LNG OSD Ul Cri ON: xlvil and longest ; tertials very long ; tai/ short and truncate ; ¢arsi entire, moderately long, slight ; toes slender, the hinder toe and claw shorter than the middle one, the inner toe rather shorter than the outer. Three species of this form are all that are at present known, and of these two are figured for the first time in the present work. They all inhabit the southern part of Australia, where they frequent the open districts studded with bushes and low trees; the E. albifrons is occasionally found on the open plains. 217. Ephthianura albifrons . : : : : Wolk WU 12. 62. 218. Ephthianura aurifrons, Gould : : : : : : Olas ile eles Gay 219. Ephthianura tricolor, Gould : , : Vo Ee eG or Genus Xeropuinsa, Gould. Generic characters. Bill short, semiconical, robust at the base, without any notch at the tip; and provided with a few hairs at the base of the upper mandible; nostrils round and covered by minute feathers ; wings moderate in size; first primary short, the third and fourth the longest; tertiaries broad and somewhat elongated ; tail moderate, square and slightly concave ; farsi robust ; hind-toe strong, anterior toes feeble, the exterior longer than the inner one. A curious form, of which only one species is known, and the situation of which in the natural system is quite undetermined. It has many of the actions and manners of the Acanthize, but its robust and gibbose bill precludes its being placed with that group. It is mainly terrestrial in its habits and builds a domed nest. 220. Xerophila leucopsis, Gould . : : Vole Aer Genus Pyrrnotamus, Gould. Generic characters. Bill shorter than the head, slightly compressed at the sides, with a very minute notch at the tip, and beset with a few hairs at the base; nostrils linear and covered with an operculum ; wings short, round, first primary rather short, the third the longest; ¢ail short, round and concave, tarsi moderate; external toe longer than the inner one. Another anomalous form, the structure of which does not approximate very nearly to that of any other genus, but is perhaps most nearly allied to Acanthiza. The only species known frequents scrubby places and thick under- wood; is much on the ground, but occasionally mounts on a twig to sing. 221. Pyrrholemus brunneus, Gould j ; Wolk, IUBL IPL, 6B. Genus Ortama, Gould. Bill nearly as long as the head, incurved, carinated, indented near the tip; nostrils oval, lateral, basal, and covered by an operculum; wings moderate, rounded, first quill short, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh nearly equal and longest ; ta?/ moderate and slightly rounded; tarsi moderate ; toes rather short, the outer toe much longer than the inner ; plumage dense. We are here again presented with another form, the structure, habits, and manners of which are all equally singular. The only species yet discovered inhabits New South Wales, where it frequents stony gullies and rocky situations in the neighbourhood of caverns, to the roofs of which it attaches its pendent nest, as shown in the Plate. 222. Origma rubricata : ; : : Wolk IML, 1PM. Go, Genus CaLamanrnus, Gould. Generic characters. Bill shorter than the head, dilated at the base, compressed laterally towards the tip ; culmen sharp and advancing upon the forehead ; nostrils lateral, large, oval, and covered by an operculum ; rictus destitute of bristles ; wings