5 TT y rs 3 ey ogo ey Ld ¢ POPC RIL ILI LILI III PREFACE. J vl ld have been successfully completed ; and I am proud to bear my tes cou ¥ of this nature pear hich has been manifested towards me by the scientifie world timony to the liberal spirit w Among those to whom I am especially indebted I may mention the Earl of 5 in general. i; : f Pari nminck. M. John Natterer, of Vienna, Dr. Lichten- mee | f Paris, M. Temminck, M. Derby, Prince Massena, © : } ae. oa oe tein, of Berlin, W. Swainson, Esq., Sir William Jardine, Bart., and T. C. Eyton, Esq. My stein, AVY .. thanks are also due to my friend Mr. Martin, of the Zoological Society of London, for the Na € a kind manner in which he has at all times rendered me his assistance in this and my other cd publications. ” IILILIR x IRILIVY, 4 Of the honoured friends mentioned in the foregoing paragraph, only one, Mr. Eyton, remains to me; all the others, alas! have passed away. In writing again a preface to a Monograph of the Trogonidee, it is impossible not to recall their memory with a sigh; Ki but at the same time it would be wrong to allow regrets to mingle with the acknowledgments g ~ which are due to my friends and coadjutors of the present day. It is with pleasure that RIL I recognize the fact that for every single student of ornithology to be found forty = J, years ago, there are at least twenty now; and I cannot close these remarks without x recording my obligations to Dr. Sclater, Mr. Salvin, and Mr. Bowdler Sharpe for the +, assistance they have rendered me in the preparation of this second edition. With the ILILIL history of this family will also be remembered the names of Mr. Lawrence and > i ee a eee, © . a Professor Baird in America, Dr. Finsch of Bremen, Herr A. von Pelzeln of Vienna, and especially Drs. Cabanis and Heine, who, in their well-known ‘Museum Heineanum,’ have given a very ‘iptive revi Soe ave g a very elaborate descriptive review of the family; and, although not acqui- escmg im all their conclusions, I useful work. must acknowledge my frequent obligations to this Lastly I hay : Ne y ave to remark that, although I entitle this work a second edition of the Trogonide, it is j gonide, it is in reality a new ae , y new publication, all the plates having been redrawn, Cl e oD © ay . family down to the present d el eee ee eae WHA es eel eed te Ree) ted ie eed nd ner? iets ae eee ee ee ee ee