DUMETIA HYPERYTHRA. Buff-throated Dumetia. Timalia hyperythra, Frankl. in Proc. of Comm. of Sci. and Corr. of Zool. Soc., part i. p. 118.—Gray and Mitch. Gen. of Birds, vol. i. p. 228, Timalia, sp. 8.—De la Fresnaye, Mag. de Zool. 1835, Ois. pl. 40? Dumetia hyperythra, Blyth, Cat. of Birds in Mus. Asiat. Soc. Calcutta, p. 140. How frequently have we occasion to regret not having access to the typical specimen when there occurs any doubt as to the identity of a rare or little-known species !_ Major Franklin described a bird in the < Proceedings of the Zoological Society’ for 1831, now nearly thirty years ago, under the name of Timalia hyperythra. Unfortunately the specimen he described from cannot be discovered, and I fear is no longer in existence. I have regarded a bird which I find in my Collection, procured in Central India by the late Captain Boys, and which bears on its label the name of Dumetia hyperythra, as probably the same as that of Franklin at all events it closely agrees with his description, and I have therefore figured it under that name. It is nearly allied to D. albogularis, but differs from that bird in its somewhat smaller size and in the absence of white on the throat, and in having the crown of a deeper rufous tint, striated with buffy white. Mr. Blyth states that the D. hyperythra inhabits Central India, and that the specimens in the Museum of the Asiatic Society at Calcutta had been procured in the Mednapur jungles. I have quoted the Baron de la Fresnaye’s figure and description of a bird which he has called D. hype- rythra, with a mark of interrogation, as I am very doubtful as to its being a representation of my bird, or that described by Franklin. Head rusty red, striated with buffy white; all the upper surface, wings, and tail very light brown; the inner webs of the primaries somewhat darker ; under surface rich fawn-colour, deepest on the sides of the chest and breast. The figures are of the natural size. CP Wfe-- i 1)“ -