oat am ae io a BP 2 Nie eae f > ps 2 oe a PLO} Om: WE Yo il ; —_ ee iT f The nest is only found by accident ; we only found a few, although the bird in the side. It 15 constructed of dried marsh- structure is weak, and it is difficult to take male deposits five oval-shaped eggs ; under the shade of hillocks. The nest is domed and has an opening fine bents. Although artistically built, the Late in June the fe stouter ; and they have a slight gloss. The female she escapes through the dense thicket, all night through in the is so numerous. grass, and lined with it away without destroying its original shape. some, however, are rather elongated, others shorter and er eggs. When frightened off, sits very close, and may be taken on h Whilst the female is sitting, the male sings and will not soon return to the nest. vicinity of the nest.” The Plate represents two males and a female, of the natural size (one of the former having the red throat very pale), copied from a specimen in my own collection. a 1S A) ) =< a Pry 4 Ne a’ a ow & Sas ary \ LO UB GOA C wid LE ho "A Oy. 97 & S) c ah ~ % = ” « ig DEAE CY NSS oe ms - rf : md A s re ya ™. 2 a MO) sc Pan NE ¥.( be li a i da A LENDS. 2 AN A ) 2 3 C») v \ A 0 ©) aN 0 Dd SJ ay) y & U LON ae vk