TROGON ARDENS, Temm. Rosy-breasted Trogon. Mas. Trog. vertice, nucha, plumisque auricularibus inte N . . as ae j NSé sanguineo-rubris 5 dorso, tectricibusque caude superioribus rufo-castaneis ; ald in medio negra line A . +e . . \ 4 2 nata ; premarus nigris, extis albo marginatis ; castaneis, ad apicem NIQTIS ; utringue prox ts delicatis albis, transversim or- rectricibus caudee duabus entermedirs rufo- ems duabus omnind negris ; reliquis, ad apicem 83 pectore rosaceo; abdomine coceineo ; rostro auran- teaco, ad basin ceeruleo ; pedibus flavescenti-fuscis, Fem. Vertice, Senisque intense fuscis ; gula nigre largé albis, ad basin nigrescenti-fusci ; J a scenti-fusca ; dorso tectrecibusque caudee supe- reoribus obscuré rubricatis ; pectore et abdomine pallide ochraceo-fuscis, cente ; ala in medio ngrescenti-fusci, linets ochraceo-fusci zn mare. crisso potius flaces- \ : re sete 5, (ransversim notatis ; caudd sicit Male. Crown of the head, back of the neck and ear-coverts dark blood red; throat black ; back and upper tail-coverts reddish chestnut ; centre of the wing black crossed with fine lines of white ; primaries black, externally margined with white ; two centre tail-feathers reddish chestnut tipped with black; the two next on each side wholly black; the three outer on each side largely tipped with white, which gradually passes into blackish brown at the base; chest delicate rosy red ; the remainder of the under surface scarlet ; bill orange yellow, passing into blue at the base; feet yellowish brown. Beale: Crown of the head and cheeks dark brown ; throat blackish brown; back and upper tail-coverts dull reddish; breast and all the under surface light sandy brown, becoming more yellow on the under tail-coverts ; centre of the wing blackish brown, crossed with lines a sandy brown; tail as in the male. Total length, 12 inches; dz/l, 17; wong, 5%; tail, 8; tarse, 3. Trogon ardens, Temm., Pl. Col. 404. : ird ived the specific appellation of ardens from M. Temminck, whose description and figure, Tuts fine bird received the s} a ¢ ie Rinake niche voseroe Gente blished in the ‘‘ Planches Coloriées,” was taken from a specimen o : I shed in the é s C ; a ; ete ages publishe : ‘euse, at Paris. His specimen was at that time unique, and was received from Min Baron Laugier de Chartreuse, : ’ 5 a hei 3 Was purche . od ° y ; fine colle t1On Was sold thi bird tog tl ny ot eS < . yirited reseal h Ss of Mr. Hugh 1M1ng that I am inde te 1f I t el now >] re ee ene ee example accompanied by a female has been recently transmitted } an e@Xad ~ ee aden ae her with many other rarities, which were collected at to the Museum of the Zoological Society, together j . Manilla . a . = as yoo". era throce vhalus oe a fini it is closel related to the other red-headed Species, such ‘Yy 7 ; : : pe T Dontte b listi ished from all others by the beautiful band of delicate ee ¢ sting uIsne I j ut, 7. ay" &e.; but may be disung E: Hodg soni, Ee. Dim dae, ¢ 5 , rose-colour which crosses the breast.