D/O ft OT SE IS MEA BON: Se EUPSYCHORTYX PARVICRISTATUS, Goud. Short-crested Partridge. Sprorric CHARACTER. Eups. cristae plumis brevibus, rectis, ad apicem rotundatis, fuscts ; plumis auricularibus fuscrs ; pectore vinaceo vel rubescenti-cinereo, et fusco minutissime guttato. Male.- —Crest short, straight, light brown tipped with buff; forehead buff; throat and a broad stripe down each side of the head, above and behind the eye, rusty red; ear-coverts brown ; collar surrounding the neck, narrow in front and broad behind, black, spotted with white and stained with chestnut; centre of the back, between the shoulders, minutely freckled grey, brown and black; remainder of the back blackish brown, each feather freckled on the margin with grey; scapularies freckled grey and brown, and ornamented on their inner webs with large patches of dark brown; wing-coverts freckled, and with a large spot of dark brown and another of white near the extremity of each feather ; primaries light brown fringed with greyish white, and a few indistinctly barred with freckles of the same on their outer webs; tail brown, crossed by narrow freckled bands of whitish and darker brown; across the breast a band of greyish red blotched with a darker tint; breast rufous, each feather with six spots of light buff encircled with dark brown, the spots gradually increasing in size on the flanks and lower part of the abdomen, and the rufous tint changing into blackish brown; vent buff; under tail-coverts like the abdomen, but the markings less distinct ; bill black ; feet black. Female.—Crown of the head and crest very dark brown, the tips of the latter reddish brown ; throat and stripe over the eye sandy buff, streaked with black ; feathers of the chest buff at the tip and crossed in the middle with an arrow-shaped mark of black; flanks spotted as in the male, but less brilliant ; the upper surface is also similar but paler. Total length, 8 inches ; bill, 1; wing, 33; tazl, 22; tarsi, 11; middle toe and nail, 11. Ortyx parvicristatus, Gould in Proc. of Zool. Soc., Part XI. p. 106.—List of Birds in Brit. Mus. Coll., Part III. p. 44. a much larger size, and may, moreover, be distin- Tus species is very nearly allied to E. Sonninii, but is of by the short, straight, broad and flat form guished from that bird by the brown colour of the ear-coverts, of its crest-feathers, and by the bolder style of the markings of the flanks. been imported into this country, but nothing has yet been recorded of its habits or economy. Numerous examples have lately Habitat. The Columbian Andes. The figures represent the two sexes of the natural size. REET OI EP rae es = =<. WY y Dey KW A OK Wa = ee a a