y pee | i ot, ‘a i) AST On GA AD Wo OY MY Ye ae TANG OD oan Orne Genus Hirunvo, Linn. The members of the genus Hirundo, or true Swallows, inhabit Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, the Indian Islands and Australia, where the European and American chimney Swallows, Hirundo rustica and H. rufa, are c is . beautifully represented by the H. neowena. 52. Hirundo neoxena, Gould. : : ; , Vol ieee: e ; 1 i ‘oc. of 4 UN en Dane ‘ Hirundo neoxena, Gould in Proc. of Zool. Soc., Part X. p. 113. Genus Cueiiwon, Bore. I find that by some unaccountable mistake I have placed the Australian members of this genus in that of Collocala,—an error which I take this opportunity of correcting. The two species inhabiting Australia are both represented by others in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. They differ somewhat from each other in habits, one always resorting to the holes of trees for the purpose of nidification, and the other building a clay nest similar to those constructed by the martins of Kurope and America. 53. Chelidon arborea. Collocalia arborea, Gould . é ; . : Vol ut Pies 54. Chelidon Ariel. Collocalia Ariel, Gould. : . , Vol. TW. Plas Family MEROPIDA, Wie. Genus Mrrops, Linn. India and Africa may be said to be the great nursery of this lovely group of birds; one species of which, common in the southern parts of Europe, is beautifully represented in Australia by the Merops ornatus, the only species inhabiting that country. 55. Merops ornatus, Lath. —. , : : ; Vol. TEE WG amy =e Genus Eurysromus, Veil/. One species of this genus is found in Australia, and others inhabit India and Africa. They are closely allied to the Rollers, and not very distantly related to the Halcyons. 56. Eurystomus Australis, Swains. . ‘ ; : Vol le Riese Family HALCYONIDA, Vig. Genus Dacexo, Leach. Y ~ O ps : : Z : i The members of the genus Dacelo comprise the largest species of the great family of the Halcyonide, and form # conspicuous portion of the ornithology of Australia ; but remarkably enough are confined to the south-eastern and northern portions of the country, the south-western parts bemg uninhabited by any species of this group. I beheve that water is not essential to their existence, and that they seldom if ever drink. They feed almost y D ar ee ay a WMT) SE Tee NCrTACw Sea Tm Ol WOR a NG 7) JX BY wis cf WO A C) Wn HYG 6 WY