KEOPHONA PERSONATA. Masked Grosbeak. Coccothraustes personatus, Temm. and Schlegel, Fauna Jap. Aves, p. 91. tab. lii. Hesperiphona personata, Bonap. Consp. Gen. Av., p. 506. On the accompanying Plate I have given a representation of a species of Grosbeak, which is more than usually interesting, inasmuch as it is one of the finest members of its family, and, moreover, the inhabitant of countries with the natural history of which we are but imperfectly acquainted, viz. China and Japan. A specimen of the female in the rich collection of the Earl of Derby is said to be from Manilla; if such should really be the case, the range of the species is very extensive : I have not, however, as yet seen any examples from India proper. The bird is well figured in Messrs. ‘Temminck and Schlegel’s «* Fauna Japonica,” but no account whatever is given of its habits, nor have they even mentioned the localities in which it was found. I believe that a seasonal change of colour takes place in the bill of this species, as well as in that of Eophona melanura; as the example above referred to in the Earl of Derby’s collection exhibits a deep purple colouring around the base and at the tip. A considerable difference occurs in the colouring of the sexes ; the black of the face and head, so conspicuous in the male, being entirely wanting in the female. The time is not I hope far distant when this fine species will be added to the aviaries of Europe ; it would doubtless bear confinement equally as well as any other member of the numerous family to which it belongs, and I shall be gratified to learn that its introduction has been successfully achieved by some of the now frequent visitors to China. Crown of the head, lores, and a broad band encircling the base of the bill black, with steel-blue reflections ; upper and under surface brownish grey, passiig~into a deeper tint of brown on the scapularies and lower part of the back, and into white immediately before the black of the head and face ; wings and tail black, with steel-blue reflections ; at the base of the primaries a broad band of white; bill bright citron- yellow ; legs and feet yellow, washed with brown, especially on the nails; irides reddish hazel. The female has the general plumage brown, with a wash of grey on the breast, and the primaries and tail dull black. The Plate represents two males and a female of the natural size.