eritt dea et ee ee ed LL . od nn ee me — QNENE, 74% x Pt NENADASEBGDADS rt D. HARPACTES REINWARDTI Reinwardt’s T rogon. eae nea ant eae bP x0 SPECIFIC CHARACTER. 3634 Mas. Capite, dorso tectricibusque caude superioribus saturate viridibus : pectore olivaceo-br . ventre flavo, ad latera aurantiaco. : one eee en oe tN aa! BEBE a! Male.—Crown of the head, back. wi 4 ° ; , Wing-, and upper tail-cover : a g-, pper tail-coverts dark shining green ; centre of the wing dark green, crossed by numerous narrow wavy lines of dull yellow black, margined externally with white ; 63656, ; primaries greyish six middle tail-feathers dark glossy green; the three lateral feathers on each side of the s - ach : e same | iW i € iue at the base of the outer web, and greenish slate-colour on the inner, the outer fi ; O] 7] hi 1 eather margied with white throughout the entire length of its outer web, the next on each side from near the base to the tip, and the third one , 6BL3E36 43 for about half its length from the tip, all three tipped with white ; throat pale orange- oO yellow ; across the breast a broad band of yellowish olive-brown ; breast and all the under surface rich orange-yellow ; bill deep red; orbits cobalt-blue ; space between the orbits and bill pea-green ; feet orange. SEEN Total length from 12; to 13> inches, bill 4, tail 73, wing 53. 36 Female.—Similar in colour ; but the green of the head is duller; the throat is pale yellowish white ; the band across the breast is greyish brown, without any of the yellow suffusion VAY. seen in the male ; the orange of the abdomen is much paler; and the wavy lines of yellow | a, 4 on the centre of the wing are broader, paler, and more conspicuous. Trogon Reinwardti, Temm. Pl. Col. 124.—Id. Mon. of Trog. in Pl. Col.—Less. Traité d’Orn., p. 122.—Gould, Mon. of Trog., pl. 27. Reinwardtii, Steph. Cont. of Shaw’s Gen. Zool., vol. xiv. part 1, p. 221. : S! A cp as “ a “SO BU . WO cy Apaloderma Reinwardii, Swains. Class. of Birds, vol. i. p. 337. _ Reinwardtii, Gould, Mon. of Trog., syn. spec Apaloderma, sp. 2. Trogon fs {paloderma) Reinwardin, Gould, Mon. of Trog., ie of Plates, a 27. 2 Harpactes Reinwardti, Hartl. Verz. Mus. Brem., p. 12.—Gray and Mitch. oo. of ae 9.—Gray, List of Spec. of Birds in Coll. Brit. Mus., pt. u. Consp. Gen. Av., tom. i. p. Lol, Harpactes, sp. 9, vol. 1. p- 7. Harpactes, sp. sect. i. Pissirostres, p- 45.—Bonap. dtii. Gould, Birds of Asia, part xvi. pl. 4. ). Vol. Zygod. p. 14. gen. 5e. 43. Av. tom.i. p. Lol, in syn. Harpactes, sp. 9, Reinwar * Apalharpactes Reinwardtii, Bonap. Cons} ’ Bonap. Consp. Gen. ale 9 et Heine, Mus. Hein., Theil iv. p. 162. : ee ee,