Tern, Sooty . Torres ; Torres’ Straits White White-capped Yellow-billed . Tetrao Chinensis Manillensis Thalasseus Pelecanoides. poliocereus. Vol. I. p. xeiv Vol. I. p. xciv Wool, Me jBo @ Vol. I. p. xciv Torresu. Thalassidroma Tropica. leucogaster. Vol. I. p. ¢ marina. Vol. I. p.c melanogaster. Vol. I. p. ¢ Nera, Well, Ile yo, © Oceanica Wilson. Vol. I. p.c ‘Moclelneael Well 5 5 «6 o o Threskiornis strictipennis. Vol. I. p. xxxvi Thrush Australian . Black-browed Black-crowned Blue-cheeked . oe Chestnut-backed Ground- . Crested Dilute Grey-headed Guttural Harmonic . Lunulated Mountain Orange-breasted . Port Jackson . Punctated . Restless Sorin 5 5 ¢ Spotted Ground- : Wolatile 2 3. kes White-eared Yellow-breasted Thunder Bird Re eee Tinnunculus Cenchroides. Vol. I. p- xxii Tody, Red-breasted Todus Rubecula Totanus Glottoides : griseopygius. Vol. I. p. xxv Javanicus stagnatilis. Vol. I. p. Ixxxy Tribonyx, Black-tailed Mortieri. Vol. I. p. Ixxxix Mortier’s ventralis. Vol. I. p. lxxxix Trichoglossus Australis ae chlorolepidotus. Vol. I. p. lxviii concinnus. Vol. I. p- [xvii heematodus Matoni. The References to the Pages in the above Index will be found correct if the Subscribers will ¢ Vol. Page VIL. 32 | VIL. 25 | VIL. 28 (| VII. 30 | VII. 36 VII. 23 VII. 23 | < lel =_ wo Or VII. 63 Vil. Gl | VIL. 62 | VII. 64 VIL. 65 | VII. 65 | I. 67 | VI. 46 I. 75 | nM 7a | rv. 80 | II. 64 | IV. 68 lye 8 6 ihe Si i 374, i. 74 He 64 i. 74 IV. 7 Va 77 ie 67 Il. 74 Lvs 4 Il. 87 | mM 27 ive 4 let 87 IV. 36 Mie 1 Hil, (I 13 ie OH nie Ol VI. 36 Vile st VI. 34 VI. 37 VI. 72 VI. 71 Vile VI. 72 Ve 52 We 150) V. 52 Vv. 48 Vv. 50 volumes are arranged, which could not be done GENERAL Trichoglossus multicolor porphyrocephalus. Vol. I. p. Ixvin Vol. I. p. Ixvim . Vol. I. p. Ixvii Vol. I. p. Ixvii Vol. I. p. lxvin pusillus. rubritorquis. Swainsonil. versicolor. Tringa albescens Australis Australian . Helvetica Interpres lobata Squatarola subarquata . Tropidorhynchus argenticeps. Vol. I. p- lvii ae Vol. I. p. lvm . Vol. I. p. lyin citreogularis. corniculatus. cyanotis monachus . Turdus badius cyaneus dilutus . : dubius. Vol. I. p. xxxix. frivolus. Vol. I. p. ly. gutturalis harmonicus inquietus leucotis lunularis lunulatus ae maxillaris. Vol. I. p. lin. melanophrys Bae muscicola. Vol. I. p. xxxix. prasinus. Vol. I. p. xxxvii. punctatus . sordidus varius volitans Turkey Brosh fee Native . Gar es es Turnix castanotus. Vol. I. p. Ixxix. melanogaster. Vol. I. p. Ixxix. Wok MW, jo, besos pyrrhothorax. melanotus. Wolk Ile jo, Ibex scintillans. Vol. I. p. lxxix. WL I, jo) Ibo Vol. I. p. Ixxx. varius. velox. Turnstone : Turtur ? Lophotes . Vanga cinerea. Vol. I. Pp. XXXV. OOAMUGIOM 6 5 5 5 nigrogularis Vanellus gallinaceus griseus . Helveticus . lobatus . INDEX. He lite tele LAY LY. . Page 48 53 L9 84. 3 30 30 | | | Vanellus melanogaster Novee-Hollandiz . : Vultur Audax. Vol. I. p. xxi. Vulture, New Holland Warbler, Dwarf. Exile Lineated : Long-billed Sedge- ted-breasted . Reed Rock- Ruddy . Rufous-headed wt Rufous-vented. Vol. I. p. xxxvii. Rusty-side . Scarlet-backed Soft-tailed . Square-tailed . Superb . Swallow Variegated Wedge-bill, Crested Whimbrel, Australian Little Whistling Dick White-eye Wonga-wonga Wren . : Banded. Beautiful Black-backed . Black-headed . Blue Brown’s Cautious Emu Graceful Lambert’s . Large-tailed Long-tailed Red-rumped Striated Textile . - White-winged Xanthomyza Phrygia. Xema Jamesonii. Vol. I. p. xciii . Xenus cinereus . Xerophila leucopsis. Vol. I. p. xlvii . white-faced Zosterops chloronotus. Vol. I. p. lx VO lbe lee pee ixer Green-backed . dorsalis. Grey-backed : VOL erp rals luteus. Yellow . Volo I. ps lyn Vol. Page Wil. VI. Ve THE TE III. III. Ill, III. Ill. HE Vi III. HT II. IIL. 18, ae II, ITE Vale Vile ie IV. Ve III. INL. ie Ill. Te Ill. III. Il. Ill. IIT. OUI. ne He Il. tT TT Tite 12 9 ~“ ~D III. 60,62; V.53 42 43 38 3 37 69 69 45 81 26 31 44, 24 34. 24 17 43 dd Hi 81 63 57 21 23 20 26 18 27 40 dl 22 24: 30 19 39 29 28 25 « ‘ause them to be numbered in the order in which the respective in the course of publication,