LCA OOM ASO ge ie YUHINA OCCIPITALIS, Aowes. Rusty-naped Yuhin. Yuhina oceipitalis, Hodgs. Asiat. Res., vol. xix. p. 167.—Id. Journ. Asiat. Soc, Beng., vol. vi. p. 231.—Gray, Cat. of Spec. and Draw. of Mamm. and Birds pres. to Brit. Mus. by B. H. Hodgson, Esq., p. 74.—Blyth, Cat. of Birds in Mus. Asiat. Soc. Calcutta, p. 100.— Gray and Mitch. Gen. of Birds, vol. i. p. 199.— Bonap. Consp. Gen. Av., tom. i. p. 397.—Horsf. and Moore, Cat. of Birds in Mus. East Ind. Comp., vol. i. p. 261. Polyodon ocecipitalis, Hodgs. in Gray’s Misc., 1844, p. 82. Odonterus occipitalis, Cab. et Heine, Mus. Hein., Theil i. p. 113, note. Tur present elegant little bird is one of Mr. Hodgson’s numerous discoveries, and was first described by him in the nineteenth volume of the ‘ Asiatic Researches.’ Its native country is Sikim and the other portions of the Eastern Himalayas—provinces abounding in fine species of birds, and flowering trees and shrubs, particularly rhododendrons. I believe the sexes do not differ in external appearance ; and whether there be any marked variation in the colouring of the young I am unable to Say; nor, to my regret, can I furnish any details respecting the history, habits, manners, or economy of the species. M. Cabanis has made this bird the type of a new genus, Odonterus; but I retain the generic appellation originally assigned to it by Mr. Hodgson, which I believe has only been discarded by M. Cabanis on account of its not being a classical term. Forehead and front portion of the crest light brown, striated with greyish ; hinder portion of the crest and nape rich rufous; upper surface, wings, and tail olive-brown; all the under surface deep vinous buff, passing into rufous on the vent and under tail-coverts ; under wing-coverts and edge of the shoulder fawn-white ; bill and legs fleshy red. The figures are the size of life. The plant is the Rhododendron virgatum. eG Aer me 5 ee ae \ OW, NE GC s 2 & x 2 Or