TROGON ELEGANS, Gould. Graceful Trogon. Speciric CHARACTER. Mas. Facie, capite anticé, auribus guttureque nigris ; alis br transversim flexuose lineatis ; unnescenti-nigris, in medio cinereis albo rectricibus duabus intermediis proximarumque duarum utrinque pogontis externis cupreo-viridibus ; reliquis ad basin nigris, ad apicem albis, in medio pre- sertim pogonii externi albo nigroque fasciatis. Fem. Auribus in medio linedque cireum oculum albis ; torque pectorali subobsoleté ; supra et ad pectus cinereo-brunneus olivaceo tinctus 3; alis in medio cinereis maculis saturatioribus notatis 7 remigibus brunneis ; ventre antic? brunnescenti-griseo in coccineum posticé transeunte. Male.—Face, fore part of the head, ear-coverts, and throat black; chest, back of the neck, back, and upper tail-coverts green; a white crescent separates the green of the chest from the breast, which together with the belly and under tail-coverts is scarlet ; wings brownish black, the primaries having their outer edges fringed with white ; secondaries and centre of the wings grey, strongly marked with zigzag transverse lines of black ; two middle tail- feathers green with bronzy reflections on their outer webs, only the inner webs black = all SIx are largely tipped with black ; the remaining six black at the base and white at the tip, the middle portions of these latter feathers barred with black and white ; bill yellow. Total length about 12 inches, wing 6, tail 73. Female.—Bill yellow ; centre of the ear-coverts and a small rim round the eye white; the whole of the upper surface and chest greyish brown with a tinge of olive ; primaries brown, their outer edges fringed with white; centre of the wings and secondaries grey, faintly speckled with spots of a darker colour; a faint pectoral band of white separates the feathers of the chest from those of the breast, which is light brownish grey on the upper part, gradually passing into scarlet below ; two centre tail-feathers dull brown tipped with black, two next on each side black, the remainder are black at the base and white at the tip, the middle portion being white, uregularly blotted with black. Trogon elegans, Gould, in Proc. of Zool. Soc., 1834, p. 26.—Id. Mon. of Trog., pl. 3.—-Gray and Mitch. Gen. of Birds, vol. i. p- 69, Trogon, sp. 18. Trogonurus elegans, Bonap. Consp. Vol. Zygod., p. 14, gen. 2c, 2 Uy vO Tue beautiful Trogon here figured under the specific title of elegans is a native of Mexico, Guatemala, and to the bird I have called ambiguus, the chief point of difference being in the decided barring of the outer ¢ and in the stronger markings of the wings. Honduras, countries rich beyond measure in zoological productions. It is most nearly allied to fail-feathers, } The lengthened tails of many of the Mexican Trogons form a feature which distinguishes them from all Lg SF SIP ee Sees , ay. ee ) y ! h i Hi Hh “iy na ele al Le en ee ne