NG OD) UC iOaNe Genus Myzanrua, Vig. & Horsf. During the progress of this work three additional species of this genus have been discovered, one in the inte- rior of New South Wales, the second at Swan River, and the third on the north-west coast ; consequently it is a eenus the members of which are widely distributed over nearly every part of Australia. 329. Myzantha garrula . : : : ; ; ; Vol. IV. Pl. 76. 330. Myzantha obscura, Gould : : : : : ; : : ; : Vol. IV. Pl. 79. 331. Myzantha lutea, Gould . : ; : ‘ : : : : : : Wol IY, Pl, 79, 332. Myzantha flavigula, Gould. : ; : : ; . : Vol. IV. Pl. 79, 333. Myzantha melanophrys . ; : : : : : Vol. IV. Pl. 80, Family Genus Zosterops, ig. & Horsf: Three well-defined species of this genus inhabit the continent of Australia and Van Diemen’s Land; two are found on Norfolk Island, and numerous others inhabit the Indian Islands and the continent of India even to the Himalaya Mountains. In placing this group next to the Honey-eaters, I have been influenced by their approximation to those birds in some of their habits: they also exhibit a further degree of affinity in the form and structure of their nest, but not in the colouring of their eggs, which are always blue in colour. 334. Zosterops dorsalis, Vig. § Horsf. . ; : : é ; Wolk IN, Jal, Bil. 335. Zosterops chloronotus, Gould : : : Vole lye bis: 336. Zosterops luteus, Gould : : F ; : ; : ; : : : : Vol: Werlest Family CUCULIDA, Leach. The family Cuculide is very fairly represented in Australia, since we there find species belonging to the greater number of the Old World genera, and one, Scythrops, which has not hitherto, I believe, been found elsewhere. With the exception of Centropus and Eudynamys, they, like their prototypes, are parasitic in their nidification, and depend upon other birds for the hatching of their eggs and the feeding of their offspring. Genus Cucuuus, Linn. 337. Cuculus optatus, Gould ; : : : Z : d : : : ; Vol. IV. Pl. 84. Since my description of this species was printed I have seen specimens from India, with the name of Cuculus macropterus attached to them: should this name have been published prior to the one J have assigned to it, my name must sink into a synonym. 338. Cuculus inornatus, Vig. §° Horsf. : : ‘ ; ; ; : : Vol. IV. Pl. 85. Columba pallida, Lath. Gen. Hist. vol. viii. Do BO. 339. Cuculus cineraceus, Vig. & Horsf. : : : ; : ; : i Vol. IV. Pl. 86. 340. Cuculus insperatus, Gould : : é : i ; ; Woll, IW, IBb 87. 341. Cuculus dumetorum, Gould. This species, which inhabits the north-western coast, differs from C. insperatus in bemg of a much smaller size and in the whole of the plumage being of a browner hue.