LIST OF PLATES. VOLUME I. Norr.—As the arrangement of the Plates in the course of publication was impracticable, the Numbers here given will refer to them PLATE 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. ES) ag: 20. at. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. ad. 28. 29. 30. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 38. 39, 40. 41. 42, when arranged, and the Plates may be quoted by them. Otogyps calvus Gyps Bengalensis Falco Peregrinator . 5 babylonicns . 5. Sacer » lataris 5 Jupcer Krythropus amurensis Spilornis rufipectus Spizaetus alboniger Milvus Govinda Elanus hypoleucus . Scops pennatus Phodilus badius Athene Brodiei Syrnium ocellatum . Strix indica » Caldiaa . : : Caprimuleus Mahrattensis Cypselus infumatus Dendrochelidon coronatus Klecho Wallacei mystaceus a > 99 s comatus Hirundo filifera Cecropis rufula - Daurica 3 Sytnvopyeia e hyperythra Delichon Nipalensis Hypurolepis domicola Lagenoplastes fluvicola Merops quinticolor . > Niridis » Philppinus. Nyctiornis Athertoni 3 amictus . Meropogon Forsteni Actenoides Hombroni 3 Lindsayi concretus be} Black Vulture Bengal Vulture Shaheen Falcon Red-naped Falcon Saker Falcon Lanner Falcon Jugger Falcon White-winged Red-footed Kestrel Rufous- breasted Spilornis Black-and-white Crested Eagle. Govinda Kite Celebean Elanus Indian Scops Owl Bay Owl Brodie’s Owlet Speckled Wood-Owl Indian Screech Owl Grass-Owl Mahratta Nightjar Palm Roof-Swift Crested Tree-Swift . Klecho Tree-Swift Wallace’s Tree-Swift Bearded Tree-Swift . Hooded Tree-Swift . Wire-tailed Swallow Western Mosque-Swallow Daurian Mosque-Swallow Indian Mosque-Swallow . Ceylonese Mosque-Swallow Nepal Martin-Swallow Bungalow Swallow . Indian Cliff-Swallow Pirik Bee-eater Hurrial Bee-eater Philippine Bee-eater Blue-throated Nyctiornis . Red-throated Nyctiornis . Forsten’s Bee-eater . Hombron’s Kingfisher Lindsay’s Kingfisher Sumatra Kingfisher . Part XII. XXXII. a, XY. IV. XII. MOT, Date. June 1860. June 1851. 99 99 April 1868. January 1850. July 1880. June 1860. June 1863. November 1852. June 1860. March 1870. March 1872. July 1850. March 1872. May 1859. April 1866. April 1868. May 1856. April 1855. July 1850. March 1873. April 1877.