ee heer ae ee me aT eae SYNOPSIS OF THE TROGONIDA. SPECIES OF THE NEW WORLD. THE ORBITS ALWAYS COMPLETELY FEATHERED. A. Bill moderately stout ; maxilla with a single terminal notch ; wing- and tail-coverts more or less elongated. PHAROMACRUS. a. Occipital crest well developed ; four central tail-coverts far exceeding the rectrices. 1. mocinno. b’. Occipital crest moderate; tail-coverts shorter than, or hardly exceeding the rectrices. a. Three outer rectrices terminally white. a. Occipital crest green; base only of outer rectrix black . : : 2. antisianus. 6°. Occipital crest golden green; basal half of outer rectrix black 3. fulgidus. b’. Rectrices black. ney ce. Bill yellow ; coverts a little longer than rectrices - auriceps. d’. Bill red; coverts shorter than rectrices . a - pavoninus. B. Bill feeble; maxilla with a single terminal notch; wing-coverts not elongated; tail-coverts only slightly so ; head with elongated lateral plumes . : : , : ‘ : Evprtixotis. A single species (EZ. neoxenus). C. Bill moderate; edges of both mandibles strongly serrated; wing- and tail-coverts not elongated ; tail-feathers without prolonged terminal emarginations ; wing-coverts either wholly black or minutely freckled with black and grey; throat and chest either green or blue or greyish black; no subterminal black spot on outer web of the two outer rectrices on each side . ; : . : : : : : ; TroGon.