NIN ANI () 1B) 10) EMPL) Ne, Ixi Genus Curysococcyx, Bove. The members of this genus are distributed over most parts of the Old World; two species occur in Australia. 342. Chrysococcyx osculans. Chalcites osculans, Gould : ; : : : : : ; : : : : Vol. IV. Pl. 88. 343. Chrysococcyx lucidus : ; ; : : Vol. IV. Pl. 89. Sylvia versicolor, Lath. in Lambert’s Drawings. Genus Scyrurors, Lath. The only known species of this remarkable form inhabits the eastern parts of Australia, and according to information derived from the notes made by Mr. Gilbert during Dr. Leichardt’s Expedition, extends its range north- ward from thence to within the tropics. [ have recently had a young specimen presented to me by Lady Dowling, one of two taken from a branch of a tree while being fed by birds not of its own species, an important fact as showing the parasitic habits of the bird. 344. Scythrops Novee-Hollandiz, Lath. : : : : : ; Vole INV RIE90: Genus Eupynamys, “ig. 8 Horsf. One species only of this form inhabits Australia; others are found in the Indian Islands and on the continent of India. 345. Eudynamys Flindersii_ . : : ' Wolo AY, JAG Ol, Genus Cenrropus, J//. On reference to my account of the Centropus Phasianus, it will be seen I have stated that some variation exists in the form of the bill in specimens from different localities, intimated a belief of there being more than one species, and remarked that should such prove to be the case, the term macrourus might be applied to the Port Essington birds, and melanurus to those from the north-west coast; and these names are provisionally given until future research has proved whether they be or be not distinct. 346. Centropus Phasianus . : : : ; : : : : : : : : Woll, IW IPL Oe. 347. Centropus macrourus, Gould. 348. Centropus melanurus, Gould. Family CERTHIADA, Wg. Genus Cumacreris, Zemm. Several species of this well-defined and singular group of Australian birds have lately been discovered; two out of the six now known are all that had been described prior to the publication of the present work. With the exception of Van Diemen’s Land and the Cobourg Peninsula, every colony is inhabited by one or other of the following species :— 349. Climacteris scandens, Ten. : ; ; : : : : ; : ; : Vole LV RE 93 350. Climacteris rufa, Gould . ‘ ‘ 5 : : ‘ : ; : 3 : : Vol Tyvek 948 351. Climacteris erythrops, Gould : ’ ; : : : Vol. IV. Pl. 95. 352. Climacteris melanotus, Gould : : : : : ! : : : : : Vol IVP 96. 353. Climacteris melanura, Gould ‘ : : : ‘ , : ; : : ; Woll, IAW, JBL OF Q 4 a >} i QV CALE = ce s ‘ " pelea aon ot