TANYSIPTERA CAROLIN AK, L Schlegel. Blue-breasted ‘Tanysiptera. Tanysiptera caroline, Schl. N.'T. D. iv. p. 13 (1873, ex Von Rosenb. MS.).—Id. Mus. P.-B. Revue Alcedines p. 42 (1874).—Von Rosenb. Reist. Geelvinkbaai, p. 137, jo, ME, silee, 1 ISTH), : No one can mistake this splendid Kingfisher for any species previously described ; for it differs conspi- cuously from all the other long-tailed Tanysiptere. Of the genus Tunysiptera Mr. Sharpe admits in his ‘Monograph’ twelve species ; and this is the only new one which has been discovered since he completed his labours on the group. Of the twelve species enumerated by him, ten have white breasts, while T. nympha (from New Guinea) and 7. sylvia (from North-east Australia) have the breasts vermilion and cinnamon-colour respectively. It needs, therefore, no more than a glance at the blue under surface of the present bird to see that in this respect it is not approached by any other member of the genus ; and one cannot but congratulate Baron von Rosenberg on his discovery of such a fine novelty. : The following is the account given by Professor Schlegel in his description of the bird :— «This new species was discovered by M. von Rosenberg in the island of Méfoor, situated in the great Bay of Geelvink, and is distinguished at a glance from all the other species known up to the present day by the under surface being of the same deep blue as the upper, instead of being white or reddish. It will be sufficient to point out the following facts to give an idea of this beautiful bird. «« Size, form, beak, and feet as in Zanysiptera dea. “* Male and female adult-—General colour a bluish violet, passing to purple cobalt on the upper part of the head, to blackish on the quills and under surface of the wings, and to pure white on the rump and anal region ; tail-coverts and tail white, but the contracted part of the tail-feathers blue; this part is very narrow and constantly with the webs almost totally worn ; beak of a lively red. «© Young of both sexes.—Bill blackish ; upper parts of the bird with the sides of the head and the lower surface of the wings coloured as in the adult ; lower parts clear rufous, varied with blackish excepting on the chin and the middle of the throat; rump and upper tail-coverts pure white more or less washed with rufous, with blackish streaks; under tail-coverts white; tail-feathers white for the lengthof their shafts, the rest pale black passing on the upper surface to more or less dark ee the two cenike ie ae ut d, a little contracted, but with very distinctly indicated spatules. Wing from 3" 10" to shehtly elongate a : t is a noteworthy fact that M. von Rosenberg I Ail QI e ae blll 4" 2", centre tail-feathers 6" to 7" 3", bill from front 7. I i does not appear to have met with Tanysiptere, during his voyage to the Geelvink Islands, in Meosnoum, or in Jobie.” Bill, in adult, fine red ; feet purplish brown. My Plate is drawn from a fine specimen sent to me in exchange from the Leiden Museum; and the bird is represented of about the natural size. = ik PRS By aS z Beate