. Intro., p. xeviii. Vol. VII. Pl. 53 — 54, — 50. Intro., p. xcix. Intro., p. xcix. Vol. VII. Pl. 56. a iy — 58. — 59. a 60. ss 61. ee 62. ei 63. Intro., p. ¢ Vol. VII. Pl. 64. pas 65. es 66. mare 67. a 68.