RUTICILLA ERYTHROPROCTA, Gow. Coal-black Redstart. Ruticilla erythroprocta, Gould in Proc. of Zool. Soc. part xxiii. Pass Tur Ruticilla erythroprocta is specifically distinct from every other known member of its well-defined genus ; it is most nearly allied to the Ruticilla Tithys of Europe, but differs from that species in several particulars : in the first place, it is somewhat smaller in size ; and in the next, the black colouring of the body both on the upper and under surface is much more intense, besides which the lower part of the abdomen is red instead of greyish white. The existence of this bird having but recently become known to us, it does not occur in Mr. Moore’s valuable Monograph of the Ruticille ; and I may remark that, after a careful comparison, I find it is quite distinct from every species described therein. The specimen from which my figure of the male in the accompanying Plate was taken was procured on the shores of the Black Sea. It was sent direct from Erzeroum ; of its habits and economy, and of the extent of its range, nothing has yet been recorded ; the former doubtless closely resemble those of the other members of the genus, and, in all probability, Asia Minor and Persia will hereafter be found to be its true habitat. Forehead black; crown of the head clouded silvery grey; back, shoulders, throat, chest and the upper part of the abdomen jet-black ; lower part of the abdomen, upper and under tail-coverts dull red ; tail-feathers dull red, except the two middle ones which are brownish black ; wings both above and beneath brownish black; some of the secondaries slightly fringed with silvery grey; bill and feet black. The figures are of the natural size.