ENA ROD) VU CONE. xlix Subfamily ALAUDINA, Bonap. Genus Mirarra, Forsf: One, if not two, species of this well-defined genus inhabit Australia. At present one only has been charac- terized ; but the bird of this form, frequenting the intertropical portions of the country, may prove to be a distinct species. 230. Mirafra Horsfieldii, Gould : ; ' : ; : ; : f ; i Noles OTe TRemtelee7e Family FRINGILLIDA, Vig. The Finches of Australia comprise twenty well-marked species, referable to several genera or subgenera, each of which exhibit a slight difference in structure, accompanied, as is always the case, by a difference in habit, and in the districts inhabited ; thus the true Estrelde frequent grassy patches in the glades of the forests, the open parts of gullies, &c.; the Amadine, the stony hills and flats; the Pocphile, the grass beds of the open plains ; and the Donacole, the grasses of the marshy districts and reed-beds: of the habits of Emblema nothing is known; its pointed bill indicates some peculiarity in its economy differing from those of the other genera. All the species build, I believe, large grassy nests with a spout-like opening. The whole of those figured are peculiar to Australia. Genus Estreipa, Swains. 231. Estrelda bella 3 : ; : : : é : : : ; : : ; Wolk, JUUL IL 7/8. Lowa nitida, Lath. Gen. Hist. vol. v. p. 268 ? 232. Estrelda oculea : ‘ : : : : : ; " ‘ : : WO, WUE 1G W/o 233. Estrelda Bichenovii : : é : : : : : : : : : c Wl, IU, JBL BO. 234. Estrelda annulosa, Gould s ‘ : ‘ é ‘ ; : A ; : Wolo ele oie 235. Estrelda temporalis ; : : 5 : : ; ‘ 5 : : : : Wolk, 100, Tl, 3%, 236. Estrelda Phaéton, Gould : : ‘ : : : 5 : : i Wo, UOC, 1B, 83, 237. Estrelda ruficauda, Gould ‘ : j : ; : 5 : : : : : Wool, JUNI, Tl evi. 238. Estrelda modesta. Amadina modesta, Gould : : : ; : : ; : ; : : WoL, IU. FIL Gis, Genus Amapina, Sains. 239. Amadina Lathami : : 4 : F : : : ; : g : : Woll, Wil, 1, GE. 240. Amadina castanotis, Gould . d : : : , : : ; ‘ é ; Wo, 10UI, IDL By. Genus Poépuina, Gould. Generic characters. Bill considerably swollen at the base, rendering it nearly as deep and broad as it is long ; wings moderately long, the first quill rudimentary, the four next equal in length; feet plantigrade, toes slender; the middle toe much longer than the lateral ones, which are equal in length; hind-toe much shorter than the middle one; tail strictly cuneiform, the two middle feathers much produced. 241. Poeéphila Gouldie. Amadina Gouldize, Gould i : : : : : : Voltiin Pin ss: 242. Poéphila mirabilis, Homb. et Jacq. . : : : ; Wolmiir Ee 89: N