INGE ODO COIN, lvul 299. Xanthomyza Phrygia : : : : i : : ‘ : 3 : ; : WO le Ae telnet The habitat of this bird appears to be confined to the south-eastern portion of Australia. It generally frequents the highest branches of the lofty Eucalypti, both of the brushes and of the plains, but is most abundant in the districts near the coast. In its disposition it is bold and extremely pugnacious. The sexes are alike in plumage, and but little difference is observable between nestling and adult birds. Tv x is E . The nests I saw were round and cup-shaped, and were mostly placed in the fork of a tree. Genus Meuicopnina, Gould. Generic characters. Bill as long as the head, gradually curving downwards from the base, nearly cylindrical and very pointed ; nostrils basal and covered with an operculum; wings rather lengthened, the first primary short, the third the longest ; tail moderately long, and nearly square ; tarsi long and stout. A genus containing only a single species, which so far as we yet know is confined to Southern and Western Australia. 300. Melicophila picata, Gould : : : ; : : : i : : ; : Woll, IAW. IAL 419. Possesses many singular habits, and differs from most other species of the Meliphagide in the totally different colouring of the sexes; as well as in assembling in vast flocks, which continue soaring about during the greater portion of the day. I was not aware until after my drawing was made that this bird has a small fleshy appendage beneath the eye of an ashy-grey colour, which is visible in a dried skin. The nest and eggs are said to be very similar to those of Petrotca multicolor, and to be placed in similar situations. Genus Enromorpuiia, Gould. Generic characters. Bill nearly as long as the head, somewhat broad at the base, becoming compressed and pointed at the apex ; tomia of the upper mandible arched and slightly notched at the tip; nostrils basal, oval, pierced in a membrane and protected by an operculum ; wings rather long, first quill spurious, the second nearly as long as the third, which is the longest ; tat/ short and nearly square ; tars: short and rather feeble; hind-toe short and stout; lateral toes unequal, the inner one being rather the shortest. 301. Entomophila picta, Gould : : : : : : : : : : : : Wo Vielod) The pomted wings of the examples of this bird I had seen prior to my visit to Australia, led me to infer that its habits were more acrial than those of the other members of the family, and such proved to be the case; for while the greater number of the latter cling to and creep about the branches, the present bird flies about the trees, captures insects on the wing, and during flight displays the beautiful yellow of its wings and the white markings of its tail to the greatest advantage. Its frail cup-shaped nest is sometimes suspended among the drooping leaves of the Acacia pendula. 302. Entomophila albogularis, Gould. : : : : ; : : Wolk, IW. Jl Sil. 303. Entomophila rufogularis, Gould. : : : : : : : ; WOE Vesicles oe I fear I have committed an error in referring the birds from the north coast (Z. albogularis and E. rufogularis) to the present genus, for upon further consideration I believe they will prove to be sufficiently different from every other form yet characterized to justify their being separated into a distinct genus. Genus AcanTHocENys, Gould. Generic characters. Bill as long as the head, compressed, slightly arched, acute at the tip ; the edges of the upper mandible notched near the tip, and delicately serrated ; nostrils sub-basal; from the base of the mandibles a naked stripe runs below Pp AT ORF EC) Rr SEN AO COR eed Tale.