distinct on the fore part of the head; outer web of the scapularies white, terminated near the tip with a narrow oblique bar of black ; facial disks of the same hue as the upper surface, but becoming much paler near their edge, the tips of the feathers of which are black ; wing-coverts with a spot of white bounded posteriorly with black at the tip of each; primaries dark brown, externally banded with white bounded on each side with a line of black ; breast chestnut, each feather with a black shaft, larger and more conspicuous on the upper part of the abdomen, where the feathers are tipped with white ; on the lower part they become still lighter and are crossed by narrow lines of black, and are moreover washed with rufous ; tail rufous, crossed by several narrow double bars of black; irides pale golden yellow; bill dusky greenish ; feet ashy grey. In the grey state the markings are similar but, of course, much less contrasted. Mr. Jerdon states that the young birds are of a much duller red and more distinctly black-shafted, that they have much white on the under surface, a good deal of white in the disks, the scapularies white exter- nally, with black tips and bars on the quills, and the tail of a more distinct brown and mottled. The Plate represents two birds in the red, and one in the grey plumage, of the natural size.