S sO i co 7 ; ic GOVT IIOOI IOI III ITI III ~~ IRILIL JRILILIL OR FETC Oe of observing the bird in a state of nature among the great woods bordering upon the 1 the Rio Negro, where it is only seen among the highest branches. Since that by Mr. Wallace 5 and I possess a beautiful specimen obtained frequent opportunities upper parts of the Amazon anc period examples have been brought to England by Mr. Hauxwell at Chamicuros. Upon examini it to consist of the fruit ofa certain spe s, forms its subsistence. It arrives in the localities above mentioned ng the contents of the stomach, Mr. Natterer almost in- variably found cies of palm ; he therefore concluded that this, together with various berries and stoned fruit when its favourite fruit is ripe; and when the trees no longer yield an adequate supply retires again to other districts. To Mr. Wallace I am indebted for the foll this fine family of birds -—The Pharomacrus pavoninus “ inhabits the virgin forests of the higher and dry s, and is never seen in low woods or among the trees growl! arly the soft berries, about the size of currants, of the different owing notes, which cannot fail to be of interest to all who admire land ig on the flooded grounds ; but it sometimes visits the plantations to feed on fruit, partical species of Melustoma, the juice of which imparts a purple hue to their stomachs. These fruits are always taken when the bird is on the wing. The bird usually sits quietly among the branches until hunger impels oO - - (@ 5 it to dash out, whirl round the tree, and seize its food in its passage ; it likewise feeds on insects, which are a also taken on the wing, the bird darting after them and returning to the same branch in the manner of a Flycatcher. The cry of this species is very peculiar, and different from that of the other Amazonian Trogons ; . ae : e . a . ‘ e it consists of two notes sufficiently loud to be heard a long way off. The Indians ascertain the whereabouts of the bird by imitating this cry, which it immediately answers. On ascending the Amazon the bird was first noticed about the mouth of io Neg s \ iO, : ; nes: l of the Rito Negro, and became more plentiful on the upper part of that river; it was actively engaged in the search after insects about sunset, but was not seen to be thus engaged after darkness had set in.” ; The Plate represents 0 S sents the oXES atural s i } Lensi. é | s the two sexes, of the natural size. The Plant is the Eugenia Brasilensis.