PTILOPUS LEWISI, Lewis's Fruit-Pigeon. Ramsay. Ptilopus viridis, var., Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. iy. p. 73 (1879).—Salvad. Ibis, 1880, p. 128.—Ramsay Nature, 1881, p. 239.—Tristr. Ibis, 1882, p. 144.—Ramsay, Ibis, 1882, Ds 473, a . Ptilopus geelvinkianus, Layard, Ibis, 1880, p. 307 (nec Schl.). Ptilopus eugenia, female, Ramsay, Journ. Linn. Soc., Zool. xvi. p. 131 (1881). Ptilopus lewisit, Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. 8, W. vi. p. 724 (1881).—Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civic. Genov Xvill. p. 427 (1882).—Id. Orn. Papuasia, ete. iii. App. p. 556 (1882) | Auruoues closely allied to P. viridis of Ceram, the present species is easily distinguished by the purplish shade which surrounds the red shield-patch on the throat and chest; it is further to be recognized by the verditer-green shade on the grey forehead and throat, these parts being pure grey in P. viridis, The home of this beautiful Fruit-Pigeon is in the Solomon Archipelago, where it has been found in the islands of Lango and Guadalcanar by Mr. Cockerell, and in Florida and Malayta by Mr. Morton. Nothing has as yet been recorded concerning its habits. For the opportunity of figuring the species we are indebted to Mr. E. P. Ramsay, who lent us the typical example of P. dewtst during his visit to England. The following is a description of the type specimen :— Adult. General colour above dark golden green, the nape and hind neck deep grass-green, contrasting with the fore part of the crown, which is verditer-grey on the forehead, verging into greyish green on the sinciput ; wing-coverts like the back, the lesser series pearly grey, forming a conspicuous shoulder-patch ; bastard wing, primary-coverts, and quills blackish, externally deep emerald-green, the outer secondaries narrowly fringed with yellow towards the ends, the inver secondaries like the back, with a conspicuous subterminal spot of pearly grey; tail-feathers golden green, dusky on the inner webs, with a subterminal band of grey near the end of the inner web, forming a distinct bar on the under surface of the tail; lores, feathers round the eye, ear- coverts, cheeks, sides of face, and upper throat verditer-grey, greener and resembling the sides of the neck on the hinder part of the ear-coverts ; centre of the throat, fore neck, and chest deep crimson or blood-colour, separated from the surrounding green parts by a narrow line of dull purple ; remainder of underparts grass- green, the feathers of the lower abdomen and lateral tail-coverts tipped with yellow ; vent-feathers white, tipped with yellow ; thighs green, edged with yellow ; under tail-coverts white, longitudinally green along the dark grey washed with green; quills ] 2:3, tarsus 0°65. al size; the figures are drawn from inner web, and tipped with yellow ; under wing-coverts and _ axillaries ashy grey below. ‘Total length 7°8 inches, culmen 0°65, wing 4°6, tal The Plate represents an adult bird in two positions, of about the natur the type specimen lent to us by Mr. Ramsay. [R. B. S.J ew a ’ vv 24 sf NFS